Transports make a difference and whats better hard drive???

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Hi audiophiles....I want to know if its a waste of time buying a c.e.c 51xr or 51 transport only for a external dac or any hi end transport versus a Linux base PC had drive for music.

Three different engineers told me fancy transports are a waste of money.

Whats yr opinion? Thanks for your anyone familiar with the Monarchy dac m24?

I am using a lap top using windows...Linux is zero latency but you need to know someone to set Linux up. I heard its awesome. I don't want to waste my money on a hi end transport and find out later the PC Linux stuff smokes it.


Re: Transports make a difference and whats better hard drive???
« Reply #1 on: 2 Mar 2007, 11:42 pm »
PC is better than a "State of the Art" Wadia, so I would say it's probably better than the CEC.


Re: Transports make a difference and whats better hard drive???
« Reply #2 on: 2 Mar 2007, 11:47 pm »
Can you be more specific....what PC combo was it? I never really cared for Wadia I had there old gear.

I heard good things about C.E.C. and Olive mods Red wine....but I heard windows can really suck with audio because of latency issues and ripping.

Thanks for responding   :D


Re: Transports make a difference and whats better hard drive???
« Reply #3 on: 3 Mar 2007, 12:01 am »
Contact TomS for the exact model was the latest and greatest that Wadia has..well at least he got it upgraded to the latest.  Now he uses a Bolder modded SB2 with super dee duper power supply fed from his wireless network.

I use a PC with dual core 2.8 with 4g Ram, dual 300g HD's with USB out to an Empirical Audio I2s Off Ramp to an Empirical modded Benchmark Dac-1...sounds pretty darn good to me.  I use Foobar 2000 (ASIO, and Secret Rabbit Code)  no windows audio crap for me...

Rest of the system is Dodd battery based tube pre, Symphonic Line Kraft 400 mono amps (doubt you know what these are) and Salk Signature Sound HT3 speakers...

Analog is Teres 265 turntable to Hagtech Cornet phono pre (modded by bolder cables) SME IV arm. Tonearm rewired by Ridge Street Audio. Symphonic Line RG8 cart.


Re: Transports make a difference and whats better hard drive???
« Reply #4 on: 3 Mar 2007, 01:22 am »
you guys are getting way ahead of me on this..foobar???? lol...I feel like an infant Empirical Audio I2s ?


Re: Transports make a difference and whats better hard drive???
« Reply #5 on: 3 Mar 2007, 01:31 am »

Click on "computer audio" for info on his products.

Foobar2000 is a software audio player


Re: Transports make a difference and whats better hard drive???
« Reply #6 on: 3 Mar 2007, 04:43 pm »
It will help if you also read the Squeezebox threads here and at Slimdevices' website. Simplifying a lot, you have a choice between: 1) an external USB device like the Empirical Off Ramp with a software player like Foobar, or 2) an integrated network player like the Slimdevices Squeezebox or Transporter, which you can use either wired or wireless. Both routes circumvent any Windows sound issues completely and, as others said, would be as good or better than any reasonably priced CD transport as sound source.

I understand the Monarchy D24 is as good as anything several times its price, but I have not listened to it. With the full analog and digital Bolder mods for the Squeezebox, many of us find we don't need an external DAC.

I would not recommend Linux unless you're willing to go the extra mile on learning about it. I have used it for many years and still encounter some problems.


Re: Transports make a difference and whats better hard drive???
« Reply #7 on: 3 Mar 2007, 05:25 pm »
Thank you so much for the info...I will do some research on all the info you recommended.