Someone stole my CD's..

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Someone stole my CD's..
« on: 3 Nov 2003, 07:28 am »
Yep, somebody walked into my house last thursday night and took...

My Dad's car, since been found.
Mobile phones, car keys, watches, etc.

And my uni bag, including all of my best cd's.

Insured, but a lot of those CD's are out of print....  :cry:


Rob Babcock

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Someone stole my CD's..
« Reply #1 on: 3 Nov 2003, 08:09 am »
Damn, I feel for you, man.  I have insurance, too, but a lot of my discs would be irreplaceable if lost.

Thieves are lower than whale shit, IMO.  Nothing outrages me more than someone so disrespectful of others as to steal from them.  Cutting off their hands may not be out of line...


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Someone stole my CD's..
« Reply #2 on: 3 Nov 2003, 09:40 am »
Thieves should be shot.  Yes, I am serious.


Someone stole my CD's..
« Reply #3 on: 3 Nov 2003, 09:43 am »
I had a similar experience a few months ago. I lost my car, private laptop and the CDs I had in the car changer.

I support the sentiment about thieves.



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Someone stole my CD's..
« Reply #4 on: 3 Nov 2003, 10:54 am »
If I had what was owed to me from crafty, lying, theiving  Bastards back I would probably be a millionaire!

To bad about your lost,but $$ and material possesions are not everything. Have had to many people past through my life to waste it on the thought of loss. I feel for the people that are stuck betweeen a rock and a hardplace like the innocents that do not have a choice,but have to deal with life the way it has been dealt to them.Children in poverty or people torn apart by Chaos such as war.

Remember it can always be worst and be happy for the little things you do have. Audio is not everything although to those who teasure it ,it can seem to be at the time!



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Someone stole my CD's..
« Reply #5 on: 3 Nov 2003, 12:23 pm »

Horrible situation..  Check your insurance policy immediately and give them a call.  I don't know what your policy is like, but I am currently a renter, and my renters policy covers everything 100%....but even better, at retail and not used/depreciated value, or at replacement value if not available, and with no deductable.

If you are aware of exactly what you are missing that is out of print, the policy may provide you with replacement cost -- so as long as you can find it _somewhere_ you may be alright..  If this is the case, work quickly with them and identify all avenues where you can possibly purchase them again.   Granted there  may be items that just can't be found, but with the web these days, unless something is 100% custom, you can pretty much find anything (at cost) that has been out of print for some time..  So if the policy states this, start searching for those albums!

If you can't find albums through standard stores and searches, try here:

I was actually very surprised when I first learned this about my policy -- I had thought I would be getting something back, but didn't expect it to be so lenient.  It seemed to function as the complete opposite of every other insurance I have, and in a positive way...


Someone stole my CD's..
« Reply #6 on: 3 Nov 2003, 01:22 pm »
Thieves should be shot. Yes, I am serious.

Well, that would be quite difficult since he lives in Australia.  

Sorry about your loss PJ, and I hope you recover everything.  

Do you think more people are doing this now that there are such strict laws on guns there?



Someone stole my CD's..
« Reply #7 on: 3 Nov 2003, 05:03 pm »
My music was one thing, but worst case scenario, it would piss me off.

Basically I had my final EE project thesis due at 12pm  4/11. I was working on it all night to finish it off. (This was maybe 1000hrs of work- no joke). Left my laptop in the living room after i finished my final (and i mean my final of maybe 100 proofs) and went out. Went out with my mates. Came back (drunk) to get changed. Decided to check my email out of chance.

Moved my laptop out of it's case from the living room to my bedroom to check my mail. Went out again.

Got broken into whilst I was away. Took my (empty) laptop case, my uni bag, with all soft and hard copies backup.....I had soft copies on my mates computer, but several days old. With only a couple of days away, my final was changing quickly....

Luckily I got it all from my laptop, but I was  -->||<-- this close to loosing it all. I mean I can only make so many copies...any they picked almost picked them all up.............



Someone stole my CD's..
« Reply #8 on: 3 Nov 2003, 05:27 pm »
Sorry to hear about that PJ.  Glad to hear you got you final.

This reminds me to video tape all my equipment/software (whole house actually) for insurance reasons.

Tyson, can we take turns?


Someone stole my CD's..
« Reply #9 on: 3 Nov 2003, 05:53 pm »
I think we should institute chopping off of hands of thieves caught in the act.


Someone stole my CD's..
« Reply #10 on: 4 Nov 2003, 08:07 pm »
Too bad the Aussie government disarmed all of its law abiding citizens.  Now Aussie thieves can break in where ever they please with no fear.  Were anyone to attempt to break in to my house, their chances of being shot are 100%, and their chances of surviving are zero.  Sorry about your loss PJ, but think of the fun you can have replacing it all!