LS 36.5 Customer Feedback!

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LS 36.5 Customer Feedback!
« on: 20 Oct 2007, 03:32 am »
I woudl like to share some feedback that I have received from customers who have purchased the LS 36.5 as well as feedback from their spouses and 'Sig. Others'.

It is almost one month since I received LS 36.5. Appreciate your
fast service.  LS 36.5 is worth every penny in my experience. Like Dan told me before, it is a totally different animal or
level from SWL 9.0.SE.
- J. Chen 8.28.07

I won't comment, I'll just let my girlfriend talk, who happens to be a classical singer. She was mightily impressed with
the whole set as it was, but upon putting the 36.5 in, she commented that she could hear the orchestra and singer so much better! In her mind, a totally different recording!

The piece was Haydn's 'Arianna a Naxos', sung  by Teresa Berganza with the English Chamber Orchestra led by Marcello Viotti. My GF's a mezzo, like Teresa, and she used that cd intensively, in part preparing for the 'Internationaal Vocalisten Concours', of which the finals will be held next year.
- D. Haart 10.16.07

Unbelievable.  This thing is perfect.

The background is now abyssal blackness. The venue comes through on quiet passages like there's no recording at all. The detail is perfect - it's all there but in perfect balance. No freq is emphasized but the dynamics are dialed - leading edge dynamics make everything more real and kick drums are there. Even the usual bass doubled with kick drum comes through as bass AND kick.  Backing vocals and harmonies are all smoothly distinct. I have no difficulty picking out the voices of individual singers. And those smeared, garbeled lyrics are no more. I can hear every word and every nuance of a vocal.

And the cymbals...perfect. Positioning and timbre is spot on.

Remember I said this is the first pre I have heard that puts the relative size of vocals and stringed instruments in their proper proportions? Well, it's still true only now even piano is sized right. The sound stage is huge - like someone added two more speakers out there to the sides of the Andras. I have always had a huge soundstage here but this is not the usual loose, ambient soundstage that exists only with trick phasey material. This is a real musical soundstage where stuff happens.  And the channel seperation is super.
- A. Bradley 10.18.07 (LS 36.5 w/dual-mono supply)

I will share more feedback as it comes in.  The unit is also currently being reviewed for Dagogo, Stereo Times, Haute Fidelite (France), The Inner Ear (Canada) and reviews have already been published by 6 Moons and Tone.


Dan W.
« Last Edit: 26 Apr 2009, 05:48 pm by modwright »


Re: LS 36.5 Customer Feedback!
« Reply #1 on: 6 Dec 2007, 02:08 am »
I've had my 36.5 now for just about two months. I believe it's just about broken in now. I must say tthat this is an amazing preamp. The soundstage width and depth is enormous. The voices more focused and detailed than the 9.0, which i also had the opportunity to audition. The bass is deep and tight. I could go on with all the superlatives, but the bottom line is, it's worth every penny and more.
looking forward to hear what kind of improvements the outboard power supply would make.
