Anyone ever built the Akitika GT-102 Amp kit?

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dB Cooper

Re: Anyone ever built the Akitika GT-102 Amp kit?
« Reply #20 on: 18 Dec 2020, 09:03 am »

I spent a fair amount of time researching this project. Initially I was interested in doing a First Watt Clone. I spent many hours looking at builds on and looking at the DIYaudio Store. There appeared to be many build guides but I found them difficult to comprehend, let along follow. In addition, there were never the necessary supplies in the store. The chassis for sale appeared to be high quality but were pricey. The pcb boards appeared to be good quality, but they too seemed more expensive than I wanted to pay. For the life of me, I can not understand why they do not make more of an effort to make complete packages available for anything other than the amp camp amplifier. I think they are missing a great opportunity with the Covid situation where so many are taking the time to build. Ultimately, the opportunity to get all i need in one package for a VERY reasonable price was the factor that lead my to AKitika.

Very interesting thread. I am a kit-buiding veteran of Dynaco, Hafler, and van Alstine products. You are right, there is some good stuff out there in places like DIYAudio but a lot of it is like the audio hobbyist version of Survivor. Like you, I want something 'turn-key'. Give me a good set of instructions and I'll put it together, as I have ddone with amps, preamps, power amps and tuners from the companies mentioned.It's unfortunate that the marketplace for this type of product has shriveled so.If I ever have a real 'room system' again, this amp and a couple sensitive speakers would probably suit me well. Right now it's headphones but even there the options are limited.unless you want to go full-on DIY. Looking forward to the rest of the build and your listening impressions once done.


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Re: Anyone ever built the Akitika GT-102 Amp kit?
« Reply #21 on: 18 Dec 2020, 09:24 pm »
I've built two of the amps on  The first was the ACA, then the M2X.  I'd no experience in building any electronics prior to that.  The ACA build surprised me in two way.  First that I was able to actually build the thing without setting my apartment (and myself) on fire.  The second was how good it sounded.  Encouraged, I then built the First Watt M2X.  I went wrong at one point and needed the help of forum members.  I got that help and wound up with a very good-sounding amp.  The total cost was around $700.  I no longer use it but I'm still glad I did it.  The feeling of accomplishment was wonderful.

I didn't really need another power amp. I did it more because I wanted to learn.  It was actually a lot of fun.  For those of you who may be thinking about doing something similar I'd say not to be afraid.  If I can do this just about anyone can.  Just make sure you have access to reliable support and that you're very careful about dealing with electricity. 

dB Cooper

Re: Anyone ever built the Akitika GT-102 Amp kit?
« Reply #22 on: 19 Dec 2020, 12:19 am »
That last part... I was able to to follow directions well enough to assemble one integrated amp (at age 15), one tuner, one Hafler preamp, one AVA hybrid preamp, one Hafler power amp, one hybrid headphone amp and a few other odds and ends. I can "Prepare a 6" black wire and solder one end to S-1 Lug 4 and the other end to PC8 eyelet 8" with the best of 'em as long as I have a good pictorial diagram, which the Akitika does, but have never really been able to relate a schematic to what I see in front of me well enough to tackle 'bare board up' projects. And anything involving sheet metal, as much hardcore DIY does, fuhgeddaboutit.

One all-on-a-board project that looks interesting and easy though is the Pass 'Whammy' headphone amp. If only it had adjustable gain so it worked equally well with sensitive IEMs and 250Ω Beyers... And had an enclosure option...


Re: Anyone ever built the Akitika GT-102 Amp kit?
« Reply #23 on: 21 Dec 2020, 11:40 am »
The build continues, however, The AudioCircle is not cooperating. It seems when I try to up load more text and photos I am seen as a security threat and I get locked out. I will keep trying though