Homage to Boris Ryzhy

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Homage to Boris Ryzhy
« on: 2 Jun 2022, 12:11 am »
For some reason I missed the 7th day last month to homage Boris, a sad day to his family.
Boris Borisovich Ryzhy 08SEP1974 - 07MAY2001
Born and lived in Chelyabinsk, Russia a industrial city with pollution fog and not possible see the sky, where he worked as geologist, he was a poet of short life that recently has gained unexpected notoriety on certain social nets because of the song Cудно/Sudno/Vessel/Ship recorded by the Belorusian post-punk band Molchat Doma in 2018 that adapted the Boris poem Эмалированное судно or Enameled Vessel or Enameled Jacuzzi, in case the bath tube where Boris tried suicide several times.

The poet have several suicide attempts and this poem was composed after an attempt that he survived, coming from here the bed and the window probably in the hospital, however the author died on 07May2001 at 26yo in other attempt by suicide.
Cудно - Sudno
Эмалированное судно
Enameled Vessel

Окошко, тумбочка, кровать
Window, nightstand, bed.

Жить тяжело и неуютно
Living is hard and uncomfortable

Зато уютно умирать
But it's cozy to die

Эмалированное судно
Enameled vessel

Окошко, тумбочка, кровать
Window, nightstand, bed

Жить тяжело и неуютно
Living is hard and uncomfortable

Зато уютно умирать
But it's cozy to die

И тихо капает из крана
And quietly dripping from the faucet (propably water)

И жизнь растрёпана, как блядь
And life is disheveled as a whore (used as exclamation)

Выходит как бы из тумана
And it's as if it's coming out of the fog (the life come out of the fog)

И видит: тумбочка, кровать
And I see a nightstand and a bed

И я пытаюсь приподняться
And I try to get up

Хочу в глаза ей поглядеть
I want to look into her eyes

Взглянуть в глаза и разрыдаться
To look into her eyes and burst into tears

И никогда не умереть, никогда не умереть
And never die, never die

Никогда не умереть
Never die.