Typical cartridge *types* and stages used with Technics 1200?

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Apologies if this too general of a question. But knowing that all you vinyl lovers like to share the love of vinyl, you'd enjoy passing on your knowledge.

Short Version:

Are you Technics 1200 owners using MC or MM type cartridges? What other electronics (e.g. stage) are needed for your choice of cart. to work (for you)? Interested in cart. types and amplification, not exact model numbers. Prices also are useful.

Long Version:

In my weeks of research on the Technics SL1200/1210 I have read reviews and articles here and elsewhere. It is hard for a vinyl newcomer like myself to put the reviews into context. The main difficulty I have is knowing what is in the system the writer/reviewer is using. Specifically the cartridge type (MM/MC/LOMC, etc). And is that with a stepper, stage, preamp, etc? I really want to start a POLL thread, but I feel in my niavity, I would omit a major area.

So.....I really want to know, for starters, just here in the circle, what the technics 1200 owners use for:

 - Type of cartridge (xMC, MM) - and avg price
 - With an external stage  - and avg price
 - With a preamp - and avg price
 - With a stepper - and avg price

NOTE: Not looking for the exact Abc123-X model number (it would take weeks to understand each model) just the general type of elements.   

I have a feeling most are using MC cartridges with a very good stage. I know there aren't exact formulas to this (part of the fun) but knowing the other parts of the recipe really help understand this area better.

I plan to start off with a KAB 1200/1210 but trying to figure out the rest (value per sonic enjoyment) to use in my very modest mid-fi system. Denon/Tetra. And likely going with a KAB cartridge pkg.

Thanks! Ed


Benz Micro Glider L2, the list on Benz carts includes a trade-in but expect to pay > $600.  I am presently using the Jolida JD-9 phono stage which lists @ $450 but there are NOS tubes in it which of course raise the price.  The Jolida is tube buffered and has lots of gain and flexible settings which is handy with MC.
I recently read a review of the HO Glider which compared it to a Grado wood bodied cart.  The reviewer found the Glider too "honest and preferred the Grado.  The Benz carts are honest enough for my taste.  I was the first member (other than woodsyi himself) to try woodsyi's Benz MC-3 and that experience led to my purchasing the Glider.  I previously had the older version KAB "Groovemaster" MM w/ an improved cantilever/stylus.  Had an Audio Tecnica OC-9MKII and an Ortofon MC20 Super MKII which are LOMC but once I heard the MC-3 and its huge image, terrific extension @ the extremes, I was hooked. 


Thanks guys, good start.

Others, care to add yours?


So far I've had good luck with the Grado wood body that is about 300 bucks.
I also had nice results with the Dynavector 17D3 and the Sumiko Blackbird....

I've got a nice Hagerman trumpet with step up transformer if you are interested,
just PM me..

good luck on the project!


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I have a KAB Groovemaster, KAB modded Trackmaster I w/ Stereohedron II stylus, Audio Technica AT25 integrated headshell cartridge, Ortofon X-5 moving coil.

My phono stage is a Monolithic Sound PS-1 w/ outboard dual mono power supply.  My entire system is 100% solid state.


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Right now I'm using a Clearaudio Aurum Beta S (MM, $650) and the phonostage of a Nakamichi CA-5 preamp that a picked up on eBay for $265.  The Nak phonostage is really very good, BTW -- beats MF LPSv3 handily.


Using a Denon DL-110 and an AT OC-9MLII, with a Graham Slee ERA Gold MK V, using cinemag step up transformers with the OC-9, the DL-110 is very big sounding, the OC-9 more detailed.



I'm thinking as you, looking at the Technics and Grado combo. In the spirit of the thread however I am using Shure M97Xe, and Bellari tube phono preamp. Don't get either of those.  :lol:


I'm also using the Jolida JD-9A phono stage with my 1200MKII. It's definitely helped me get better sound out of any cartridge. It's probably the least expensive phono stage I'd recommend if you're really serious about vinyl or want to try a moving coil. You need the loading / capacitance fine tuning to get the most out of a cartridge, especially a moving coil. There are phono stages with finers steps for tweaking, but pricier... I'm loving the Jolida.  No "itch" to upgrade at all. I've experimented with using a few different 12AX7s in it. I've found the stock Chinese tubes seem to have a little less gain than most other 12AX7s and the unit seems to be tweaked to sound best with them. Asking for matched pairs of tubes that test with outputs on the lower side may be a good idea if you want to try some different tubes.

