BPT Clean Power Center

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BPT Clean Power Center
« on: 28 Aug 2021, 09:36 pm »
This message is for Chris Hoff of BPG. It's been a while since you were over, which given the C-Plague and the usual demands of life, is how it's had to go. I wouldn't be surprised if you're a grandpaw by now.

As for business: I bought a used BPT Clean Power Center (CPC) by mistake, thinking I was buying a BPT "Ultra Edition." Well; this was by mail, "no returns," so I have it, and am not sorry. But I do have questions.

1. Is the metal inside the unit MU metal. (This is just a curiosity.
2. On the back of the unit, it states, "Do not connect to lighting equipment." I'm not sure what you mean by "equipment" here, but does this mean I can't even plug two small lamps into it?
3. What kind of wire is on the inside. Some reviews have stated "all copper," others, "copper and silver," others "silver," and others do not comment. The color of the duplex wiring inside involves one run of blue, and one run of purple? Can this clue you in to an answer?

I appreciate the opportunity for availing myself of this small bit of "customer support." So I shall look forward to an answer, and meanwhile wish you good health!

All the best,



  • Industry Participant
  • Posts: 447
  • Balanced Power Technologies
Re: BPT Clean Power Center
« Reply #1 on: 29 Aug 2021, 11:59 am »
Please send pix of interior of unit via PM. I will do my best to sort out what you've got.