New focus for Response Audio & some clearance

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Bill Baker

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New focus for Response Audio & some clearance
« on: 12 Feb 2006, 02:55 am »
After evaluating 2005, especially the last few months of the year, I have been talking with the other boss (my wife) and realized we need to sit back and regroup for changes in 2006.

 Last year was a very good year for Response Audio but unfortunately, caused myself to get a bit overwhelmed. With the number of EXtreme Hurricanes ordered, the initial batch of the Bella SP/AV-1 selling out within 4 days and the large number of Reference 3205 amplifiers ordered as well as consumer products sent in for modification, I did get behind quite a bit and would like to apologize to those here at the Circle that may have been effected.

 I also had the move back in October and then a large number of scheduled auditions that took away from my time at the benches causing further delays.

 For 2006, I will be deviding my time equally with retail sales (scheduled auditions) and custom modification work. This means cutting back a bit on mod scheduling to allow time spent with consumers coming in for auditions.

 Also effected by these changes will be the featured products I will have on display and available for audition.

 The following lines will be showcased:

* SP Technology Loudspeakers - I am working on bringing in the entire line of these speakers with the Timepieces already on order and then the Continuums. I hope to have Revelations as soon as possible.

 * Usher Loudspeakers - While I cannot bring in every model available in the Usher line, I plan on starting with the 6371 and 8571. Obviously, I will have the X-series as well as the little S-520. The D2s are already here and if my demo pair does not sell, they will obviously be available for audition.

 * ModWright Instruments - While I already have the SWL 9.0SE linestage, I will be adding the phono stage as soon as it becomes available.

 * Luminance Audio - The first Solid State amplifier to make it's way into the lineup.

 * Jolida - Obviously, the Jolida line will continue to be an established product at Response Audio.

 * There are also other products that have been at Response Audio for some time and will continue to stay with us. I mention the products above as many are fairly new to us or are going to be more of our mainstream showroom lines.

 The EXtreme Hurricanes and Monsoons as well as our Signature/Reference 3205 continue to be our #1 modifications and/or best selling products. I will however, have to let a few of the other mods go such as those that are not part of my normal lineup. I will not be taking in products that I am not familiar with or have not been exposed to in the past. I still have to find the time to build my own EXtreme Hurricanes and/or Monsoons.

 Because of these changes, I will be clearing out a few products which can be found on the "Specials" page of my website and will be adding more shortly as I go through my inventory.

 My wife will start working with me in the store on a regular basis to help get caught up on the current work load as well as fortcoming ventures.

 I still have every intention of releasing the Musica Bella 300B amplifiers as well as the linestage. These were put on the back burner mid last year when things started to get crazy.

 Lastely, I have not taken a vacation in over 10 years and REALLY need one. I am not taking in ANY further custom work until all current projects are done and I get some time off.

 If you have made it this far, thanks for taking the time to read all of this post. Your thoughts are greatly welcome.


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New focus for Response Audio & some clearance
« Reply #1 on: 12 Feb 2006, 03:49 am »
Good for you Bill.  Take a break after the bench order is cleared.  May I recommend this place.  It really is like  Fantasy Island -- a very far cry from the blizzard in upstate NY. :lol: Check around and you can get a good deal and go for all you can eat -- food and service is excellent.

Kevin Haskins

New focus for Response Audio & some clearance
« Reply #2 on: 12 Feb 2006, 03:55 am »
It sounds like your wife is a wise woman.   Mine is... :-)   I'd take that vacation soon and try to moderate.    Of course I'm a total hypocrite and I just got off the phone with my wife asking when I was going to be home!  :lol:

Anyway... sounds like you have a full plate.   All you need is a really good lineup of dependable Class D amplifiers to sell.    :mrgreen:

Take care and work towards that vacation!

Bill Baker

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« Reply #3 on: 12 Feb 2006, 02:59 pm »
Thanks guys,
 At this time, just a few days away from the shop would qualify as a vacation. The showroom is used to test and evaluate products and now looks like a research center. Several prototype amplifiers running in different systems which also contains the new Bella SP/AV-2 loudspeakers which I am still working on voicing. I still have to do some remodeling and devide up this large space. Then there is the acoustic treatments.

 I have a full workshop down stairs that still needs to be put together. I can wait on that.

May I recommend this place. It really is like Fantasy Island -- a very far cry from the blizzard in upstate NY.

 By time I get caught up, it will be spring once again and I will be coaching baseball, then I have a few weeks free during the summer before coaching football in the fall. I want to reserve my time off for a getaway with the whole family. Cabin fever hits real hard when you have two 7 year olds and a 13 year old that run around the house like rats on crack beating the hell out of each other :|

It sounds like your wife is a wise woman. Mine is...

