16 Blocks and Running Scared

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16 Blocks and Running Scared
« on: 9 Mar 2006, 05:14 am »
16 Blocks started out with a good idea, and even managed to keep it going for a while...but in the end it dissapointed.
If your a Bruce Willis fan... I would give this one a 3.2

Running Scared is like The Fast and the Furious...except without the ricers and bad acting. :)  
Actually its not so much like F&F....but if you see it, in the end there a lot alike.
And although Paul Walkers acting has improved...this movie was all over the place and has scenes that were seemingly throrwn in for a reason...but there turns out to be no reason at all :?
Its also very vilolent which is ok when theres a point ...right?
This one I would rate a 2.5


16 Blocks and Running Scared
« Reply #1 on: 15 Mar 2006, 04:13 am »
16 Blocks had a good plot, and Bruce Willis can do the ordinary-cop-versus-the-world role in his sleep, but Mos Def's character acting ruined it.  Remember the annoying performance of Chris Tucker with Bruce Willis in The Fifth Element?  Now imagine a similar level of grating dialogue for 1h45m.   :|


16 Blocks and Running Scared
« Reply #2 on: 15 Mar 2006, 05:18 am »
I don't think it was Mos Def's acting/dialog/performance that was annoying. It was his damn accent/speach impediment that got annoying.

As far as Running Scared goes, I kinda liked it. Sure there were a few things that were in there for no real reason othern than to raise the f'd up level of the movie ('cause every time you think it's gotten bad and think it can't get much worse it does).