Upgrading the 626R cabinets & megawoofer

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Upgrading the 626R cabinets & megawoofer
« on: 14 Mar 2008, 07:37 pm »
I was recently fortunate enough to purchase a pair of 626R's with a few years on them...but almost fully upgraded (FST, TRT, Soundcoat, Megawoofers).  I'm running a strictly 2-channel setup for now and keeping my options open to a sub or center in the future...living in an apartment now so the sub would definitely have to wait.

The thing is, I would really love to be able to keep these speakers for a very long time and could easily see myself doing it.  However, the Bud Baily cherry cabinets (and that huge VMPS sticker on the back!) are causing me to ogle offerings from Salk Sound.  Even though I know it is all about the sound quality, I have a feeling that an MLS cabinet upgrade might help stave off any upgrade-itis.  But at $400 for cabinets, plus $300 for soundcoat and black hole 5 / SR-71, it is quite an investment.  Also, there are the new 40 oz megawoofers for $180.

I would love to do it, but really feel like I need to know it will give a significant sound improvement as well.  Can anyone comment on the difference in sound quality in the cabinet upgrade?  Ditto for soundcoat, black hole / sr-71, and the newer megawoofers.  I could definitely use deeper bass since I am not running a sub...but how noticeable would it be (if at all)?

Just for reference, I am running these through a Rotel RSX-1056 receiver, which is rated at 100 watts in 2-channel (and uses a Burr-Brown DAC).  Would this cabinet upgrade money produce a greater difference if it went into an amp or pre-pro?  I fall mostly into the camp of believing the source quality (music source), speakers, and room make the biggest difference...but I am willing to listen to everyone's ideas.


Edit:  Also, can anyone link me to pictures of the MLS walnut cabinets...Brian says those and rosewood are all that is available right now.  I've seen plenty of the rosewood but none of the walnut.  Thanks.


Re: Upgrading the 626R cabinets & megawoofer
« Reply #1 on: 14 Mar 2008, 08:43 pm »
Hi, these are 626R in Walnut.

Sticker on the back can be relatively easily removed. Start to warm the top of it with a hair dryer (not too hot), and slowly (slowly) peel it off. Glue residue can be removed with a cloth or cotton swab moistened with WD40. Really works and does not damage the paint. There may be problems if a hair dryer is too hot (it is then too hot for the fingers too), and if you go too fast because paper will tear apart.

Also, at the bottom of this page;
there are RM40s in MLS walnut.


  • Jr. Member
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Re: Upgrading the 626R cabinets & megawoofer
« Reply #2 on: 14 Mar 2008, 08:59 pm »
Thanks Dubravko, that is a great shot.

Now do I have any takers on the sound quality questions?  Also, if you want to make my bank account cry, please feel free to comment on how much better you think the RM30's are than the 626R's.  Maybe I need to skip the cabinet upgrade and go straight to the big boys?


Re: Upgrading the 626R cabinets & megawoofer
« Reply #3 on: 14 Mar 2008, 09:15 pm »
I am hoping to sell my VMPS speakers here in Havana.  I really want the RM30's as well.  Plus, I want a wood finish, the Piano black is nice, but boring. IMHO.

Early B.

Re: Upgrading the 626R cabinets & megawoofer
« Reply #4 on: 14 Mar 2008, 09:28 pm »
IMO, even if you "upgraded" your 626's or proceeded straight to the RM30's, you would still have to address the issue of driving your VMPS speakers with a receiver. Sure, Rotel makes decent gear, but you'll probably get better sound quality from separates. I'd pursue the separates route first, then worry about speaker upgrades later, if necessary.  In fact, with separates you may uncover the magic in your 626's that you haven't encountered yet.



Re: Upgrading the 626R cabinets & megawoofer
« Reply #5 on: 14 Mar 2008, 11:05 pm »
Have to agree w/ Early. Upgrade your amps/source first. I'm not a VMPS owner, but I've heard their products several times and realy like them. I heard an early RM40 itteration w/ Pass Labs amps at a dealer in DC that was stunning. The 626 I heard at the short lived Midwest Audio fest a few years ago were really nice too.

I'm an Odyssey owner and recommend them for very good yet affordable amps. Of course there is Van Alstine, Monarchy and other great companies that fly under the radar.

I don't know what you're using for a source, but 'shit in equals shit out' so look at that too. A squeezbox w/ an aftermarket PS is probably the best lowcost solution. Heck, stock SB ain't half bad. Get one modded by Wayne and you're all set.

In other word....chill on the speakers for awhile IMHO. They're not the issue here. IMHO


  • Jr. Member
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Re: Upgrading the 626R cabinets & megawoofer
« Reply #6 on: 16 Mar 2008, 12:24 am »
Thanks for the opinions guys.  I am indeed using FLAC files / digital out from Squeezebox Duet / DAC from the Rotel.  I guess I will look into separates.