Preconceptions Shattered by the XRS’

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Preconceptions Shattered by the XRS’
« on: 29 Sep 2006, 02:03 am »

Over the last 30 years I’ve owned the Large Advents, Klipsch La Scallas, Dahlquist DQ-10s, Martin Logan CLS’, large JBLs and various Magneplanar models to name just a few.  Through decades of experience with these speakers and others, I've developed preconceptions regarding loudspeakers that have been thoroughly shattered by the Omega XRS. 

You see, I recently moved into a smaller space and needed speakers for the new room.  I chose the XRS’ because they were getting great reviews, reportedly had superb build quality and were the perfect size for my new digs.  I figured I could use the excellent sub-woofer that I already own to augment the low-end of the XRS’.  To say I was stunned when I first hooked up and listened to the XRS speakers is an understatement.  Why?  Because of the incredible bass these speakers were creating.  It seems ridiculous to talk about the bass emanating from speakers with 4.5” drivers, but there it was, in spades.  I recently had a DJ friend over and played him Poi Dog Pondering’s Electrique Plummagram CD (PDP plays turned-on, tripped-out, world soul music. It‘s a beautiful collage of sound!).  Anyway, after listening for a while, I walked over and removed the grill covers from the XRS‘ and you should have seen his jaw hit the floor when he realized that all of that sound was coming from those tiny drivers.  He insisted there had to be a woofer either inside or on the back of the cabinet!  It’s not just the quantity of bass that’s impressive, but it’s probably the highest quality of bass I’ve ever heard.  It’s impact, texture and definition is beyond belief!  My subwoofer will be collecting dust from now on as there’s no way I’ll be mucking-up the excellent XRS bass by adding a sub to the mix.  No, the last octave isn’t there, but who cares when you‘ve got bass this taught, tuneful and real sounding?  The resolving ability of the XRS continues from the bass up through the midrange and treble regions too.  This was the other huge surprise for me because I had come to believe that only large planar speakers had this kind of resolving power.   

Of course I’ve owned speakers that are more extended at the frequency extremes, but I’ve never owned a speaker that sounds so right that I completely forget about the gear, because I’m so busy pulling out all of my favorite albums and hearing tones and textures in them that I’ve NEVER heard before.  Listening to the Omegas is one of those rare “EUREKA!” moments that make this hobby so much fun.

Omega is an appropriate name for this speaker company because I am dead-certain this is the last speaker system I will ever own.  I absolutely love them!

I have a couple of questions.  Are the XRS a single chamber bass reflex design?  Or dual chamber like one of the suggestions Fostex has made for this driver?  I only ask this out of curiosity because the tuning of the system is perfect.  Finally, is the internal wiring solid or multi-strand?  I’m thinking about trying solid conductor speaker wire, but this may be made moot if the internal wire is stranded.

Thanks for these wonderful speakers!  At the price they are a gift.   :drool:


Re: Preconceptions Shattered by the XRS’
« Reply #1 on: 29 Sep 2006, 10:48 pm »
Out of curiosity, which amp do you have driving the XRS?


Re: Preconceptions Shattered by the XRS’
« Reply #2 on: 30 Sep 2006, 01:00 am »
Hi Michael,

I'm driving the XRS' with an Audio Analogue Primo Settanta integrated amp.  It's a 70/wpc solid-state design that reportedly uses some kind of unusual chips in its bridged output stage.  From what I gather, one of Jeff Roland's amps uses the same output devices and/or topology.  Of course this much power is extreme over-kill as I'm probably only feeding the speakers 5 watts each max.

My digital player is the Cambridge Audio Azur 540D connected to the amp with Cryo-Tweaks silver cable.

This combo makes music   :D


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Re: Preconceptions Shattered by the XRS’
« Reply #3 on: 30 Sep 2006, 02:52 pm »
Welcome to the world of single driver speakers.  The coherence, active drive, imaging advantages, and focus on the all important midrange can't be beat.  Louis does miracles with those little Fostex FE127E drivers. 

Wonder what you'd think of "really good" single driver designs based on the Visaton B200's or Fostex F200A's??


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Re: Preconceptions Shattered by the XRS’
« Reply #4 on: 30 Sep 2006, 03:22 pm »
Welcome to the world of single driver speakers.  The coherence, active drive, imaging advantages, and focus on the all important midrange can't be beat.  Louis does miracles with those little Fostex FE127E drivers. 

Wonder what you'd think of "really good" single driver designs based on the Visaton B200's or Fostex F200A's??

JLM... Have you personally auditioned the XRS'?


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Re: Preconceptions Shattered by the XRS’
« Reply #5 on: 1 Oct 2006, 04:08 am »

I was nodding my head in agreement as I read your post.  Your reaction is identical to my initial impression of the XRS -- which I shared in a post several weeks ago.

My enthusiasm for my XRS and 2A3 SET has only increased in the past few weeks.  I am still stunned.  Every album I play triggers a new wave of delight.  I, too, am hearing very familiar music in a way I've never heard it.  I have probably heard Jimi Hendrix's Electric Ladyland a thousand times, but a recent listen to the album on the XRS system was utterly gripping...very, very powerful...afterwards I felt as though I'd been dipped into to some beautiful, lost world (corny perhaps...but I don't know how else to convey the emotion).   

What I am hearing is ridiculously good.  Even a normally flat sounding ipod has a rich quality and depth when piped though the tubes and XRS.  I am looking forward to getting my hands on a decent turntable and some good vinyl...I can only imagine.

Enjoy your music. 


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Re: Preconceptions Shattered by the XRS’
« Reply #6 on: 4 Oct 2006, 05:19 pm »
That's just awesome.   :rock:  Look forward to getting mine. 

Louis O

Re: Preconceptions Shattered by the XRS’
« Reply #7 on: 5 Oct 2006, 01:37 am »
Hi  toobwacky,

Thanks you so much for your amazing post and I’m thrilled that you’re enjoying the XRSs. I do have to admit when I first tried out the prototype I was looking for more bass than the standard Super 3. Deeper and more output, but what I got surprised me as well. This doesn’t happen too often.

The design is ported and I do things a little differently here. The alignments aren’t traditional and I rely on converted sealed box alignments. I came up with a set of parameters that I have used since the beginning. The internal wiring is stranded, but you can get great results with solid core to your amp. If you want to buy a set of solid core cables I would go with DNM Reson and skip the termination. Not too expensive and sounds great.

Jimi Rules and on Vinyl the sound is in another world.

Thanks again,