New networks for the Criterion.

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Danny Richie

New networks for the Criterion.
« on: 27 Jul 2003, 12:02 am »
Okay it has been on my mind for a while and I started working on it earlier this week.

The Criterion has sounded good, but not as good as the Diluceo. The Diluceo has had better detail and a more airy sound with better image height, etc. The Diluceo also has had a lower crossover point of 2.5kHz compared to the Criterion's 3.4kHz.

So I configured a parallel network for the Criterion similar to the Diluceo.

It allows the drivers to cross a little below 2.5kHz.

I burned them in for a little over a day, and they really sounded good, very similar to the Diluceo's sound.

I also got a couple of pairs of Criterion's back for repairs on Friday (stretched ribbons) so I repaired the pair that came from the East coast and did some side by side A/B comparisons.

It didn't take a lot of listening to hear big differences.

The new paralleled network had greater detail and let the speed of the ribbon really shine. This was more due to the lower crossover point than anything. It was also more airy sounding. There was a greater sense of space around vocals and instruments.

The brush strokes of brushes on snares and symbols were so clear with the new version it was scary.  :o

Images had better height with the paralleled crossover too. Each time I switched back to the old pair the vocal height dropped down some.

Positions were switched on the stands but the results were the same.

The new version is just more lively and involving. Sound is now very much like the Diluceo's just lacking the higher sensitivity and the added feel and kick of the second woofer.

I was also using the custom built high quality A/B switch the Gary Dodd built for me.

Measurements of the new version show an much improved vertical off axis response. This will allow a greater verity of stand heights to be used.  :thumb:

The horizontal response looked great too. Out to 20 degrees off axis is still flat as a pancake, like less than +/-.5db from 1kHz up except for a little swing up and down in the very top octave that was indicative of the tweeters response in that area.

Power handling of the ribbon will be less with these new network, but I don't see people using these as high volume speakers and it may never be an issue.  :|

All in all I am all smiles.   :mrgreen:   I love it when something good gets even better.


New networks for the Criterion.
« Reply #1 on: 27 Jul 2003, 07:34 pm »
Sound's like it's time for another evaluation.  I'm hoping to get some folks from the Chicago area (or Wisconsin) to split the shipping charges.  Hey Audiojerry, Nathan, etc., are any of you game?  I'm sending me AVA gear back to get upgraded by the Doctor (Frank) so I won't have a system to test this stuff on.  I will pitch in for shipping and bring the Ellis with for a test.  I have the new crossovers installed and they sound good. More "lush" than the A version but still very detailed and transparent, at least on my system.



New networks for the Criterion.
« Reply #2 on: 27 Jul 2003, 10:42 pm »
I would be up for splitting the shipping with you J-Man...I have been wanting to hear Danny's speakers since we talked about them months ago! Let's get this going and get those GR-Research speakers out here! :beer:


New networks for the Criterion.
« Reply #3 on: 29 Jul 2003, 01:02 pm »
Great to hear about the improvements, Danny. The theory of a simple series crossover was one of the many things I liked about the original speaker, but results should be the only criterion :wink:. I hope its tube-friendly, flat impedance and phase stay the same (not that I am pushing you to post them on the website right away!).

I believe the modified Criterions need to be identified as such when they go out for tests, Criterion P (parallel crossover) perhaps, or if you decide to keep the modification as standard, Criterion II?



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New networks for the Criterion.
« Reply #4 on: 29 Jul 2003, 02:50 pm »
just saw the thread today...

Danny, I think you may have corrected the one reservation I had about the Criterions: they had a very romantic, dark character, which made listening very easy and non-fatiguing, but there was a lack of air. This is why I ended up favoring the ProAc 1SC even though the Crit's had stronger bass and higher output. Now the scale may tip to the Criterion's favor.

Jackman, you can count me in if Danny decides to send a pair out, but I'd still prefer trying the Diluceo.  

Danny, have you ever tried internal Bybees on the + and - leads to either the tweeter, midbass, or both?


New networks for the Criterion.
« Reply #5 on: 29 Jul 2003, 05:15 pm »

If I remember correctly, I received the Criterion demo cherry pair from you.  I thought that demo pair did have a bybee filter on the tweeter.  Perhaps Danny can verify this or not.

I have ordered the Diluceos, soon to arrive I'm told, with bybees on both tweeters and woofers wired internally.  So I know that he can add them if desired.



New networks for the Criterion.
« Reply #6 on: 30 Jul 2003, 12:28 am »
Quote from: audiojerry
Danny, have you ever tried internal Bybees on the + and - leads to either the tweeter, midbass, or both?

Jerry, I think Bybees are only beneficial on the + lead of the driver. Everytime I've heard of them being used on a speker (be it internally or in the cable) they've only been used on the + lead.

Danny Richie

« Reply #7 on: 30 Jul 2003, 03:10 am »
Okay, I believe I am going to upgrade the other review pairs to the new design.

You guys can check them out all over again if you like.

Danny, have you ever tried internal Bybees on the + and - leads to either the tweeter, midbass, or both?

It made more difference in my system on the tweeter and here at GR it is a subtle difference. In other systems it can have a greater effect.

Mike Garner of Cryotweaks said that at his house they made a big difference on his speakers on the woofer and on the tweeter.

If I remember correctly, I received the Criterion demo cherry pair from you. I thought that demo pair did have a bybee filter on the tweeter. Perhaps Danny can verify this or not.

After repairing the Cherry pair Bybee's were installed on the tweeters.

I have ordered the Diluceos, soon to arrive I'm told, with bybees on both tweeters and woofers wired internally. So I know that he can add them if desired.

Darren just e-mailed me pics of your Diluceo enclosures and the center sections of your stands and they looked really good! He said he is going to give them two more coats of lacquer still. He does really good work!