Roon 1.7 + BDP-1 Networking Issues

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Roon 1.7 + BDP-1 Networking Issues
« on: 16 Feb 2020, 04:55 am »
With the latest stable build, I am experiencing network discovery and access issues with the BDP and Roon Version 1.7 (build 511) stable.

When running my BDP-1 in MPD mode, everything works great.

In Roon mode, however, the network stack on the BDP goes berserk. For example, repeated reboots of the BDP and my router/switch are necessary to access the Manic Moose user interface (switching back to MPD mode from Roon mode took hours of trail and error).

When in Roon mode, I cannot access the Manic Moose UI using the known IP address (DHCP assigns an IP address to the BDP-1 via its MAC address in my router). I *can* ping the device, but port 80 (http) connections are refused. Additionally, in Roon mode, I cannot connect via SSH into the BDP; again, connection refused. And, as expected, resolving bryston-bdp-1.local is very spotty.

Switching back to MPD mode (again, this required lots of web UI access attempts and "getting lucky"), all of the above clears up - no problem accessing the web UI, resolving the Bonjour address nor any issues accessing SSH.

One other symptom: when you *can* get into the Manic Moose UI in Roon mode, I see a zillion, stacked pop-ups on the bottom about "Syncing Qobuz Favorites". Annoying.

My guess: the RAAT service on the BDP is not initializing properly on boot-up and is blocking/interfering with the initialization of other TCP services (e.g. http, ssh). Note that there is NO change in this behavior, regardless of whether or not I have Roon Core running on my Mac Mini on the same subnet.

And, yes, this is consistently repeatable.

S2.42 2019-12-02
Build: Manic Moose
MPD: 0.19.21 NEWS
Kernel: 3.16-0.bpo.2-486


  • Full Member
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Re: Roon 1.7 + BDP-1 Networking Issues
« Reply #1 on: 22 Feb 2020, 06:14 pm »
I was able to repeatedly observe this issue, switching back to Roon mode and then restarting the BDP-1.

For what it's worth, I did a factory reset and that was the end of the Roon issue. Who knows...?


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Re: Roon 1.7 + BDP-1 Networking Issues
« Reply #2 on: 28 Feb 2020, 07:25 pm »
The Roon software was updated in that release.  Did you check the services page to see if Roon Ready was checked?  The check mark only appears when the service is running, if its was crashing there would either be no check mark or it would periodically become unchecked and then the check would come back and just be in a loop.