 Oh, is she reading your post too

Anyway... sounds like you have a full plate. All you need is a really good lineup of dependable Class D amplifiers to sell.

 I have seen these on your site. Funny thing is that I have about 12 of those exact same chassis. If I had room on my plate, I wouldn't mine playing with one. Simply don't even have the time to put one together. Besides, Uncle Sam needs his paycheck. Why is it that I own the business but he makes more than me in the end. I don't remember signing him on as a partner :evil:


New focus for Response Audio & some clearance
« Reply #4 on: 12 Feb 2006, 03:32 pm »
Good for you, Bill.  I love the "picture" I got about the kids ruling the house.  It's beware of the light saber around here.

Hope to meet Joe one of these days we're in Chitown.

take care,

Bill Baker

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« Reply #5 on: 12 Feb 2006, 03:49 pm »
It's beware of the light saber around here

 I went through that for a short while also. I had to buy two X-Boxes this year for X-mas just so they wouldn't fight over that. The 7 year old twins and 13 year old are all boys. Fight like hell. I also have an 18 year old daughter that fights with the 13 year old when she comes around.

 Throw into the mix my Italian wife and......... :banghead:


New focus for Response Audio & some clearance
« Reply #6 on: 13 Feb 2006, 04:03 pm »
Does this mean you'll be dropping Daedelus?  I'm interested in this speaker, but not quite ready to pull the trigger.

Bill Baker

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« Reply #7 on: 23 Feb 2006, 03:06 am »
Does this mean you'll be dropping Daedelus?

 No! We will continue to have the Daedalus DA-1 in our lineup and available for audition in our New York location.

 I have some work to do in the showroom. I will be doing some construction work this spring and breaking the room up into two large listening rooms rather one large "L" shaped room.
 Tha larger of the two rooms will feature the Usher D2 horn system at one end and the SP Technology speakers at the other.
 The other room, actually the same size but different deminsions, will house the Daedalus DA-1 and our Musica Bella systems.

 I am also considering going with a room correction system but have not yet made a decision on which route to take here.


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New focus for Response Audio & some clearance
« Reply #8 on: 23 Feb 2006, 06:06 pm »
Bill, I wish you success in your redirection.  You really are one of the good guys in this; I hope you can better balance all your desires and responsibilities.

I used to be a hi-end-audio dealer, Two Jeffreys Audio, in the '80s.  It was very parttime as I had a real job, but it was still very time-consuming, and eventually I just quit.  I hope you don't have to just quit.

Maybe you ought to hire a technician to help with the mod work.

BTW my 'Canes and my system continue to sound great and, I think, better and better as the new couplers break in.  Installed Monday a set of Penta/Shuguang KT88SC output tubes; can't say I recognized a difference.

Bill Baker

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« Reply #9 on: 23 Feb 2006, 07:24 pm »
Bill, I wish you success in your redirection. You really are one of the good guys in this; I hope you can better balance all your desires and responsibilities.

 Thank you for the kind words. Greatly appreciated.

I used to be a hi-end-audio dealer, Two Jeffreys Audio, in the '80s. It was very parttime as I had a real job, but it was still very time-consuming, and eventually I just quit. I hope you don't have to just quit.

I can't quit now. I have far too much time invested and I quit my full time job of 17 years a few years back. That is an industry I hope to never get back into again.

Maybe you ought to hire a technician to help with the mod work.

 Nah, I like the idea of having full control over the quality of work that goes out. Besides, good techs don't exist around here.

BTW my 'Canes and my system continue to sound great and, I think, better and better as the new couplers break in. Installed Monday a set of Penta/Shuguang KT88SC output tubes; can't say I recognized a difference.

 Well the Shuguang are the same tubes as the Valve Arts that come with the unit. Valve Art basically "picks the litter" and relabels them.


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New focus for Response Audio & some clearance
« Reply #10 on: 23 Feb 2006, 09:48 pm »
I'm glad to see you still will be carrying Daedalus. I too am interested in this line--but the new DA-2 smaller surround speaker looks like a better fit for my planned listening room. Will you be adding this to your audition room?

Bill Baker

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« Reply #11 on: 24 Feb 2006, 01:22 am »
I'm glad to see you still will be carrying Daedalus. I too am interested in this line--but the new DA-2 smaller surround speaker looks like a better fit for my planned listening room. Will you be adding this to your audition room?

