Once Upon A Time

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Once Upon A Time
« on: 18 Apr 2020, 04:42 am »
I had started this post in the Vintage Circle, but thought it best to complete it over here.

I had been thinking about the speaker systems I had just before what I have now.  I guess I was feeling a bit nostalgic.  They were the Infinity RS1b's and the original Martin Logan CLS.  I used to swap out the upper range sections using the Infinity bass towers for both.  Before these were the Acoustat 1+1's.  And before those were the Allison Three's.  Other than the Allison's they were all larger 4 piece systems, as is what I have today.  I always seem to gravitate to them.

I was thinking that if I only could have known then what I know now about audio, how much better I could have gotten them to sound.  I have learned so much over the years regarding room acoustics, system and room set-up, the synergy between components and the big one, room correction systems.  Armed with all of that I have no doubt the bar would have been raised substantially.  I am not saying that I would like to step back, because I am very, very pleased with what I have now.  I am just curious on how much of that is actually due to the newer better tech and how much is due to just simply getting the set-up right? 

Part of getting it right is having good room dimensions, which I had for the Infinity / CLS systems.  But, for my current VMPS set up I was able to lengthen that room by 10 feet making the previous long wall behind the speakers the short one.  Larger systems do demand more space and maybe my previous systems were not allowed to breathe properly and be the best of what they could have been.  I am sure that was a part of it.  I would have liked to have known them in the room I have now.

Here are the Allison Three's with The Original VMPS Subwoofer.  1979 - 1985 approx.

These are the Acoustat 1+1's with The Original VMPS Subwoofer.  1985 - 1988 approx.

These next photos show the Infinity RS1b / Martin Logan CLS systems.  I had them at the same time and swapped back and forth using the Infinity bass towers for both.  1988 - 2009 approx.

These last two are of course the VMPS RM-V60's with matching VLA bass towers.  2009 - present 
I have wondered how many of these complete systems are out there?  I know that I had the first and Paul Monroe the second.  But, after that I don't have a clue and don't remember any others posting on this forum at the time with them.


Re: Once Upon A Time
« Reply #1 on: 18 Apr 2020, 05:10 am »
Thanks for the memories. Thanks for the pics too. I’m curious about the bass tower qualities between the Infinities and the VMPS.


Re: Once Upon A Time
« Reply #2 on: 18 Apr 2020, 05:33 am »
The bass in my room now is the best I have ever had.  It measures flat from 110 down to 19 Hz and the quality is outstanding. 

The Infinity towers used 8 inch drivers, but there 6 per side.  They had the potential to be faster and tighter, but I was never able to achieve what I have now.  I belive that is due to both the superior design and build of the VMPS (around 300 lbs each) and my larger listening space I have now.  I also didn't know what I know now about integration.

The Infinities also used a bass servo control circut of sorts.   It was not as well implemented as it was in the subsequent IRS Beta models.  Still, I think that with modern DSP and tossing out that servo system, they could be quite nice to have today. 


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Re: Once Upon A Time
« Reply #3 on: 18 Apr 2020, 06:35 am »
Really beautiful room from the size, tasteful look, well placed acoustic panels, natural plant diffusers, and I love the Hans Solo’esque art.  A big “wow” on the RM-V60 and bass towers.  You are not alone with if we only knew then what we have learned with experience and listening, and how many listening years things could have been better.  That said, we did not have DSP and it is a beautiful thing. Beautiful setup, thanks for sharing.  Happy listening.


Re: Once Upon A Time
« Reply #4 on: 18 Apr 2020, 04:52 pm »
Thank you.  I do realize that I am fortunate to have such a room and I do not take it for granted.  I am thankful every day.  I was able to do it only because my house is very small and cozy.  I had to toss in the cozy part.

I built the room as part of a detached garage behind and to the side of my house.  I have since connected it with a covered walkway.  The room expansion I mentioned was the result of reclaimed space eliminating one car spot.  It was a double car garage on the back side of that room.

I find that the recreation of a virtual soundstage with such a two channel system can appear magical at times.  So, that is why my room is decorated combining science fiction and mystical themes.