Hi Protien Oatmeal

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John Casler

Hi Protien Oatmeal
« on: 22 Jan 2007, 08:05 pm »
I eat Oatmeal most every morning for brunch (10:30/11:00ish)

But it is not just any oatmeal, or should i say not cooked and served in a normal way.

First I should mention that I just came across a new Oatmeal called "Coach's Oats" that absolutely kills, in taste and texture.

I can't explain why it is better than others, but it is in taste, and texture.

I make mine Hi-Protein and crunchy.

1) First I cook it

2) I add a scoop of Vanilla Flavored High Protein Powder

3) I add a scoop of Non-Fat Powdered Milk

4) I add a large handful of Walnuts

I mix/blend all those together in the bowl and then add a little non-fat milk.

Man, I gotta tell you it is AMBROSIA.

Just the right blend of crunch, texture, and flavors.

Not to mention just about a perfect Breakfast, and the crowning glory is eaten everyday, it does plenty of very healthy things to your body.

MmmmMmmm Good.

I found them at COSTCO, but below is the website.



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Re: Hi Protien Oatmeal
« Reply #1 on: 22 Jan 2007, 10:30 pm »
Well John, I'm a lapsed natural food person. Spent many years involved in macrobiotics and I guess I am still guided by that discipline.

I used bulk rolled (or steel cut) oats, and cooked in dulse, cabbage and onions. I know that sounds horrific to most of you guys but it is actually delicious and very bracing. Let me know if anyone isn't repulsed by this suggestion. It's definitely not the same as milk and nuts and raisins.


Re: Hi Protien Oatmeal
« Reply #2 on: 22 Jan 2007, 10:55 pm »
I've eaten oats as my breakfast for about 13 years ( I'm 18 now)   ,   I use cooked water instead of milk,   that is something I changed about a year ago.    I started eating healthy in jan. 2006,  my new years resolution.  I was fed-up with all that junk food and sugar, my friends call me crazy when I refuse to eat crisps or snacks. :thumb:

alan m. kafton

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Re: Hi Protien Oatmeal
« Reply #3 on: 22 Jan 2007, 11:42 pm »
Nice recipe, John. I've been eating organic oatmeal for quite a while, as my first meal of the day. Trader Joe's has a nice one, with individual packets (it's quick-style), and includes flax seed. I usually put in a good handful of fresh blueberries after it's cooked. Yum.

I like the idea of the protein powder with the oatmeal, since I usually make a tall glass of this (with filtered water) once or twice a day as a snack, and to keep hydrated. I'm using a whey protein....is that what you use as well? I've specifically avoided soy-based protein due to its supposed relationship with higher estrogen levels in the post-40 male. What'cha think about this?


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Re: Hi Protien Oatmeal
« Reply #4 on: 23 Jan 2007, 12:00 am »
Damn. If I ate that healthy I'd shit myself to death.

Seriously, my wife gets some kind of oatmeal at the health food store... and it's pretty good. I watch her eat it while I have a donut.


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Re: Hi Protien Oatmeal
« Reply #5 on: 23 Jan 2007, 12:01 am »
I must be lazy. I just use 1 cup of raw dry oats, 2 scoops of chocolate protein and 1 tbsp of natural almond butter with ice cold water. It mixes up like cake batter and I eat it 3 times per day.

No cooking, just mix and eat it raw :drool: