Avengers: Endgame

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Avengers: Endgame
« on: 20 Jun 2019, 05:44 pm »
Surprised no one has started a thread. But then again, maybe not.

My review: Meh. It's just how movies/TV are now that when it's time to wrap things up the storytelling just falls apart and you end up with degrees of disappointment. Endgame's plot is so doofy that even the dialogue comments on it. If you have to make multiple references to Back to the Future to make fun of your own plan to save the universe... maybe it's a bad plan (but Back to the Future is an interesting trivia reference point, see below). Endgame shrugs this off and decides to just focus on making references to earlier Marvel movies, creating timeline/plot gaps to allow for new Marvel movies to fit into the universe, and ending on an obligatory sacrificial note. Endgame is the most 'corporate' of the series, with the credits featuring all the characters as Marvel toys with the actors' signatures. The point is clear: glad you enjoyed these movies - but it's still product not art. All that aside, what they did over 20+ movies is an incredible achievement. They put story and character first (just above product) and dared to make films that even their own executives tried to block (Black Panther, Captain Marvel, Black Widow). So kudos to them.

But Endgame you can Netflix. You're not missing anything and the chintzy CGI battles will look better on a smaller screen.

Crazy Trivia! I bought an 8 disk 80s movies compilation from Amazon. One of those movies is Tuff Turf (1985), starring James Spader and featuring... Robert Downey Jr! Both would eventually be in Avengers Age of Ultron. But it gets better: 30min into the film there is a scene where RDJ and Spader leave the back of a building and he walks past graffiti on the wall. Guess what it says: 'The New Avengers'! How crazy is that! Tuff Turf was released the same year as Back to the Future and both a song that was also played in BTTF and one of the actors from BTTF. I highly recommend Tuff Turf btw for film buffs - it is the most 80s 80s movie ever, like all the 80s teen movies in one movie and Spader is terrific (as always).


Re: Avengers: Endgame
« Reply #1 on: 20 Jun 2019, 08:14 pm »
I always think back to the 80's flick "Less than zero" when I see RDJ.  He was AMAZING in that movie.  Not that it was great, but he was committed.  Spader is in this one too!

One of my daughters is a huge Marvel movie fan, and even she said that Endgame was just OK.

I hear it's back in theaters with new material or something?