What are people using as surrounds?

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What are people using as surrounds?
« on: 17 May 2003, 02:45 pm »
I'm about to take delivery on a pair of RM40's and an LRC.  Am thinking I will go w/a pair of 626 ribbons for surrounds, but am curious what others are using for a multichannel setup.  I'm concerned that the dipole surrounds, lacking the ribbon, won't be a great match for the  40's and LRC.  

Thoughts/experience anyone?


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What are people using as surrounds?
« Reply #1 on: 17 May 2003, 03:24 pm »
I believe Brian is working on a ribbon dipole surround.  You may want to wait for that if you prefer dipoles.


What are people using as surrounds?
« Reply #2 on: 18 May 2003, 12:37 am »
I A/B/C'd the existing VMPS dipoles against Def Tech and Klipsch dipoles at Today's Audio. The VMPS dipoles were easily, to my ears, the worst of the three. I'd wait for the ribbon dipoles...I bet they'll be great and given their drivers will be the right match for the 40's and LRC.

Sedona Sky Sound

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What are people using as surrounds?
« Reply #3 on: 18 May 2003, 05:41 am »
When I talked to Brian on Thursday, he said that he did not have the Ribbon Dipoles in stock but could have a pair ready in a week or two if someone ordered them. The price was $900 plus any upgrades (Auricap, etc.).

The choice of the Ribbon Dipole versus the 626R is basically a personal one. For a 100% Home Theater set-up, the Ribbon Dipole is probably your better choice (THX standard). However, if you are interested in listening to multi-channel SACD/DVD-A, then the 626R is a much better choice (multi-channel music is mixed with all monopoles as the standard). Personally, I use the 626R in my demo setup and am quite happy with the movie performace, but YMMV.



What are people using as surrounds?
« Reply #4 on: 18 May 2003, 11:42 am »
Thanks for the feedback.  My previous setup used monopoles (Waveforms) w/very wide dispersion for surrounds -- these worked very well.  I listen to music more critically than music in any case, and now have top drawer DVD-A capability, so the 626Rs may be the way to go.

In addition, I have an old pair of Def Tech. dipole surrounds and am wary about spending more $$$ on a dipole that doesn't use the same components as the fronts and center.   The ribbon dipoles, when available, may be more than I want to spend anyway.


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What are people using as surrounds?
« Reply #5 on: 19 May 2003, 01:07 am »
This is not as easy as a single pat answer for all situations and for all rooms.

In general the side surrounds would be dipole (ideally) and the rear surrounds would be monopole. This is in a 7.1 setup. DVD audio assumes a 5 identical speaker setup in a circle (ITU) pattern.

For DVD (any movie) with surround sound the dipole is preferred because the mix engineer doesn't substantially change it from the mix used in a PRO movie theater and a diffuse surround field in generally desirable for movie tracks.

I expect that the dipole surround would be a big hit for VMPS


What are people using as surrounds?
« Reply #6 on: 27 May 2003, 03:23 am »
I've been using Def Tech BP10s at the sides, and BP8s for rears.  I originally thought this setup would be a stop-gap until I could add more VMPS ribbons, but I've been very pleased with the results and don't feel a great need to change.


What are people using as surrounds?
« Reply #7 on: 27 May 2003, 03:28 pm »
Here is a suggestion for rears for the VMPS's speakers that might be a little unconventional.   How about Maggie MGMC1's?   I am using them as mains and they sound like they might be a good match to the VMPS RM series as surround duty.  They are dipole, visually they match the tall and slender look of the RM40's and they can be mounted on the wall.

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What are people using as surrounds?
« Reply #8 on: 28 May 2003, 02:25 am »
Quote from: Sedona Sky Sound
When I talked to Brian on Thursday, he said that he did not have the Ribbon Dipoles in stock but could have a pair ready in a week or two if someone ordered them. The price was $900 plus any upgrades (Auricap, etc.).

The choice of the Ribbon Dipole versus the 626R is basically a personal one. For a 100% Home Theater set-up, the Ribbon Dipole is probably your better choice (THX standard). However, if you are interested in listening to multi-channel SACD/DVD-A, then the 626R is a much better choice (multi ...

The existing VMPS Dipoles are really Bipoles, so it is possible that the new surround speakers will be bipoles also. Bipoles being in phase act like monopoles with a wide dispersion. In my opinion this would be perfect, and since the speaker will have 2 mid and tweeters it may have an advantage over the 626 as a surround speaker. It would also be possible to configure the speaker to fuction as either a bi or di with jumpers that can be cross connected. Monitor Audio uses this approach on their surrounds and it is simple and flexible. If Brian does not offer this option I think it would be fairly easy for someone to modify.

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What are people using as surrounds?
« Reply #9 on: 15 Jun 2003, 02:39 pm »
Quote from: Sedona Sky Sound
When I talked to Brian on Thursday, he said that he did not have the Ribbon Dipoles in stock but could have a pair ready in a week or two if someone ordered them. The price was $900 plus any upgrades (Auricap, etc.).

It has been a while since the above post so I was wondering about the progress and any details regarding Ribbon Surrounds.


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What are people using as surrounds?
« Reply #10 on: 16 Jun 2003, 12:34 am »
I had Maggie MGMC1s as surrounds went I first became a VMPS dealer. They are excellent as surrounds and match OK with the VMPS.

I think now that Brian is offering a ribbon based surround speaker that would be my choice. If you really can't afford the 900 each less discount price then the maggies woud be a good choice since they are approx 900 per pair. Given that most VMPS dealers discount and Maggie dealers do not. The street price is fairly close (25 to 30% more for the VMPS surrounds)

The VMPS should be particularly better for SACD and DVD-audio


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What are people using as surrounds?
« Reply #11 on: 16 Jun 2003, 10:39 am »
$900 each for surrounds is a bit steep compared to about a grand for a pair of 626R's.  You'd have to have a pretty big room to get any real benefit IMO.

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What are people using as surrounds?
« Reply #12 on: 16 Jun 2003, 11:18 am »
Quote from: AVB
$900 each for surrounds is a bit steep compared to about a grand for a pair of 626R's.  You'd have to have a pretty big room to get any real benefit IMO.

Many home theaters and my music room will not accomodate surround speakers that must be positioned away from the walls as most monitors, especially those with rear ports must. Even though what you are proposing may be the best for music it is not ussually posible and may not be the best for home theater or a combined music/ home theater room.


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What are people using as surrounds?
« Reply #13 on: 16 Jun 2003, 12:58 pm »
If you can buy 626R of a grand a pair then you can buy these for 1,100
MSRPs are:
$800 each 626R
$900 each Ribbon Surround

Personally I think this is justified. Double tweeters and double mid-ranges alone justify Brian's price.

Triad Gold surrounds are 1100 or 1200 each (can't remember precisely)
Triad Silver Surrounds are $650 each.

Brian's surrounds should sound better and match perfectly to the other VMPS speakers. 626R, LRC, RM40, RM/X


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What are people using as surrounds?
« Reply #14 on: 16 Jun 2003, 01:17 pm »
The 626R in kit form is $650.  Take off the discount and you have about a grand a pair,

The Ribbon Dipoles are $900 each and there is no mention of a kit so I can't assume one.  With a 20% discount this is about  $1450 or a third more then the 626R.  I'm not saying the price isn't justified, I'm just saying that $1500 delivered is alot for surrounds for most people.

Since the ribbon dipole is vaporware at the moment, this whole discussion is moot.