Audiophile Timex clock?

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Audiophile Timex clock?
« Reply #20 on: 30 Jan 2006, 02:55 am »
The take I had on it was that the manufacturer was seeing how far he could get the public to bend, or maybe just experiment on how gullable people are.

The ad says it makes things sound better, but then lists things it doesn't do, like influence sound waves, have an effect on sound, etc etc.


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Audiophile Timex clock?
« Reply #21 on: 30 Jan 2006, 02:58 am »
Quote from: PhilNYC
Here's another tweak product that has stirred controversy...but moreso than the Harmonix and Timex clock, I know guys who are absolutely ga-ga over these. And Acoustic Dreams is also pretty reputable IMHO. They are too rich for my blood, but I would love to try one just to say I tried it...

Thanks for pointing that tweak out.  Hadn't seen that one before.  It's expensive enough by itself, and the manufacturer recommends buying nine of them to get optimal sound!


Audiophile Timex clock?
« Reply #22 on: 30 Jan 2006, 03:09 am »

    This looks like a "bell-shaped resonator" I've seen on agon.


    Audiophile Timex clock?
    « Reply #23 on: 30 Jan 2006, 03:10 am »
    Why not 10?

    Scott F.

    Audiophile Timex clock?
    « Reply #24 on: 30 Jan 2006, 03:11 am »
    OK, I've got a tweak guaranteed to make any system sound better....

    Injest enough of this stuff and I personally guarantee it will make Bose sound  like Krell and Dynaudio's.

    A word of caution, one bottle may not be enough (depending on the system). If this doesn't work, please refer to Marbles Morphine thread for further refinements to your system.


    Audiophile Timex clock?
    « Reply #25 on: 30 Jan 2006, 03:20 am »
    I love your suggestion Buddy, of the zipped cat poop as some sort of tweak.  That on top of a  bad, ringy CDP/DVD driver will make tons of different.  Shall we say that the sound of it will be more "organic"?  Hehehe.  $50 per two pound bag is a steal!  Remember, when you advertise it, call it version XXX 1.0(X=name of the cat.)  When your present cat dies, you can get another one whose poop will produce a different effect, call that a new version XXX 2.0, after all, each cat is unique in what it makes and produces....

    I really LUV the Scott F's suggestion of the bottle tweak.  Call it one of the first "audiophool self applied tweak" that makes a discernible difference to one's stereo.

    PS:  How Buddy states, anything can change the sound make up of a room, but most are negligible...that those who claim small changes, almost insignificant changes can make a discenible difference in the physical realm...
    These people have got too much money to burn.  Can I have some to fatten my skinny wallet?


    Audiophile Timex clock?
    « Reply #26 on: 30 Jan 2006, 05:22 pm »
    I can't get pass the name forget the clock.

    Machina Dynamica sort of sounds like Machine Dynamics.  By the why I think I';; be adding some of those liquid tweaks.


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    Audiophile Timex clock?
    « Reply #27 on: 30 Jan 2006, 05:42 pm »
    Quote from: ricmon
    I can't get pass the name forget the clock.

    Machina Dynamica sort of sounds like Machine Dynamics.  By the why I think I';; be adding some of those liquid tweaks.

    They have a pretty funny web site. I get chuckles out of seeing the crap they're trying to pawn off on the gullible.

    Peter Belt's site is even funnier. He has you do something like draw smiley faces on your CDs with a special pen... plus he "invented" the wonderclock.

    I wonder if "Dave and Carol Clark" are just alternate personas of Clark Johnson?

    If a little battery-operated clock in the room is good, and GK says it affects your brain directly, then wouldn't it be best to glue a clock right to your head? Get a cheap LCD watch and remove the guts, then superglue it to your forehead. Audio Nirvana!


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    Audiophile Timex clock?
    « Reply #28 on: 30 Jan 2006, 07:47 pm »  

    Devices that damp EMF?  They have a clock, too.  I've worn a q-link for several years.  I don't know that it does anything but, I used to be able to feel the electrical field around a wall of TV's, like at Best Buy or Circuit City, and, with this thing around my neck, I don't.  YMMV.


    Audiophile Timex clock?
    « Reply #29 on: 30 Jan 2006, 10:20 pm »
    Wearing a gold medallion has always made me feel better.

    I'm a skeptic at heart.  I'd put Clarus in the same boat with the Nippon neo magnets stuff... However there are plenty of people that believe copper bracelets help them as well as various semi-precious stones.

    I think it's funny that various jewelry, jewels, and gold make people feel better physically.  The power of the mind is awesome.  

    There's a lot of non-scientific stuff out there.  It's hard for me to trust the merits of anything these days.  


    SET Man

    Audiophile Timex clock?
    « Reply #30 on: 30 Jan 2006, 10:38 pm »

        Okay, one last thing regarding audio tweaks... especially those that say will perform like magic.

         I guess the most important thing of all is that... If you really believe in something that much, it will likely to work. But! it could all just be in your head! :D

         But I do know that Scott F. tweak will definately work for sure regardless of what system you have. :lol:

    Take care all,
    Buddy :thumb:


    Audiophile Timex clock?
    « Reply #31 on: 30 Jan 2006, 11:29 pm »
    If the clock is not claiming to change sound but only the listener's perception then what the hell is the purpose of having a tangible product in the first place?  Why even bother buying clocks to sell and ship back to people?  Why not charge money to gain access to a website where you can read an article about how great your stereo sounds and *shazam* your stereo sounds better? That'd be fairly cheap.  Even better, just mail people an empty envelope and say it will make them enjoy music more by having it in the house. About all I can figure is that a tweak only works if money changes hands.  So therefore I'd like to invite anyone to send me money.  Send me money along with the name of an object in your house.  Doesn't matter what it is.  Doesn't matter how much you send.  I will then e-mail you back a message saying 'thanks for the money, your *fill in the blank* object will now make your stereo sound better than it ever has before!'  

    Name your price, and I will tell you how great your stereo sounds.  No installation, no manuals, no mess, nothing.  Just give me money and then you'll get better sound.  Easy!


    Audiophile Timex clock?
    « Reply #32 on: 30 Jan 2006, 11:38 pm »
    Quote from: nathanm
    Just give me money and then you'll get better sound. Easy!
    That should be their slogan... I think it sums up just about every hocus-pocus company out there..  I like that it's easy to modify:

    "Just give me money and then you'll get better {whatever}. Easy!"

    You could sell your elegant slogan solution to Machinacus Dymacus (or whatever they're called)... then the world!  :lol: