MINIMAX RAMBLING Phono stage tube rolling

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MINIMAX RAMBLING Phono stage tube rolling
« on: 24 Jun 2005, 04:18 am »
  (skip to the last 4 or 5 paragraphs if your only interested in the tube recommendations)
     I've been trying to write a review for  my EE gear but can't seem to stop rolling / smiling long enough to concentrate.
     Heres some of the fun I've been having.
 About 18 months ago I bought my first piece of Eastern Electric gear and I am hooked. I know that many may say that someone else makes a better this or that but I just can't help trying Alex and Bills stuff. John Rutan from Audio Connection had introduced me to the line almost three years ago and when a Pre came up on Audiogon I bid and won. As luck would have it It was non other than Mr. EE (USA)  Bill O'Connell himself who was the seller . After a short wait (loaner piece) it arrived, except it was suppose to be a demo and he sent a new one . So I wrote  to notify him of his shipping error and he informed me that the loaner had not come back and he didn't want to keep me waiting. He also mentioned having some "Premium Tubes" that came highly recommended. So I figured hey why not I got the deal on the pre let me get these at worse they'll give me some back ups.
      Up until then I had been using a Dynaco ST70 and a Quicksilver line stage . Things took a big leap with the MiniMax and I realized that maybe Chinese gear ain't nutin' to laugh 'bout. After upgrades in speaker and a pair of mono blocks it was on to the CDP after getting a Jolida JD100 I was convince that analog was the only way to go and my Scout /Shelter 501 had me smiling as I got much of what I wanted there. Then a friend (non Audio guy) came over and verified what I already thought , the Jolida had to go. It was at this time that the rumors about the EE cdp where flying strong so I wrote Bill and he confirm them and told me to give it a few weeks. Off went the JD100 to a new home and  for a while I used the old Sony 5 disc changer when I felt the need to play a cd. A few weeks turned into almost three months and by then I had already placed my order with Audio Connection for my second MiniMax and proceeded to feel like an expecting father.
     Upon arrival I knew it was a keeper the sound was much wider than the Jolida. I played a CD on it for two days then started to listen. "Now I don't feel I'm missing much if anything by playing a CD." When Bill said they were releasing a phono stage I knew it was a matter of time before I could swing it and I really liked the EAR 834P deluxe I was using so I promise him that before too long I'll try one out (feeling confident that I'ld be keeping it) as soon as the the funds would allow after all I upgraded all my cables , tubes and went to Rogue Audio Magnum M120s in the short period I thought I should cut back on the use of audio gear as to not become and audio junkie.Fast forward to late April early May. A place the order for the Minimax phono as well as a new cart. The shelter served me well so I went up in the line to the 901 . The Phono arrived before the cartridge so I listened to it with the 501 and started to form an opinion. All of a sudden I realized the 501 wasn't aligned correctly. this tells me that even fresh out of the box the EE stage was more revealing than the EAR.  I ship off the Pre  to Chicago took the Rogues to PA and drop off the VPI in Verona (Audio Connection) and in a couple of weeks my newly DYI rack was ready for the loading.
******  Now that you've made it this far ,heres the skinny, ******
  I started the audition by hooking up both the EAR and MiniMax both with the stock tubes and played several albums. Joe Jacksons body and Soul was the first. I had a tough time on a clear winner because they seem to have they're own signatures the 834p had a bit lushness and the EE had better extension on both ends after four or five album sides It was clear that the EE was more detailed and had a deeper stage . It wasn't until I swapped some tubes that I notice a sizable difference. The first tube I swapped was the Gain stage (center) I placed a old stock RCA ribbed short gray plate. the liquid mids that the EAR had was now shining through on the Mini. That's it, this is my new stage. A friend tube dealer came over and we tried  several tubes. The Winners in descending order are:
        French made Amperex 6X4  
        Dutch   (amperex)    HP 12AX7 Primary gain
        USA                       RCA 7025  
 This line up was best for my taste in music , the bottom was stronger than anything I tried while not being bloated. Steve Millers fly like an eagle is bass heavy and it sounded like I had added a sub , the new REM had a wonderful presence not heard in this system before and Dusty Springfield made me think I was the preachers son.
       The Amperex 12AX7 edged out the Tele. smooth plates but not by enough to justify the added expense at this time. Either set would second place. I thought the biggest difference was a bit of sweetness giving the illusion of  more detail. I'll pick them up sooner or later.
          The RCA 12AX7 in the center with the Telefunken (smooth) on the outside was my fourth choice . Depth, space as well as a tight bass were all there but needed a bit of Air to top the the others.
           I didn't notice as much of a change in the 6X4 as I had expected from the stock JAN to the Amperex perhaps the recommended Tungsol is in order. I would go with the RCA, TELE, or Amperex in the primary gain to get the most bang for the buck.  Ive read that the Groove tube 12AX 7 is a nice and inexpensive alternative but have yet to try it .
 Thanks to those who took the time to read my ramblings and feel free to ask questions if you have any
 I promise not to be so long winded.