Does anyone take DeCaprio seriously?

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Rob Babcock

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Does anyone take DeCaprio seriously?
« on: 14 Dec 2004, 05:25 am »
I've heard good advance buzz for The Aviator, but despite my being really interested in the life of Howard Hughes, I find it impossible to take DeCaprio seriously in anything.  He's pretty much in the same catagory as Keanu Reeves and Adam Sandler in my book.  He wasn't nauseating in The Man in the Iron Mask but that's the closest to praise I can get.

Does anyone think he can pull off playing someone of note?


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Does anyone take DeCaprio seriously?
« Reply #1 on: 14 Dec 2004, 05:33 am »
Atually, I thought he did a good job in Speilberg's Catch Me If You Can.   And I thought he didn't detract from Gangs of NY, either.  He's one of those pretty boys, however, who'll have a tough time getting respect in the serious cinema.



Does anyone take DeCaprio seriously?
« Reply #2 on: 14 Dec 2004, 05:38 am »
What's funny about this is, if you've seen one of (if not) his first movies "What's eating gilbert grape" he was remarkable.  Really a great job and I don't know if he's just missed those choices since or if the media has decided to present him as a pretty boy since things just haven't been the same.

I thought it was funny what the real Frank Abagnale Jr. said about picking Leo to play him in the movie - that he didn't have enough confidence and charisma to pull it off!!

Rob Babcock

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Does anyone take DeCaprio seriously?
« Reply #3 on: 14 Dec 2004, 05:58 am »
To me Leo was okay as a "child actor" playing, well, a child.  But he's just so damn boyish and cherubic that I just can't believe him as an action/tough guy.  Just being "pretty" doesn't necessarily diminish ones ablity to be taken seriously, as Robert Redford and Brad Pitt have both shown.

Leo woulda been a good hobbit, though.


Does anyone take DeCaprio seriously?
« Reply #4 on: 14 Dec 2004, 02:09 pm »
I have to disagree with this one.  I think DeCaprio has turned into a very good actor, a step above the likes of Brad Pitt and other pretty boys.  After Titanic, it was easy to root against him because that movie was so overblown but he did a great job in Catch Me If You Can and looks to be a good choice in the Aviator.  

I read that he was the first choice for Alexander and that he tentatively accepted but later pulled out (before production) in favor of the Aviator.  It took Johnny Depp years to overcome the Jumpstreet image (I liked that show at the time!), and I believe that's why he accepted roles in so many artsy or outlandish films.  I have been a big fan from the begining and have always felt Depp's acting was more than a couple steps above the likes of pretty boys like Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt and Marky Mark (the worst actor in the business, IMO, if you don't include Ben Affleck).  Oh, and throw in Collin Ferrel.  Ferrel is the absolute WORST actor of the lot.  DeCaprio is already better than the group I just referenced.  

I believe, with time, and good movie choices, DeCaprio will emerge as a true talent.  He needs to age a bit, but he is already a better actor than many of the big names.  He may not be as good as Depp but he is better (IMO) than Affleck, Pitt, and Marky Mark.  A lot will depend on his movie choices and how well the Aviator does at the boxoffice.  After the Titanic hype, he was due for a letdown.



Does anyone take DeCaprio seriously?
« Reply #5 on: 14 Dec 2004, 02:56 pm »
I can't stand that guy.  He's the entire reason I never saw Gangs of New York.  Will skip Aviator because of him, too.  Somehting about Decaprio is just irritating.


Does anyone take DeCaprio seriously?
« Reply #6 on: 14 Dec 2004, 04:07 pm »
Quote from: byteme
What's funny about this is, if you've seen one of (if not) his first movies "What's eating gilbert grape" he was remarkable.!

...I wonder if it has anything to do with his character being mentally retarded?  "Hey Leo, very natural portrayal in Eating Gilbert Grape!"  I bet he never lives that one down...

--BillyM (laying dynomat on in/outside of computer)

Mike Dzurko

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Does anyone take DeCaprio seriously?
« Reply #7 on: 14 Dec 2004, 06:04 pm »
Having worked with Cognitively Disabled teens for years, I can say that Leo's acting job in Gilbert Grape was dead on. A fantastic movie IMHO.

I do have a tough time picturing him as Hughes, but we'll see


Does anyone take DeCaprio seriously?
« Reply #8 on: 14 Dec 2004, 06:13 pm »
I agree with jackman...I think DiCaprio has turned into a pretty good actor (Titanic notwithstanding).   Some of his image problem as a prettyboy comes from the way the movie studios market his films.  Catch Me If You Can was a good example...from the commercials and trailers, it looks like the hokey-est movie you could imagine, but I eventually saw it on HBO and it was quite good.

I remember his performance in The Basketball Diaries (before his ascent to megastardom), and he was tremendous in that.


Does anyone take DeCaprio seriously?
« Reply #9 on: 14 Dec 2004, 07:03 pm »
I remember his performance in The Basketball Diaries (before his ascent to megastardom), and he was tremendous in that.

I couldn't remember the name of that movie!  I agree, he was good in it.  This will blow all my credibility but he was good in a so-so movie, the Beach.  I like the movie because it is beautifully shot and I really like that hot French chick in the movie.  Leo's acting is very good in the movie.  Plus, the soundtrack has some very good techno and the movie has some great background techno and alternate ending on the DVD.  

Until that movie, my opinion of Leo was very negative, but I've come around.  He's a cut above the likes of Keanu Reeves (sp?), Afleck, Brad Pitt (except in Fight Club which was a cool movie), Collin Ferrel, and Matt Damen in my opinion.  Plus, Gangs of NY sucked as a movie.  I don't think Leo or anyone could have saved that one.  It looked good on the previews but was poorly made.  Very few actors could have pulled off "Catch Me.." as well as DeCaprio.  I look forward to the Aviator.

