VMPS/TriNaural Audio Demo August 21st LAOCAS meeting

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John Casler

Dear Members,

Coming Soon to the Los Angeles and Orange County Audio Society!

On August 21, it's LA's first "Trinaural" Audio Demonstration!  

Hosted by our own John Casler, it features 3 top of the line VMPS Loudspeakers set up for maximum sound quality and realism in a trinaural array!  Audiophile Guests include: James Bongiorno, CEO of Ampzilla, Andy Miller, CEO of Soundstring, and Brian Cheney, CEO of VMPS.  System includes 3 RM30 speakers 3 Son of Ampzilla Amps, McCormack UDP, Soundstring Cables, and the Bongiorno designed three channel processor.  WOW!

Amazing Raffle of ALL! the Soundstring Cables in the system!!!  Marvelous cable, incredible raffle! Thank you Soundstring!!  

It's all on Sunday   August 21  1-4pm   Holiday Inn at 7000 Beach Blvd at the 91   Guests and new members most welcome!

Great listening to all and see you on August 21st,

Bob Levi


Los Angeles and Orange County Audio Society    Celebrating Our 12th Anniversary Year

America's Premier Audio Society   www.laocaudiosociety.com

John Casler

VMPS/TriNaural Audio Demo August 21st LAOCAS meeting
« Reply #1 on: 18 Aug 2005, 05:19 pm »
Many have PM'd me asking just what "SYSTEM COMPONENTS" we will have at the meeting so here is the line up"

1) McCormack UDP-1 (thanks to Mad DOg)
2) Bryston BP-26DA Preamp with mated MP2 Power Supply
3) Spread Spectrum Technologies TriNaural Processor
4) 3 Son of AMPzilla Power amps (used as monoblocs into the RM30s)
5) 3 VMPS RM30M speaker systems (L&R have new SR-71 upgrade)
6) NHT X-2 crossover (used to low pass filter bass to LARGERs)
7) CineNova 3 channel amp (600wpc to each LARGER)
8 ) Pair of VMPS LARGER Subwoofers
9) BPT 3.5 Signature Power Conditioner

This whole system will be wired with a "pure" SoundStrings cable and wiring compliment from the wall plate to the speaker binding posts.

Jon L

VMPS/TriNaural Audio Demo August 21st LAOCAS meeting
« Reply #2 on: 22 Aug 2005, 08:45 pm »
Great job, John and a great LAOC Audio Society event as usual!  

I wish I had brought a digital camera to show you all.  I did snap a couple of poor pics with my phone camera, but the L and R RM30's were spaced sooooo wide apart, there was no way to get'em all in one picture.  Of course, having a separate center RM30 helps you do this sort of thing..

The equipment present was exactly as John listed above, but I wasn't prepared to actually see in person how 'large' the largers really were  :o   The two larger subwoofers totally made the RM30's look tiny by comparison.  

We did have a technical difficulty (which meeting doesn't?), but considering that and the results after it was corrected, I have a few general impressions of the whole system, considering I'm pretty familiar with most of the gear present, i.e. UDP-1, Bryston BP26 preamp, Son of Ampzilla.

The Trinaural process/setup is the real deal.  You do get a rock solid center image that is dense, unwavering, and involving.  The peripheral instruments, staging don't seem to suffer b/c of this center channel.  There's no sense of artificial special effects or unnaturalness with Trinaural that you can get with Dolby surround or DTS, etc.  It just seems like a real good 2-channel stereo and soundstaging with unusually stable center fill.  If I could afford the extra amp, speaker, cables, and the Trinaural process, I would think about this option, especially if you are an afacionado of that dense, luscious center image.

The Larger sub is crazy well-built, especially at the price.  It also doesn't seem to be the thumping, booming type of special-effects sub, which I can't stand.  I believe the RM30's were run full-range without going through the active x-over and Largers cutting in at 35Hz.  There did seem to be some room bass problems, probably due to the hollow R side wall/compartment and excessive bass leak from room, but there were couple of songs that immediately struck the brain as being the real thing, especially acoustic bass instruments.  I was tempted to pull out my 50 Cent Rap demo song, but I didn't want to shock some of the elderly audience members :)

RM30's...  These are very interesting speakers.  They seemed smaller than I expected (good), especially for the 7 drivers per side.  To really evaluate them, I would need to get'em in my room in a 2-channel stereo setup without the Larger subs.  Generally speaking, I was somewhat surprised by how round and smooth the midrange frequencies were via the planar drivers.  Now I know UDP-1 and SoA both have this quality, so I'd be interested in hearing the RM30 with something like the NuForce amp to see if the midrange can be made to be a bit more incisive and edgy, if you like that kind of thing, that is.  

The ribbon tweeter was implemented VERY well.  Having owned basically very similar ribbons myself, I KNOW some real work went into the crossover design and fine-tuning of this ribbon tweeter to get it to sound so extended, shimmering, detailed, and fast without getting distortions.  In fact, I wish Dave Wilson would hire Brian to redesign the tweeter section of the Maxx2 with this ribbon/x-over.  But I digress...

It was difficult to evaluate the bass of RM30 b/c of 2 Largers, but I couldn't hear much to complain about upper and mid-bass at least given the room limitations.  

Kudos to John Castler for setting up this complicated behemoth of a system and demo'ing them successfully.  If one wanted a simpler system, I suspect something like a good CDP->neutral tube preamp (tuberolled Minimax or SAS Labs?)->NuForce Monos->pair of RM30's would do very well in reasonably-sized rooms.

John Casler

VMPS/TriNaural Audio Demo August 21st LAOCAS meeting
« Reply #3 on: 22 Aug 2005, 11:40 pm »
Hi John,

Thanks for the comments.  Yes it was a "HUGE" undertaking and we ended up with a full house and SRO.

You are correct that you really can't "judge" much from a room of that type and sitting a few row back (since these are not PA speakers)

All those bodies in front of you block a good portion of the upper mids, and maybe even a bit of the impact from the dual 6.5 woofers of the RM30.

Beleive it or not, the subs were hardly on!  :o   The room was just too boomy if I turned them up too much.  Plus they were "rolled" in at aound 30-35 hz.

I have to admit, that I am probaly "hooked" on the TriNaural Processor, and having heard it in my system will have to have it.  I have resisted for a long time, but even set up (in my room) in a compromising way (that is, not correctly) it sounded fantastic!!!

All the more reason for you to call me some time, and slip over for a listen in my room.  I think Hugh Masekla's "Stimela" would simply floor you.

I was worried that the "inner details" and resolution of high dynamic areas where you can hear (and feel) each and every sound as the volume increases, would surely "blur" into mush.   :x

They did not :mrgreen: , in fact if anything, the "tapering" of the soundstage made possible by the adjustment of the center/side volume allowed more reality to be "breathed" into the the sonic picture, without any loss, and maybe even more detail and fullness.

And the absolutley "amazing" perception (that you mention) is the soundstage that "DOESN"T" collapse.  You could have been sitting all the way to the outside row, (in the corrected system) and still had a "rock solid center image and a complete soundstage as in the original event if you sat at that postition.

It is truly what an audiophile needs, if he/she is to have more than one person in a listening session.

I will write more of my impressions of the TnP in the VMPS circle, after I get my system put back together :?

Call me in the next week or so, and you can come over and really hear the way it sounds. (or can sound)

John Casler

Here are a few pics
« Reply #4 on: 23 Aug 2005, 12:10 am »