DL 103 cartridge, needing 6 grams of weight on shell??

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  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 18
I read about the DL 103 cartridge, that apparently it sounds better with 6 grams added to the headshell. When I mentioned this to the guy in the shop (hi-end audio shop in Tokyo) he looked at me as if I were mad. It is actually the first cartridge I have ever bought. And it is now on my Pro-ject Perspective, waiting for me to set it up properly (I will try!). What do you think? May I just as well leave it with no extra weight? (I guess it was not ever designed for that extra weight, right?)
Thank you!


Re: DL 103 cartridge, needing 6 grams of weight on shell??
« Reply #1 on: 19 Jan 2007, 04:51 pm »
Audio karma... :D This makes absolutely no sense to me. Maybe you miss-read something? Given that most cartridges track at around 1.5 to 2 grams, you would destroy your C. and your records rather quickly this way.


Re: DL 103 cartridge, needing 6 grams of weight on shell??
« Reply #2 on: 19 Jan 2007, 06:21 pm »
woodlandjustin ,
Are you talking about simply adding mass to the headshell, but still adjusting the tracking force to factory specs, or???


Re: DL 103 cartridge, needing 6 grams of weight on shell??
« Reply #3 on: 19 Jan 2007, 08:33 pm »
Hey Justin,

The actual downforce, or VTF, should be set to the mfgr specifications.  usually it should be around 1.5 grams to 2.0 grams.     6 grams is not correct.

If you're playing around with the position of the cartridge in relation to the tonearm and platter you might print out the template that www.enjoythemusic.com has on their site.    Cut a tiny hole in the paper
for the spindle and you're all set.

On a side note, i recently ordered the AT 440MLa cartridge from Garage-A-Records and ordered the $1 cardboard template that they sell from Rek-O-Kut.  Odd enough, this template is a little difft from the Enjoy the Music one, and i like the sound produced when i match the ETM specs versus the Rek-O-Kut.    Both are good tools though, and the price is right.

literally, i just figured out how to install and remove cartridges in the last few weeks.  Its a lot easier than i thought but does require a steady hand, good eyesight and patience.      My biggest fear was damaging the tiny lead wires going to the cartridge clips - my phono wires are captive - one bad move & i'd need a new TT.   I have broken 2 of the 4 so far, but each time it was a $20 repair and just a few days without tunes since the wires broke at the solder joint.


Re: DL 103 cartridge, needing 6 grams of weight on shell??
« Reply #4 on: 19 Jan 2007, 09:49 pm »

As the AT440MLa "pimp" I'd like to know what you think of this fine cartridge. I like the tracking at 1.4-1.5 grams.



Re: DL 103 cartridge, needing 6 grams of weight on shell??
« Reply #5 on: 19 Jan 2007, 09:56 pm »
Hey Wayner,

the 440MLa is dope as all get out.   I only have about 30hrs on it so far,
but i'm blown away by the tone, tracking performance and 3-D imaging.

i've never had 'layering' before...the images have always been fairly linear although the soundstage is deep.

now the drummer is far back, the lead singer is up front and the musicians are spread far apart in the same plane as the lead singer...its a trip to say the least.

For the $, is there another cartr that even comes close?

i'm so impressed that i've considered selling the 440MLa, my Grado Gold + new sylus and the orotofon cartr i've been listening to temporarily to buy the 150LX...but i think i'm gonna stick with the 440MLa.


Re: DL 103 cartridge, needing 6 grams of weight on shell??
« Reply #6 on: 19 Jan 2007, 10:09 pm »
The Denon 103 cartridge needs around 2.4 grams of VTF.  Some people have found that some additional mass added to the headshell is beneficial.  What they mean is after some extra weight is added the tonearm the VTF is reset to the recommended 2.4 grams.  The Denon 103 is a fairly low compliance cartridge that likes heavier mass tonearms.  On a tonearm with a removable headshell, one way to add mass is to use a heavier headshell.  I believe Sumiko sells one that is 18 grams as well as one that is 12 grams.  By comparison a Technics headshell weighs 7.5 grams.  I recently purchased a used Denon 103R from a member here and am waiting for a 12 gram headshell to mount it.  Of couse your TT setup will be different from my SL1200 but you get the idea.  Hope that helps.



  • Full Member
  • Posts: 845
Re: DL 103 cartridge, needing 6 grams of weight on shell??
« Reply #7 on: 19 Jan 2007, 11:23 pm »
Hey Wayner,

the 440MLa is dope as all get out...
For the $, is there another cartr that even comes close?

No sir. Enjoy it!


Re: DL 103 cartridge, needing 6 grams of weight on shell??
« Reply #8 on: 20 Jan 2007, 03:24 pm »
Is there a rule of thumb in regards to the sound that the diamond's shape & size
produces?     This is the smallest diamond i've ever seen, i had to touch it with my finger just to make sure it was there.

Also, with the tiny tip riding so low in the groove, does this make the normal set-up adjustments more or less crucial?     azimuth, vtf, anti-skate, cartr alignment, etc...

the 440MLa runs circles around the Longhorn'd grado gold in terms of a more pro sounding presentation, less colored & rough sounding than the Gold.  there's so little surface noise.  with the gold, there is a signature woooshing sound right when the needle is dropped - before the stylus gets to the music grooves.     i barely hear pops or ticks or the whoosh or anything, just good music.  The 1 mv reduced output of the 440 may play a part in this too.

Wayner, do you or others glue the removable stylus shell?   its odd that it doesn't lock securely into place somehow, the inner surfaces are all smooth.  i was thinking about roughing it up somehow & listening prior to getting super glue anywhere near it.   It pulls off easily with a tug, but hasn't budged since the installation. 

the main reason i jumped into vinyl was to transfer my folks LP collection to hard drive & cd's.   I've always been hesitant to devote the time to complete the project since so many little tweaks have affected the quality of the signal profoundly...i figure at some point the right piece of the puzzle will fall in, and this cart may be it.  I don't use software to change the file whatsover, just for trimming & cutting tracks.  The quality of the signal chain & cleanliness of the LP are everything.       


Re: DL 103 cartridge, needing 6 grams of weight on shell??
« Reply #9 on: 20 Jan 2007, 03:57 pm »

I glued my stylus assembly to the 440ML/OCC I have.  The price of the cartridge is only $5 more than the stylus assembly...so why the hell not (as is oftentimes my motto)?

Can't really say if it helped...can't possibly believe it hurt any.  A more secure anything on a cartridge seems to be the right direction.


Re: DL 103 cartridge, needing 6 grams of weight on shell??
« Reply #10 on: 20 Jan 2007, 06:22 pm »
I have added "plast-i-dots to my AT440MLa. One on each side on the body and one so that when the plastic stylus protector is swung up, it gets squished. My theroy on that was that the stylus protector could vibrate. I think I may actually take it off.  :duh: