HELP! my Sig 30 and subwoofer wont play nice

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HELP! my Sig 30 and subwoofer wont play nice
« on: 14 Apr 2007, 09:22 am »
I've been using the Sig 30's pre outs-->Behringer BFD equalizer--> single sub without problems.

Today I got 2 more drivers and one plate amp to make some dipole subs, my present sub to go in the corner.

I put a Y-splitter on each of the Sig's pre-outs, so 2 L and 2 R cables going from each pre-out.

One L and one R cable combined through Y-splitter(combiner now) --> equalizer's L channel --> pair of dipole subs.

The other L and R pre-out cable --> Y-'combiner' --> equalizers left channel.

press play hoping for glorious 2.3 sound and instead get shite sounding mono from my B200's  £$&*%+@!

What's happening here, some sort of cross talk or impedance issue? When I unplug the Y-combiner from the equalizer the problem persists, so it must simply be the Y-combiner combining the L and R channels.

How to get all 3 subs going? Do I have to buy another equalizer to avoid channel summing?

Any input greatly appreciated.



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Re: HELP! my Sig 30 and subwoofer wont play nice
« Reply #1 on: 14 Apr 2007, 04:05 pm »

How to get all 3 subs going? Do I have to buy another equalizer to avoid channel summing?

You'll have to look at the specs for the Behringer.  I'm not familiar with that one, but it does seem that most of the less expensive digital EQs do summ the channels and output only a mono sub signal -- even if they have two output connections.

The AV123 R-DES is like this -- two inputs, two outputs, but the inputs are summed as soon as they enter the box and then fed to the EQ circuitry.  Much cheaper to build one equalizer than two, and with this ever-persistent myth that bass frequencies are non-directional, I suppose most manufactures figure one EQ circuit is enough.




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Re: HELP! my Sig 30 and subwoofer wont play nice
« Reply #2 on: 14 Apr 2007, 10:34 pm »
Just to clarify, I think I have excluded the Behringer,  as the problem is there still when I unplug the splitter from the Behringer.

Thanks though,


the BFD definitely keeps it stereo as it is designed for full range system not just subwoofer

Vinnie R.

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Re: HELP! my Sig 30 and subwoofer wont play nice
« Reply #3 on: 18 Apr 2007, 04:19 pm »
Hi Bevan,

I apologize for the delay... I've been away at the FSI Expo in Montreal.

I emailed you the following info:
Do not use a splitter with the RCA outputs of the Signature 30.  The volume controlled RCA output signal also is fed into the amplifier, so if you join the L and R signals together at the RCA outputs, you are essentially joining them together going into the amplifier board inside of the Signature 30 and you will get mono.

You can split the signal after it passes out of the Berhinger.

If you sub has a separate L and RCA input jack, this will be fine too!
If you have any other questions, please let me know.

Best regards,