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  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 20
Hi folks!
« on: 21 Apr 2021, 02:44 am »
My name is Jarrod.  Been viewing AudioCircle on and off for a while but have never joined.  With that said, figured it was high time to post something.

An audiophile  friend introduced me to the upper tier goodies when over 30 years ago.  Can't even venture to think of what his systems consisted of over that time.  I do remember it as always being a treat to hear the high(er) quality goodies every time I had gotten to visit.

Started with average house brands back in my teens.  Over the years I've used the likes of:
PS Audio
Kenwood mono's

Just to name a few.

My first Bryston was an old 4B with iron core transformers.  Bought it second hand and had used it for a number of years.  Can't remember which preamp I ran with it.

Eventually sold that one tried a few others over a short period.. eventually returning to a 4B NRB running a pair of Jamo CBR120's.  After having owned those for quite some time I had new drivers for them and had an audiophile friend custom wire them along with ripping out the spring terminals and replacing them with WBT.  Much better!   Didn't even really get to break them in when my friend mentiond to me about a pair of Swan speakers for sale.  So I worked out a deal for those after selling the Jamo's. 

Next came a used Bryston BP-20 pre without the headphone jack.  Much better!   Ran this with a Pioneer PD-65 Elite and bought a Micro Seiki BL51 from my friend who intorduced me to the high-end.

Have had this system now for over 20 years.   For the last 6-8 years it's been rather depressing.  An ex and one of her friends decided to do power trials while I was out at one time.  Needless to say the system had gotten damed and there it sat all this time.  No money to sink into repairs/replacement. Sigh!

Just recently bought a used set of 7B SST2's to replace the 4B NRB.  So this ought to be a reat treat after all this time.  With any luck, they ought to be here by the end of this week.

With C-19 running rampid, I've learned that Bryston is shut down for a bit.  Hope to send my preamp in for a once over just to make sure it's working at its best.  So that's the goodies from here.

Music tastes are of no one particular genre.  I like just about anything in good taste.  I know it doesn't tell you much but prefer classic rock, blues etc.  So there went my intro.
