BMR drivers- anyone work with them before?

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BMR drivers- anyone work with them before?
« on: 20 Jan 2022, 06:22 pm »
hey guys,

thinking about ordering a few of these to play with, just wondering if anyone has played with them or heard them and how do they sound? after reading about them and seeing some plots i am surprised they have not made their way into a GR designed speaker? 


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Re: BMR drivers- anyone work with them before?
« Reply #1 on: 20 Jan 2022, 06:34 pm »
The Cambridge Audio Aeromax uses a BMR tweeter. It measures fairly well, except for the peaks in the top end.
The others issue is that the values needed to blend them were really large..

They seem like they would make a pretty solid mid-band driver, but at least that one we have looked at didn't work too well on the top or bottom end.

It's possible there are some other good ones out there, but they're nothing particularly special.


Re: BMR drivers- anyone work with them before?
« Reply #2 on: 20 Jan 2022, 06:38 pm »
Not sure which are used in other designs but the ones I've seen at Parts Express have really really low sensitivity, so not the easiest to work with.


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Re: BMR drivers- anyone work with them before?
« Reply #3 on: 21 Jan 2022, 02:30 am »
Their sensitivity generally improves as you use other drivers to take over the bass frequencies. Otherwise, yeah, they generally are pretty inneffecient. Not too different from most wide-band/full range drivers from what I've seen


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Re: BMR drivers- anyone work with them before?
« Reply #4 on: 21 Jan 2022, 11:00 am »
BMR technology is derived from DML technology.  Its basically combining DML modal modes for the mid to high frequencies with a conventional cone drivers pistonic motion for the lower frequencies.

BMR's are advertised as full range drivers which is why they are under 4inches.  If they made a BMR driver for each specific frequency category like woofer, mid range and tweeter then one would have more options to play around with but unfortunately they dont.

If you like the sound of a BMR driver you would most likely like the sound of DML's.  Exciters are just as cheap as a BMR driver.


Re: BMR drivers- anyone work with them before?
« Reply #5 on: 21 Jan 2022, 03:04 pm »

Dennis Murphy's new BMR Tower uses a pair of them for higher power handling vs a single in his BMR Monitor.

These may be one of the best kept secrets around, and have had a recent professional review (Nov?) with measurements. Take a look and see/judge for yourself.

I love mine.