I've got a Shure M97xE that sounds pretty nice through the Jolida... Good tracker... Does have thickish midrange... noticable dropoffs at the frequency extremes... Pleasant enough, but definitely not a "reference" sound. Before getting the Jolida phono stage, the highs sounded kind of "hard" and "bunched up" on this cart. The Jolida and a little tweaking of the capacitance setting opened things up and balanced things out nicely.

I've also got a Denon DL-103 and a DL-103R. I actually prefer the plain old DL-103 which you can get a great deal on by buying it on eBay from a couple different sellers from countries where it sells for less. The 103 sounds incredibly balanced and detailed for something with a spherical stylus. Very pleasant to listen to... Almost CD-like accuracy with a little extra warmth. My "dream cartridge" would be the Benz Ace which is said to sound much like the 103 with a little more "air" and realism... a little more "effortless"... I think that's more than I'll ever spend on a cart though. The Benz Gold is looking interesting... May try one when the 103 wears out... or not. I'm pretty happy with the old 103.

The Audio Technica AT-440MLa seems to be all the rage right now... They say it's a little warmer than the older non "a" version. I didn't like that one... did sound pretty thin to me. It did have good clarity and track well though. Might have to give the new version a try. Have also heard great things about the Denon DL-110 from people who's opinions I respect.

... and I'm still curious about the Ortofon OM-20 Super. It's supposed to sound pretty accurate and smooth for a $150.00 moving magnet. I was going to buy one and ended up buying the Denon DL-103 instead. Still liking the Denon and haven't had the urge to do any more cartridge shopping... yet... LOL
« Last Edit: 2 Sep 2007, 07:30 am by royphil345 »


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Welcome to AC :thumb:



 :thumb: THANKS!!  Just stumbled in while doing a search...


OK, this turntable equip is making more sense to me now! Thanks for the posts! It seems that a lot of AC members have fairly swanky 12xx setups. I will start a little more simplistically. Where I currently stand in my process of putting together a nice TT setup a KAB SL1210 TT with fluid damper:

Cartridge undecided: I have narrowed down the cartridge options to these in my price range:

HOMC- Denon DL-160 cart with a Sumiko HS12 Headshell 180+40   < the Johnnyb53 (audiogon) recipe!


MM- KAB/Ortofon Concorde Pro S30 Integrated Cartridge
(239)     <  this one is in the lead. favored for plug-and-play usability* and all-round playability (based on research)  *I want to get to the music and not be a tech.


MM- Audio Technica 150MLX cart  + SL12xx stock headshell  < sensible sound kudos

Any clear standout for my use based on the info below?
btw chose the KAB S30 over the S40 based on being kinder to used vinyl. Note that I plan to contact Kevin at KAB to discuss this topic as well.

Music will be (evenly divided):
80s euro pop (current vinyl library - VG-Excellent condition),
Modern indie and alt rock, pop, electronica (New condition)
Classic R&B, soul and some rock and Ella type jazz (vintage/used/bargin bins condition)

Associated system will be:
Denon AVR 4306 receiver
Graham Slee- GRAM AMP 2 SE  (MM and HOMC) --ToBePurchased
tetra120 bookshelves and sub
ICs  likely Venhaus pulsar (copper+Ag) currently used with my DAC
Sound Dead Steel Isoplatmat  --ToBePurchased

thanks and enjoy your music ~ed


Thanks for posting this, you are at the same decision making point that I am. I look forward to any answers you will get from this. Like you, I am leaning towards the KAB/Ortofon S30 setup.


Jim, I just ordered my KAB 1210 this week - decided to go with the Audio Technica 150MLX cart from another vendor. Great to talk to Kevin at KAB about the TT's options. Ordering the Graham Amp 2 SE preamp this weekend.

Enjoy your music ~ed


   What prompted you to go the AT 150MLX route? Did you order any options with the 1210? I after lots of reading, I am leaning towards the fluid damper, maybe the arm rewire.


   What prompted you to go the AT 150MLX route? Did you order any options with the 1210? I after lots of reading, I am leaning towards the fluid damper, maybe the arm rewire.

Jim, I chose the AT 150MLX based on good reviews in the media online. various vendors have different prices and can be 1/3 off. so I am guessing it is a better value that the s30. I have no experience with any cartridge by name. It's all a shot in the dark in reality.
With the 1210 I am getting the Cardas arm rewire, external PS outlet(for potential future upgrade), and fluid damper.
