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« Reply #60 on: 17 Feb 2006, 09:17 pm »
Quote from: avahifi
Oh I wish for a spelling checker. Thats what happens when you learn to read by yourself at three years old, you ignore grade school completely

I learned to read by myself when I was 3 or 4. My mother didn't have time to read to me as much as I wished her to, so I taught myself.

I did ignore much of grade school too. However, it hasn't seemed to affect my spelling.  :lol:


« Reply #61 on: 17 Feb 2006, 09:39 pm »
I don't even understand the "jewelry" aspect of hi-fi wires.  They're the least aesthetically pleasing piece of gear.  I was into the whole wire fetish for awhile, but eventually it gets boring.  Having fancy wire is sort of like wanting a nice bathroom in your house just so you can show off how cool the pipes look.  :scratch: W's are against wires for a good reason, they look messy and ugly.  They're random wiggly lines set against the well-intentioned designs of the boxier equipment.  Doesn't matter what the surface looks like, it still comes off as visual clutter that ought to be hidden.

If a person was truly obsessive they would install cables that were cut to exact lengths and curved and positioned just right.  I'm talking just long enough so that you'd probably be hosed if you swapped out any equipment.  I tried doing this with my system but I still decided to leave some slack.  Well, the slack looks messy so...ya can't win.


« Reply #62 on: 17 Feb 2006, 09:48 pm »
Here's another "reputatable" audiophile who replaced his cables that used to cost hundreds.. with a something too cheap to be true... He talked about it in this article:


Instruction to create nude cable..

Sorry if you have read all these before..


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« Reply #63 on: 17 Feb 2006, 09:51 pm »
Quote from: 95bcwh

Instruction to create nude cable..

Sorry if you have read all these before..

That one strikes me as a particularly bone-headed thing to do...


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« Reply #64 on: 17 Feb 2006, 09:52 pm »
I would love to not have to deal with wires or interconnects at all. Some day, hopefully in my lifetime, maybe we'll have wireless connections between equipment.


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« Reply #65 on: 17 Feb 2006, 09:54 pm »
Quote from: nathanm
I don't even understand the "jewelry" aspect of hi-fi wires.  They're the least aesthetically pleasing piece of gear.  I was into the whole wire fetish for awhile, but eventually it gets boring.  Having fancy wire is sort of like wanting a nice bathroom in your house just so you can show off how cool the pipes look.  :scratch: W's are against wires for a good reason, they look messy and ugly.  They're random wiggly lines set against the well-intentioned designs of the boxier equipment.  Doesn't matter what  ...

Maybe it's some deep-down Freudian thing, a longing for a fancier, better.... ahem.


« Reply #66 on: 17 Feb 2006, 10:57 pm »
Quote from: avahifi
The difference is that the Bentley or a Rolex like mine for that matter, is jewelry.  I know a $10 Timex is more accurate, but I don't care. My Rolex is the only piece of jewelry I own and that is just fine with me.

However, power cords are NOT jewelry, but they are being marketed and sold as if they were jewelry. Of course the owners of six inch thick interconnects may think they are jewelry, but nobody else who is not a hi-fi nut case does.  Hey before you get upset, I am a hi-fi nut case too, lifelong ...

Yes, I know what you mean and agree to an extent. But some people buy jewelry or fine cars for them selves and others buy it to show off to others. One is for the ego, the other for self enjoyment and satisfaction.

I own a rare Swiss watch that is expensive and mostly completely unknown to the masses. Obviously I don’t care if anyone but me knows what it is or its value. A rare few might recognize it and say; wow that’s cool, where did you get it? I have it because it gives me personal enjoyment to own and no body else has one. It has absolutely nothing to do with recognition, if it did I would have bought another brand Swiss watch.

How do people show off their cables to others? Who knows what they are and who cares? If anything I try to hide what I spend on stuff because I don’t want people thinking I’m nuts. If I told my parents I spent $1800 on an AVA T7 SLR Preamp and then they look at it, they’d cut me out of their will thinking I’ve become completely irresponsible with my money. My wife? Lets not even go there!

However, when you sit with a slew of cables and roll through them and hear differences as significant as a tube roll or a similar component change, it becomes profound and justifiable. When the price exceeds what you can afford, or you just get carried away then you have a problem of some sort. Lots of people have problems, like this guy ( http://www.killsometime.com/video/Video.asp?ID=430 ); and they become victims. That’s life, right?

I just feel that the quality and texture of the sound I get with an MIT Shotgun Series-3 interconnect is better then a Radio Shack Gold+ cord. I own them both and the difference is significant in my opinion. Is it worth the money? Again, that’s a value judgment and is irrelevant to the question of; ‘is there a sonic difference?’ So is there something wrong with the Radio Shack cables? Apparently there is, according to your logic. I won’t argue that.


« Reply #67 on: 17 Feb 2006, 11:05 pm »
Quote from: 95bcwh
Here's another "reputatable" audiophile who replaced his cables that used to cost hundreds.. with a something too cheap to be true... He talked about it in this article:


Instruction to create nude cable..

Sorry if you have read all these before..

Read it, tried it, and didn’t like it. I made my own speaker cables and listened to dozens of different kinds of wire will I found what I liked. Price has nothing to do with it.

I also tried CAT-5 wire for IC’s and speaker wire and I didn’t like that either although many will tell you it’s the greatest discovery since penicillin.

It a matter of taste and preference. If that was the case then we’d all own the same perfect amp with the same perfect speakers with the same perfect turntable. That’s not the case, is it?


« Reply #68 on: 17 Feb 2006, 11:16 pm »
Quote from: nathanm
I don't even understand the "jewelry" aspect of hi-fi wires.  They're the least aesthetically pleasing piece of gear.  I was into the whole wire fetish for awhile, but eventually it gets boring.  Having fancy wire is sort of like wanting a nice bathroom in your house just so you can show off how cool the pipes look.  :scratch: W's are against wires for a good reason, they look messy and ugly.  They're random wiggly lines set against the well-intentioned designs of the boxier equipment.  Doesn't matter what  ...

Yup, I’ve gone out of my way to get cables that are flexible, black in color and nothing that is potentially damaging to my gear.
The MIT S3’s I have a re installer series that were custom made for car application. They made very few because they were expensive for auto applications. I got them used for about 75% off the sales price!! They were installed in a competition system and the guy pulled them out and replaced them with something else a year later. They were in nice condition and sounded identical to the standard version with the stupid big impedance box. I wanted the cables because I liked the way they sounded but was not willing to pay the price ($550/meter pair) and didn’t want the stupid box! God must have heard my pleas and I stumbled on them at Audiogon.


« Reply #69 on: 18 Feb 2006, 03:50 am »
OK time to close off this topic now.

I will keep it up for a couple more days but no more posting please.

Everything that has ever been said about wires has been said for the past 40 years and I and probably everybody else has heard it too many times over and over and over.

Nobody is going to change anyone else's mind about it, and the cable salesmen will keep on making good money on accessories, and I guess that is just fine too.

Frank Van Alstine


« Reply #70 on: 21 Feb 2006, 07:46 pm »
Quote from: skrivis
Quote from: ricmon

      bravo.  sometime you gotta just let'em have it.   Good Job.

So you also feel that $150 power cords are sensible? I know you think they change the sound...

I have unmodified AVA amp and pre.  Nuf said.