More customer reviews of the 11A line preamplifier posted.

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Hello Everyone,

     Some more customer reviews are filtering in on the 11A line preamplifier. Customer comments can be found at:

Fairly new is my friendly forum at:

R&D is done via multiple testing methods, not "rule of thumb" or simple "voicing"; which are not stringent enough to indicate all the specific problems with a preamplifier. The preamplifier and ICs are the only components that can be checked this way.


ps. Some posted reviews from my customer review page.


9-08-07: A group auditon took place including the BBBB, Modwright 9.0 SWLP (maxed out):

"I thought that every preamp that we listened to at the BBQ sounded very good but the SAS 11A sounded the Most lifelike to my ear's.thanks....WCW III"

"As was pointed out, I did find the SAS to be the most accurate, and hence most desirable preamp sonically."


"Not long ago, I had the SAS 10A to audition...that I compared to my Modwright SWL 9.0 and Juicy Music Blueberry. It performed better than the Blueberry and on par with the Modwright. The a welcome addition, and a nice step up from the 10A."


Steve,, this pre is "top shelf",,I currently have it thru odyssey mono se's to a pair of Carver Amazings,,,it's gonna be difficult for me to box it up and ship it on to Weez,,,organic,man,, organic,,,as soon as I receive the address,I'll ship it on,,I've got it "dialed in",,,it's so good,,it's scary---thanks for the opportunity to let me/us audition such a fine piece of gear----george"

More customer reviews at my site.


« Last Edit: 24 Oct 2007, 09:12 pm by Steve »