SA-1 vs SSR

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SA-1 vs SSR
« on: 7 Dec 2006, 12:35 am »
I have been pondering the SA-1 kit when now I start to read so much about the virtues of the SSR.  Can any one who has heard them both, including Rick, tell me a little about the differences and similarities?  I listen to jazz, blues, and classical the most but I like anything that is well recorded.  I have McIntosh ss amps and also so vintage tubes.  I am anxious to hear some thoughts or opinions. :duh:

Carl V

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Re: SA-1 vs SSR
« Reply #1 on: 7 Dec 2006, 01:26 am »
I auditioned the SA1 in my home.  It was a very nice sounding
speaker.  In fact it was better sounding then some other well
regarded 2ways I/we had available at the time (they weren't cheap).
The beauty of the SA1 was it's Value.  It could be built into a
pre-made Madisound cabinet. And it's drivers were competent &
capable of good performance.  To be perfectly honest DIY guys
can be a fickle lot...we chase after the latest & greatest. When
in Fact the SA1's midwoofer is quite good & has been used in some
nice commercial offerings.  The popularity contest of the "darling"
of the qtr. or year can be harsh....back in High School & in the
world of Hi-Fi.  Re badged & marketed with a lot  of flowery prose
the SA1 could & would be sold in a B&M salon @ a nice price.

The SSR uses  damned nice driver (s)...more expensive to be sure
& 'better' engineered.  It's more expensive & geared for Higher performance.
I've never heard the wasn't at the RMAF--at least I didn't see it.
I have heard speakers using that and similar drivers. i.e.,ACI XL sapphires
among others they perform quite well.

My guess is you need to audition these & see where your tastes lay.
If you as fickle as most of'll always wonder 'what-if".

Rick Craig

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Re: SA-1 vs SSR
« Reply #2 on: 7 Dec 2006, 03:42 am »
I have been pondering the SA-1 kit when now I start to read so much about the virtues of the SSR.  Can any one who has heard them both, including Rick, tell me a little about the differences and similarities?  I listen to jazz, blues, and classical the most but I like anything that is well recorded.  I have McIntosh ss amps and also so vintage tubes.  I am anxious to hear some thoughts or opinions. :duh:

The SA-1 is a very good speaker but the SSR takes things to another level. In my opinion it's worth the extra $. The upper octaves are essentially the same but the Scan-Speak woofer in the SSR has greater dynamic capability and bass extension. The more sophisticated motor of the woofer is also lower in distortion so the mids are cleaner at high output levels. Both speakers are easy to drive with solid state or tubes. Hope this helps.


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Re: SA-1 vs SSR
« Reply #3 on: 7 Dec 2006, 08:07 am »
The SSR with its Scan-Speak Revelator 7" woofer would be superior to the SA-1 with the Vifa woofer. The Revelator should produce better lows and a cleaner more transparent midrange, the highs of course would be from the identical tweeter in each, though the crossovers may be a bit different. The Revelator drivers are known as being one of the very best for detail and transparency though you'd see a slight advantage with the smaller 5.25" driver here, losing some lower bass in the process. Some people still feel though that with a paper cone you still get some coloration and warmth, but some people also prefer this sound. Also, the SSR should provide greater output capacity. Myself I chose to go with the Tanzanites a 3-way design with the Seas Excel woofer and Morel dome midrange including the same Fountek ribbon tweeter. There are some good reviews of speakers including the popular ACI Sapphire XL using the 5.25" Revelator driver with an off-axis dome tweeter, and custom cabinet to draw increased bass extension.

It's worth noting that the SSR's are about 34% more expensive than the SA-1's in standard kit form.
« Last Edit: 7 Dec 2006, 08:18 am by musicman06 »


Re: SA-1 vs SSR
« Reply #4 on: 7 Dec 2006, 11:41 pm »
Thanks for the input.  I don't know where I might find a pair to check out in the St. Louis, MO. area.  I guess I will keep my eyes open and maybe the chance will come up for me.  I afraid Rick may come out with another combo that sounds good before I can make up my mind.


Re: SA-1 vs SSR
« Reply #5 on: 8 Dec 2006, 01:01 am »
Frustrated, please tell us more about your room size, whether you anticiapte running a subwoofer(s) with new speakers, what you have now (and what would you like to hear improved), what aspects are important to you (eg. detail & speed, tonality & timbre, etc) etc and we will be better placed to help you.

I have a sealed pair of the SSR's (with the Deluxe crossovers), running with a sealed sub, and can tell you that this combination is as convincingly lifelike as any speakers I have heard (including some up to $60k). The excellent imaging of standmount speakers, along with seamless full range performance that most multi-way speakers (without subs) can't touch. And, the use of standmount speakers (limited bass extension) with a subwoofer (locate anywhere) provides greater ability to avoid nasty room modes (especially important in smaller rooms).

