How are you connecting your PMC's..mono, bi, or tri-wiring?

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  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 64
The PMC line allows for single wire, bi-wire, and tri-wire connection depending on the speakers they have in their lineup. I own the IB1's for fronts, CB6 for centre, and TB2+'s for rears. I have backed off spending thousands in cables have chosen to put $$ towards components. I own new generation Mcintosh gear. My dilemma is how best to hook up to the PMC speakers I own. Have any of you done direct comparisons between mono, bi, and triwiring to them. Perhaps I should just go single wire and use jumper to the other terminals. Any valuable advice or insight? Thanks. Dave


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 41
Re: How are you connecting your PMC's..mono, bi, or tri-wiring?
« Reply #1 on: 6 Mar 2007, 11:51 pm »
Hi Dave,

There has and will continue to be much discussion on this subject. 
I personally didn't find much improvement bi-wiring my LB1's, what made the biggest improvement to my system was bi-amping.  This brought me tangible improvements to image, depth and weight of the music I listen to.  My taste in music varies from heavy rock through to classical organ played fairly loud at times depending on whether the family are around etc.

Probably the best advice would be is to see if your local dealer can lend you some decent leads so you can compare the different methods of hooking up your speakers and listen to what your ears tell you.
I haven't spent a fortune on speaker cables, I bought mine (Chord Odyssey) second hand on EBay and they are a big improvement on the QED silver anniversary cables that I started with.

Hope this helps.




  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 39
Re: How are you connecting your PMC's..mono, bi, or tri-wiring?
« Reply #2 on: 7 Mar 2007, 07:34 am »
Try tri-wiring the IB1s. 
I am using 2 runs of Mogami 2972 (4-cores of 2mm) to each speaker, one cable feeds the mid and top, the other feeds the bass with the 4 cores paralleled up as two conductors.
The extra grip the thicker cable (4mm) has on the bass is remarkable, it's certainly the best
I've heard the bass on my organ 'torture' tracks sound, and the extra weight and definition and depth
on 'extreme' synthesised bass from such artists as Yello and Kraftwerk etc is unbelievable. 
The mid and top also benefit from not having to share the bass signal, sounding much more open and relaxed,
with much better sense of the artists performing in their own space within a huge soundstage.
I'm also using Mogami W2549 balanced mic cable for my interconnects (shield connected to ground at the source phono), and for the balanced connections between my SP1.7 and 4B-SST and 9B-SST.
My speakers are the same as yours except that the rears are TB1s.
I hope this helps.