DD in stores today!

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Rob Babcock

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DD in stores today!
« on: 29 Jul 2003, 06:28 pm »
Okay, I imagine Bubba got his days ago, but for the rest of us today is the day to pick up DareDevil.  I'm pretty anxious; I know I nitpicked the movie quite a bit, but that's just my way! :lol:   Overall I really like it.

Any other big releases today?


DD in stores today!
« Reply #1 on: 30 Jul 2003, 12:13 am »
Well Rob, you imagined wrong this time... :lol:

I picked mine up at BB today rather than a week ago for 2 reasons. First I figured that BB might have some exclusive for DD as they've been doing a lot of exclusives lately. And second is it cost's me a lot more to buy them early. So it was about 35% cheaper to buy it at BB. And as I'm trying to save some cheese to buy a new Pioneer DV-AX10, I don't need to waste money buying things early right now.

Though I was quite tempted to pick it up a week ago as I liked DD a good deal.

Other new releases today were Spider, Solaris (most boring/sleep inducing movie of the year), a new American Pie & Pie 2 package w/odd bonus disc, and some other crap as I recall.

My only pickup at BB this week was DD.

Rob Babcock

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DD in stores today!
« Reply #2 on: 30 Jul 2003, 01:04 am »
I bought DD and Andromeda 2.1; I really love the series, and I kept up buying 'em the day they came out until season 2.  Still gotta get 2.3 & 2.2, but I don't wanna blow my toy budget all in one day.

Man, that's a spendy player.  What is it about that player that makes you willing to spend the big bucks on it?  Just curious; is the picture that good?  I think you could almost buy a Camelot Roundtable from AudioAdvisor for that amount of money.


DD in stores today!
« Reply #3 on: 30 Jul 2003, 01:54 am »
Yeah, the AX-10 isn't a cheap deck. Even at the very, very good discount I'll be getting one at it's still a decent chunck of change. As best I can tell the local shop that's got a few of them got them from Pioneer on a closeout, which would explain the price they're selling them for.

I'm looking to pick one up as I'm fond of Pioneer's usual video feel, as well as their user interface. Not to mention I'd like one hell of an overbuilt interlaced player. And it is also the matching DVD deck for my Hi-Vision LD player.

I'd probably still do it even if DHL didn't ruin my new DV-S755Ai.

I 'spose I should check out Andromeda at some point, huh?

Rob Babcock

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DD in stores today!
« Reply #4 on: 30 Jul 2003, 04:00 am »
I really dig the show, but I'm a big scifi fan (Lex, Farscape, Star Trek TNG, Babylon 5, etc).  It's really cool to see Hercules, Highlander, etc also come out, too.  About time the suits realized that all those old shows made their money off ads & syndication; the content is essentially "free" from their point of view.  It's a chance to cash in again on the same stuff, and I'll gladly shell out my money for stuff like that.