Don't get me wrong, I hated Titanic and intensely disliked DeCaprio and all of the hype that followed that movie.  The movie was a mixed blessing for him because it made him famous but turned off many who were sick of the hype (including me).  He was convincing in Gilbert Grape, much better portrayal of a mentally challenged person than...say Sean Penn's recent effort (can't remember the movie) or even Edward Norton's flick a couple years ago in which he played a retarded guy (can't remember name).  You can throw in Vin Diesel's latest movie in which he palyed a heavily muscled guy with severe brain damage (or was he NOT acting...).

Just my opinion...




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Does anyone take DeCaprio seriously?
« Reply #10 on: 14 Dec 2004, 07:06 pm »
I saw a show about the movie, and he looks like Hughes.  I haven't seen any of his other movies (including Titanic).


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Re: Does anyone take DeCaprio seriously?
« Reply #11 on: 14 Dec 2004, 09:10 pm »
Quote from: Rob Babcock
I've heard good advance buzz for The Aviator, but despite my being really interested in the life of Howard Hughes, I find it impossible to take DeCaprio seriously in anything.  He's pretty much in the same catagory as Keanu Reeves and Adam Sandler in my book.  He wasn't nauseating in The Man in the Iron Mask but that's the closest to praise I can get.

Does anyone think he can pull off playing someone of note?

I don't agree in comparing him with Keanu and Adam Sandler.  For one he tends to take on much more demanding roles than either of those two.  DiCaprio's biggest asset is the range of emotions he can realistically portray.  That's one reason he's often compared to the likes of Brando or De Niro.


Does anyone take DeCaprio seriously?
« Reply #12 on: 14 Dec 2004, 09:46 pm »
You are comparing DiCaprio to Brando and/or DeNiro :nono: ?? This guy sucks as an actor :!: You were joking right? :lol:

Rob Babcock

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Does anyone take DeCaprio seriously?
« Reply #13 on: 14 Dec 2004, 10:05 pm »
I'm not saying Leo sucks as an actor; in that sense he's definately a cut above Keanu.  I basically mean he's too slight and effeminent to portray anyone who's not supposed to be a wuss.  He's just got no edge, no fire.  There are plenty of physically smallish actors who can still portray dangerous characters because they can draw upon some well of danger and swagger within.  I've never seen DeCaprio do that, and I doubt I ever will.  His range runs from mentally challenged by to spoiled petulent boy.  Can he manage to perform credibly outside that little box?

A couple of actors that have made a career playing milquetoast characters yet that really surprised me with some gritty performances are Scott Bakula and Matt Damon.  I really never liked Bakula due to his long stint on the uber-gay "Quantum Leap".  That show was a sci-fi "Touched by an Angel" and "Sam" was a candyass.  But he knocked my dick in the dirt with his role in Master of Illusion.  I'd have never guessed he had it in him.  Ditto Damon in the first Bourne Identity- when I read he'd been cast as a super special agent I snickered, but he was completely believable.  

Little Leo does just rub me the wrong way, and I'd watch Vin Deisel playing a mailman before I'd watch Leo as a secret agent.  DeCaprio has the charisma of a dead accountant, IMO.


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Does anyone take DeCaprio seriously?
« Reply #14 on: 15 Dec 2004, 08:27 am »
In regards to annoying actors:  The whole cast from Ocean's Twelve.  The first film was bad enough with all of the posturing but I hear that there is even a cameo appearance from Julia Roberts herself in the sequel.  :lol:  Supposedly the film was made so they could all take a vacation in Europe.  :roll:

Also the comparisons to De Niro and Brando come from within the industry from people who have known and worked with
them.  I kinda trust their opinions vs. the average joe.

I agree though that Matt Damon has proven himself with the Bourne role.


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Does anyone take DeCaprio seriously?
« Reply #15 on: 15 Dec 2004, 05:49 pm »
Damon is a very good actor, he was convincing as a sociopath in Talented Mr. Ripley, a genius w/emotional problems in Good Will Hunting, a superspy in Bourne Identity, a boyish, over-earnest thief in the Ocean's movies, a gambling addict in Rounders, and a racist prick in School ties - the guy has got some range.  His main problem is his association with the no-talented-went-to-the-Keanu-Reeves-school-of-acting non-entity known as Ben Affleck.  It's almost guilt-by-association.

Tonto Yoder

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Does anyone take DeCaprio seriously?
« Reply #16 on: 20 Dec 2004, 10:54 pm »
Surprising tidbit:  "American Psycho" was once to be directed by Oliver Stone  and star DiCaprio.


Does anyone take DeCaprio seriously?
« Reply #17 on: 1 Jan 2005, 07:20 am »
I think Leonardo is maturing into a pretty good actor, Titanic of course was his rise to stardom. Beach was touristy and colorful. Gangs of New York was ok, he actually looked mean and angry with that stubble on his face. At first I thought Catch me if you Can didn't show much promise, but I just saw it for the second time on HBO, and I think he did a fine job with that role, he was very believable as someone (a kid) looking and wanting to be loved.
Ben Affleck I don't care for, he was just not Daredevil, wonder what were they thinking.


Does anyone take DeCaprio seriously?
« Reply #18 on: 2 Mar 2005, 06:39 am »
I think he's a very good actor.  The only problem is he doesn't look quite as mature as most of the people he portrays.  But, that really is a minor thing to me.