There is a wonderful coherence and continuousness with the SSR's, along with excellent weight, body, image depth, tonality and timbre. They are very transparent and neutral, ignore the "ScanSpeak = warm and coloured" cliche. If the recording is warm, you will hear warm. If the recording is cold or bright, you will hear it that way. These speakers will highlight any weaknesses in the rest of your gear, but fix those and you will be rewarded with the most natural sounding music I have heard to date (this includes ribbons, electrostats and dynamic cone speakers). All the detail is there if you care to focus on it, but it is presented as a seamless whole and is all the more musical for it. And, these speakers have excellent dynamics and really rock ... even in a reasonably large sized room like mine (see my footer below). Most standmount speakers are good for acoustic and small scale jazz etc, but the SSR's (with subwoofer) are excellent on all genres, including rock and symphonic.

BTW, in purchasing and building the SSR's, and communicating with Rick and reading his posts here on AC, it has become quite evident that he is given to severe understatement and underpricing of his speakers. It would have cost me the same just to purchase all the parts here in Oz, and this is without assembled crossovers and design (Rick has really nailed the crossover on the SSR). The fact that these speakers cost pocket change and equal or outperform many speakers costing tens of thousand of dollars, makes them a no brainer. Mine were the first pair in Australia so I was unable to audition them before buying the kit. They use great drivers and Rick is a master crossover designer so they promised to be pretty good but, not having heard them, I was ready to ditch them if they didn't outperform my previous speakers ($5k ribbon hybrids - a magazine reviewer's reference speakers, and EISA award winning $6k 3-way cone speakers). Needless to say, I can't see myself looking for speakers for some years now.  :drool:

Sorry to sound so gushy but the SSR's really are THAT good and I want to help fellow enthusiasts understand that you don't always have to spend megabucks to get great sound.

Hope this helps.  :D


Re: SA-1 vs SSR
« Reply #6 on: 8 Dec 2006, 01:41 am »
uhhhhh.....ditto what DSK said

And for everyone out there with doubts, read the SSR thread and remember: "I told you so."


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Re: SA-1 vs SSR
« Reply #7 on: 8 Dec 2006, 01:59 am »

I'm thinking along the line of the SSR also for another system I'm putting together.  I'm in Wildwood.  Let me see if I can talk Rick into sending a pair out this way for audition.  I know of at least a couple of other people who might be interested in that speaker.



Re: SA-1 vs SSR
« Reply #8 on: 9 Dec 2006, 01:07 am »
Ok, I admit it.  I have a problem... I want to take every speaker I see and hear home with me.  I have also started to build them now and collect vintage speakers.  I feel like the black hole for speakers.  I am not really trying to fix any particular weakness just continuing on my journey.  I have two systems.  One upstairs with the vintage Bozaks and a pair of 1986 Klipschorns in the basement.  I like to rotate in some JBLs, ARs, Celestion, KEF, and some DIY creations.  I enjoy the synergy that seems to come with different combos.  I have two really poor rooms.  My living room is about 12' X 15' and my wife controls its content although she is relatively cool about the audio equipment.  My basement room is about 12' wide and about 20' long.  I was thinking that I would like to try the SSR in a sealed version and if needed do a diy sub.  I have an inexpensive sub and have never been very excited about what I got from it.  I have been following Rick's path for the last couple of years and i think he is doing things right.  Thanks so much for your thoughts.  One of my friends is building the last North Creek Rythum and I am anxious to hear the Scans.  I think that will push me over the edge.   :?

Rick Craig

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Re: SA-1 vs SSR
« Reply #9 on: 20 Dec 2006, 01:47 am »
Ok, I admit it.  I have a problem... I want to take every speaker I see and hear home with me.  I have also started to build them now and collect vintage speakers.  I feel like the black hole for speakers.  I am not really trying to fix any particular weakness just continuing on my journey.  I have two systems.  One upstairs with the vintage Bozaks and a pair of 1986 Klipschorns in the basement.  I like to rotate in some JBLs, ARs, Celestion, KEF, and some DIY creations.  I enjoy the synergy that seems to come with different combos.  I have two really poor rooms.  My living room is about 12' X 15' and my wife controls its content although she is relatively cool about the audio equipment.  My basement room is about 12' wide and about 20' long.  I was thinking that I would like to try the SSR in a sealed version and if needed do a diy sub.  I have an inexpensive sub and have never been very excited about what I got from it.  I have been following Rick's path for the last couple of years and i think he is doing things right.  Thanks so much for your thoughts.  One of my friends is building the last North Creek Rythum and I am anxious to hear the Scans.  I think that will push me over the edge.   :?

The balance of the SSR parts have arrived so I should be shiipping the demo pair to St. Louis in a few days  :D


  • Industry Participant
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Re: SA-1 vs SSR
« Reply #10 on: 20 Dec 2006, 01:56 am »
Lemme know Rick.  I'll be out of pocket for a few days over the holidays.
