Monica2 comments please.

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Monica2 comments please.
« on: 2 Feb 2006, 12:30 am »
I am in a typical dilemma of what to do for cd source. (I'm not concerned with sacd btw.)
I wonder if some of you who have or have heard the Monica2 could comment about it's sound. I would want it all - dynamics, soundstage, details,etc. - but when it comes down to a #1 it is tonality for me.
I have had a Sony 685 cd/sacd player for awhile, and use a Channel Islands VSA-1 with a wall wart (never did get the VAC-1). I'm ready to get either a Monica2 or a Decware zbox. (Decware offers a tube mod for the Sony 685, but I'll try external first.)
Thanks, Don


Monica2 comments please.
« Reply #1 on: 2 Feb 2006, 01:49 am »
The Monica 2 has a typical NOS sound, a bit soft and less than punchy (to some). Not the best in dynamics, but this can be improved with a large enough cap added where the batery power supply connects to the board. Still doesn't have the PRAT of a DAC with op-amp outputs. However, the midrange is very musical anf the sound is extended at both ends, after the Blackgate coupling caps break in (@200 hours). It is not overly detailed, like some, and it is definitely musical. but it would be more of a foot tapping party if it could boogie better (again, that PRAT thing). It is very clean sounding with no discernible grain. A very good value for the money.

Here's a link to my implementation of it:
