RAW RAV-6 mini review

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RAW RAV-6 mini review
« on: 9 Dec 2007, 11:37 pm »
     I want to thank Hank for allowing me a closer listen to the Rav-6 towers that he built from Al’s kit and Danny’s crossover design (gr-research).  I initially heard them at a local Lone Star Bottleheads meet and was impressed with Hanks woodworking and veneer, the speaker is very good looking and would fit right in on a dealers showroom.  It is a 2 way rear slot ported tower measuring 40”T 8.5”W and 11”D. It uses the RA104.5 Ribbons and GR M-165X XBL woofers- a good start and the reason why I had to get some more seat time outside of meet conditions.  Curiously RAW doesn’t have the RAV-6 on its site anymore and ill say right now that’s a shame as I have been on a speaker auditioning binge as of late and these smoke many of the usual suspects in the below 3K range (commercial).

     Hanks system is simple but smart. It starts off with a Sherwood CD980 CD player going coax into an Outlaw 950 Pre/Pro to an Acurus 200X3 SS (3rd channel unused for listening). I have not heard any of these components before so I don’t know their individual character. I suggest we take this little review as much of a total system audition as much as a Rav-6 audition. I suggested to Hank his room is perfect for some big arrays and he agreed, It has hardwood floors, a tall vaulted ceilings and opens into multiple open spaces as well as a foyer.  This had an effect on the RAV-6s ability to load the room with lots of low bass, but didn’t keep two goons from constant grins!

     I was a bit surprised to see Hanks setup of 11 feet apart with minimal toe in, I was more shocked on the first spin to hear the vast, full and tall soundstage. These speakers image monitor good and while they didn’t completely disappear they were able to project a soundscape past the outside edges of the speakers by a foot or two and even out into the room a bit when the recording had a bit deeper stage with a forward mic’d singer for example.  Something I’m not used to experiencing with dynamic cone speakers but find regularly with concentrics and horns. The sound field was not limited at all to between the speakers and on quite a few cuts could easily define a sense of the performance space. We played some cuts from Hanks Austin Symphonic Band, a large Symphonic work that was rendered better than it had any right to for a medium sized two way. The Rav-6s were able to separate individual instruments in the large symphonic works but still render them as a part of the whole. This is in line with my preference as I enjoy good separation but often feel some reference systems do this too much reminding me of a Nextel push to talk experience.  I guess most of the time we just simplify this too much and call it musicality. The Rav-6s are musical but also offer great details and tons of air and good low level details though I felt lacked the micro-dynamics to match the excellent snap and detail to guitar strings, horns, and cymbals that are directly mic’d. Maybe it was a bit of this strength of leading edge and detail outshining the micro-details but all are clean, clear, and are presented effortlessly.

     I felt the drivers really complimented each other and the crossover was seamless. Bass was tight, punchy, and full despite not being able to fill Hanks large open room with low bass. In a normal sized listening room I have no doubt that the Rav-6s will be able to satisfy most listeners. I also think there is something really special with the 165X woofer with its great bass impact, speed,  dynamics and its superbly rich midrange. We played with no toe in at 11 feet and the ribbon tweet couldn’t match the horizontal dispersion, fullness and weight of the 165X. Additional toe in resulted in even greater focus and depth of stage which is what initially made me make the trek to Hanks house from that first Bottlehead meet listen.  I might even be able to convince Hank to bring them over to see how deep they can stage without the Big TV behind them.

     Without a doubt I think this is a very good speaker and a steal in the kit form or the finished form if we can convince Al to offer them again.  Thanks again to Hank for letting me listen and pick his brain on his various DIY projects and musical interests.


Re: RAW RAV-6 mini review
« Reply #1 on: 10 Dec 2007, 08:13 pm »
Nice review, thank you for sharing your thoughts!! After hearing these speakers at the Bottlehead meet at my house I'd say you are spot on in your assessment. Fantastic sounding speakers and at their asking price it's a no brainer, hats off to Hank for such great work!! :thumb: :thumb:



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Re: RAW RAV-6 mini review
« Reply #2 on: 11 Dec 2007, 01:28 am »
Thanks to David for an interesting interchange of music and its reproduction preferences during his visit.  Yesterday, I took the old Sherwood Newcastle CD980 player out of service and replaced it with my new MHZS CD33 HDCD tube output player.  It's powered by the MHZS DAC (24-bit/192kHz), so David's next listen may just contain a tad more microdynamics  :wink:
John, I enjoyed the LoneStar Bottlehead meet at your house - you've got quite the equipment collection!


Re: RAW RAV-6 mini review
« Reply #3 on: 13 Dec 2007, 02:00 pm »
Hi Hank,
I was glad you could make it, good seeing you again. I need to get my butt over to your house someday as well as to one of your concerts, David
let me borrow your cd and it is great! I sure would love a copy(hint hint). I plan to have a get together when I get my LS9's, I'll let you know when
it is and hope you will be able to make it. See ya soon....



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Re: RAW RAV-6 mini review
« Reply #4 on: 14 Dec 2007, 01:11 pm »
John, we're playing a concert this Sunday at LBJ High School - it's a preveiw (minus one pice) of our December 22 concert in Chicago - hope you and your wife can attend:



Re: RAW RAV-6 mini review
« Reply #5 on: 18 Dec 2007, 10:10 pm »
Thanks for the review of the RAV-6 speakers Hank made.

Hank wanted a MT design with the woofer from Danny and at the time we had talked to Danny about a tower design using the M165X woofers as well with our ribbon.So we set in plan a motion with Hank building the test cabinet and send it to Danny as Hank is closer and faster than having us send a cabinet to TX as we have in the past.

With a little direction I persuaded Hank to build a slot port over the PVC port :green: in the finished speakers Hank built.

Danny did the crossover and we offered the kits at a low intro price to see how this RAV6 kit would sell.
Well demand for it was nothing! not a single sale less 4 inquires to the kit only.So we dropped the RAV6 kit along with the RA8 array kit.

Will they be up again no, but those interested in them can contact us and will can put a kit together for them.

Glad those who have listened to the RAV6 like them.


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Re: RAW RAV-6 mini review
« Reply #6 on: 19 Dec 2007, 01:36 pm »
Al,  I think the "no demand" is the result of the usual suspects not hearing them.  If Danny or you had them at your places for your group of acquaintences to listen to, I guarantee there would have been several postings about them.  They are quite the accurate speaker for small to mid listening spaces.

Merry Christmas from TEXAS!  :thumb: