Paradise City (2022) - Bruce Willis' last film stars John Travolta

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Bruce Willis films are addicting, even if they are bad for you. Paradise City is better than all of Willis' latest films but even the addition of John Travolta doesn't raise this film above a low grade "B movie".
But still... Bruce and John are together again after 28 years, the last time was "Pulp Fiction" in 1994. They are having fun too, watch through the credits for the out take reels, these two actors really like each other. The film also stars Stephen Dorff who was in the excellent 2021 film "Old Henry".

Paradise City is a basic action thriller, Bruce plays bounty hunter Ian Swan with Travolta playing a ruthless, mysterious businessman. The action takes place in Hawaii so the scenery and locations get an A+. Bruce still has that on screen charisma and some of his dialog is probably dubbed because of his recent aphasia diagnosis but it doesn't detract from the film, in fact the dubbing locks in the solid "B" rating. Bruce also has more screen time than his recent screen cameos.

I don't know when Bruce started making "B" movies but as of November 2022, Bruce Willis' net worth is $250 Million, he is one of the richest actors worldwide.

A Rotten Tomatoes rating of 10% never stopped me from watching a Willis film.

Watch the action packed trailer - Bruce is back!