RM/X: Making the wager

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Sedona Sky Sound

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RM/X: Making the wager
« on: 27 Sep 2003, 06:30 am »
After bi-amping my RM/Xs with Ampzilla 2000 monoblocs plus several other "secret setup modifications", I have now created a system that is closer to musical perfection than anything I have ever heard. The system now sounds better than even the RM40 Trinaural setup I did a few months ago :mrgreen:.

A lot of dealers (and owners for that matter) crow about how "my system is the best, blah, blah, blah...", but how many put their money where their mouth is? I feel so strongly that there is no better sounding speaker that I am willing to take that step. Here is the deal:

For folks that are currently in the market for high-end speakers, I will pay for your gas or airfare (up to $150) used to come and hear my demo system if you purchase a more expensive pair of speakers within 30 days. All I ask is that you be willing to spend a few hours listening to the demo (and give me the opportunity to tweak to your personal taste). To collect, you just need to fax me a store receipt showing that you paid $11k+ for a different pair of speakers AND state that you purchased it because it sounded better than the VMPS RM/Xs.

Happy listening.  



making the wager
« Reply #1 on: 28 Sep 2003, 04:58 pm »
Another bold statement, well taken.
   Credit to Mr. Brian Cheney.


RM/X: Making the wager
« Reply #2 on: 29 Sep 2003, 02:17 am »
So the wager doesn't hold if you feel a sub $11k system sounds better?  (Not that I'm in the market for anything of this caliber.)

Sedona Sky Sound

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RM/X: Making the wager
« Reply #3 on: 29 Sep 2003, 03:37 am »
Hello BradJudy,
While I believe the system is better than anything at any price (up or down), I just could never figure out a way to limit the potential fraud if I opened it up. By limiting it to people that buy a more expensive pair of speakers, it basicaly shows 1) they had the money to spend and 2) they decided to spend the money on something that (presumably) sounded better to them.

I was just afraid an "any price" wager could lead to problems with folks that confuse "best possible sound" with "best possible sound within my budget" (a rampant problem within the AVSForum newsgroup). It would also be very difficult to protect myself against actual fraud (someone could give me a receipt for a $100 jambox and then tell me they spent $150 on gas  :nono:)

That being said, I am more than happy to do a demo for anyone that wants to hear them. I don't mind demoing to folks that can't afford them since 1) that person may be able to afford them in the future, 2) they often have friends that can afford them, and 3) I am sure that they will be so excited by what they hear that they will tell their friends (which is good advertising for my business).    

So when are you coming over? :wink: :lol:  



RM/X: Making the wager
« Reply #4 on: 29 Sep 2003, 12:53 pm »

I certainly understand why you have to do that.  

If I'm ever in Austin I'll give you a ring - I would certainly love to hear a RM/X setup.  I don't have much reason to be down there though.  I was down there once several years ago - ever been to a BBQ place out in one of the dry counties called 'The Salt Lick'?  



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RM/X: Making the wager
« Reply #5 on: 30 Sep 2003, 06:04 am »

You may have already seen this, but you have been discovered here. Consensus from the crowd seems to be that you're a cheapskate, and this is a "come-on". I guess I can understand this, as some people (especially those further away) will have to make a trip of this. This means airfare, hotel/motel, meals, and other such expenses. $150 is a drop in the bucket when talking about $11K+ speakers, and such expenses.

So I guess this is an opporunity to prove just how serious you are about "put(ting) (your) money where (your) mouth is"..if you want to increase the amount. Texas is not exactly a hotspot for those with such discretionary income either, so they must actually have some serious interest to indulge in such an offer. Plus, you only pay any money to them IF they like some other speaker better, say so, buy another speaker that costs $11K+ within 30 days, and show proof of a receipt.

Please take no offense..I'm just the messenger (in a way). I'm sure you have already thought some of this all through. Feel free to reply to them if you like :D

Sedona Sky Sound

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RM/X: Making the wager
« Reply #6 on: 30 Sep 2003, 07:30 am »
Hello Sa-dona,
Thanks for the heads-up. I saw that this morning and have already responded via Private Message to many of those individuals. Since I am not allowed to sell to most areas in central California (that territory is owned by Brian, John, and Jim), New York (now owned by Rup), Denver, DC, or Chicago, that pretty much leaves me with the areas that are flown by Southwest Airlines (with round trip tickets as low as $60 in some cases). I am more than happy to pick someone up and drop them off at the airport (and maybe even provide lunch if they ask nicely) so there actually is not too many situations where it should cost more than $150.

For 99% of the potential buyers, this offer should be win-win. If they like the sound of my RM/X/Ampzilla combo (and I think a very large majority will), then the trip has probably saved them 10's of thousands of dollars. If they think something else is better, then the only thing lost is a little bit of their time (and even then I hope they enjoyed their RM/X listening session). So far, I have had two separate people comment that my system was significantly better than a JM Lab Grand Utopia system at another dealer (even though my system is 1/10th[?] the cost).

I personally have never heard of another high-end audio company making an offer like this (I couldn't even begin to imagine how much money most high-end audio stores would loose if they did  :o ). If the system does not live up to my claims, then I will likely not be in business long. Success in the high-end audio business is based upon trust and word of mouth. If I loose people's trust by making false/exaggerated claims, it would not take long for the word of mouth to spread that fact. If that happened, I might as well shut my doors since there is no way I could build a suitable client base to actually make a living. I also get zero advertising dollars or other kickbacks from Brian so any losses come directly out of my pocket.

As for the AVForum posters, I understand their skepticism. With any luck, I will have a major magazine editor out to hear the system in the next few weeks. Hopefully a good word from a "golden eared" reviewer will help back up my claims :mrgreen:.

Happy listening.


RM/X: Making the wager
« Reply #7 on: 30 Sep 2003, 04:36 pm »
Hey Julian,
It was me that started it all at AVS... :D
I hope you don't mind... :)

doug s.

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RM/X: Making the wager
« Reply #8 on: 30 Sep 2003, 07:14 pm »

i was gonna respond to that thread, but as i don't like movies, i dint wanna join.  so, i'm taking the liberty of responding here.

anyway, re: cost-effective speakers, i know of two folks that unloaded spendy speakers in favor of rm40's, if this means anyting.  one guy had w/w/p6's, the other had the m-l prodigy's.

re: speakers sourcing parts & assembling their own iteration, i must disagree w/ya that this would mean speakers sound pretty much the same. even if ya had two speakers with *identical* drivers, crossover points, crossover materials, wire, etc; they would likely sound a lot different from each other, depending on cabinet construction, size, shape, driver orientation, etc.  while speaker building is certainly a science, it is *at least* as much an art form, imo...

of course, i *do* agree that mfr's like brian cheney, who make many of their own drivers, are adding yust that much more of their own personal stamp on to their designs...

doug s.