 I will be bringing in the DA-2 but not right away. There are a lot of irons on the fire right now with a lot of speakers currently taking residence in my showroom and more on the way. Here is a list of current and forthcoming speakers.

* Usher D2 Horn speaker (here)
* Usher S-520 (here)
* Usher 8571 (planned)
* Usher 6371 (planned)
* Sp Technology Timepieces (on order)
* Sp Technology Revelation (planned)
* Roan Audio Model 5 (here)
* Roan Audio Mustang (here)
* Musica Bella SP/AV-1 (here)
* Musica Bella SP/AV-2 (here)
* Musica Bella Stereo sub system (planned)
* Response Audio Model 1 (fisrt pair ever built 1995)
* Unity Audio Inner Spirit (here)
* Daedalu DA-1 (here)

Bill Baker

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New focus for Response Audio & some clearance
« Reply #12 on: 29 Mar 2006, 06:07 pm »
Okay, after a lot of thought and planning for our new direction. Here is what we have come up with.

 Response Audio was established on custom modification work and this will always be our main focus. There is no way around this as this is who we are. In fact, we are expanding with some new products that we will offer modifications for.

 Further mods list will be appearing on my site in the forthcoming weeks. Many products will have only one or two level of upgrades available with further options also available above and beyond what is posted.

 Over the last year or so, I have been able to develop some upgrades for a few of the Dared products.

VP-845 (845 based integrated)
VP-300B (300B 6 watt mono blocs)
DV-300B (parallel 300B mono blocs)

 I have recently been receiving inquiries on the new Cayin equipment that is getting all the rave attention lately. As further inquiries come in and I start developing upgrades for these products, I will start designing pages on my website for them as well.

 I have every intention of adding to this list throughout the year as inquiries come in. There are a few others that I have been working on and will also list these should they pan out.

 The EXtreme Hurricanes and Monsoons have become our most popular 'major' product. Many of the components used throughout these amps have gone up in price. My goal is to maintain the price point I now have for as long as possible.

 The Bella loudspeakers are also a main point of focus this year. The initial feedback has been better than we could have imagined. I would like to thank some of the Circle members and customers who now visit this site for their involvement and comments that have made this possible.

 I do still have every intention of releasing my Musica Bella 300B amplifiers and preamp as time allows. With the overwhelming work load of the past year, this product release was put on hold.

 The retail end of things will remain pretty much the same. Like any audio dealer, there is always the possibility of new products arriving as well as some going by the wayside. We obviously have our established product line that has been with us for many years and will remain with us for many more.


New focus for Response Audio & some clearance
« Reply #13 on: 29 Mar 2006, 06:12 pm »

Looking forward to hearing your impressions when you receive the Usher floor standers that are a little smaller than the D2s.  :-)


Bill Baker

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« Reply #14 on: 29 Mar 2006, 06:17 pm »
Looking forward to hearing your impressions when you receive the Usher floor standers that are a little smaller than the D2s

 Hi Karl,
  The D2s are over 600 lbs each. Which models are you speaking of that are "a little smaller"? The Dancer 8571?


New focus for Response Audio & some clearance
« Reply #15 on: 29 Mar 2006, 06:37 pm »
Quote from: Response Audio
Looking forward to hearing your impressions when you receive the Usher floor standers that are a little smaller than the D2s

 Hi Karl,
  The D2s are over 600 lbs each. Which models are you speaking of that are "a little smaller"? The Dancer 8571?

I guess a lot of speakers are "a little smaller" than the D2s.  :-)

Yes, the Dancer 8571s.  And really, the rest of the Dancer floor-stander line too.

Bill Baker

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« Reply #16 on: 29 Mar 2006, 09:52 pm »
I'm glad to see you still will be carrying Daedalus. I too am interested in this line--but the new DA-2 smaller surround speaker looks like a better fit for my planned listening room. Will you be adding this to your audition room?

 Actually, Response Audio will not be "officially" carrying the Daedalus line any longer. This is not because we do not think the world of Lou's speakers but he has also decided to take a new path and start heading back into direct sales.

 I do still have a demo pair (that is for sale) in the showroom for anyone in the area that wants the chance to audition them before they are gone.

Bill Baker

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New focus for Response Audio & some clearance
« Reply #17 on: 19 Apr 2006, 05:07 pm »
In regard to the sale price of my demo Usher D2 horn speakers, I will offer an additional $1000 off for anyone who picks these speakers up and helps me box them.
 You will need a larger truck such as a U-Haul or similar. NO PICK-UP TRUCK WILL FIT OR HAUL THESE SPEAKERS.