Headphone extension cable?

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Stu Pitt

Headphone extension cable?
« on: 26 Nov 2018, 02:45 pm »
Anyone have any feedback regarding headphone extension cables?

My rack sits 10 feet from my couch. I want to lay on the couch and listen to my headphones when my kids go to sleep. I’ve got Etymotic ER4s IEMs, and the cord isn’t long enough.

Anyone use an extension cable with headphones? I’d assume it would be fine, but I don’t know how it effects them. Impedences and all that stuff are different than speakers. I don’t know if a long cable will make my amp see an odd load or what’ll happen.

I’m using a Bryston B60 integrated amp.

dB Cooper

Re: Headphone extension cable?
« Reply #1 on: 27 Nov 2018, 01:23 am »
I use a 10' extension cord with my 21 ohm Etys and usually a 6' with my 250 ohm Beyers. Both are driven from my agdr-modified O2 amp. Both combinations get me to the other side of the room with enough slack to move around some without an excess of cabling. No problems. You shouldn't have any problems either as long as the output impedance is reasonable. Technically that includes the cabling but you'd have to have a fairly long run for that to be significant I think. If there are dropping resistors at the jack inside, that is your output impedance IIRC.

Stu Pitt

Re: Headphone extension cable?
« Reply #2 on: 27 Nov 2018, 04:37 am »
Thanks, dB. I don’t know much about the whole headphone/IEM side of things. I see different headphones and IEMs have very different impedance specs and I don’t know how cables effect that or if they’ve got no realistic bearing on how headphones are driven.

10 feet is a straight line from my amp to where my head would be. I’m going to tape a string to the amp and to my Etys’ plug and measure how much cable I’d really need.

Then I’ll have to figure out what cable to go with. You know how that goes. I saw a Grado 15 ft cable for about $40 or so. Without getting into the great an never ending cable debate, any experience with it? Anything else I should look into? I saw some pretty low priced stuff from Monoprice. People rave about their other cables from a price to performance standpoint. I also saw Mogami, which is highly regarded in the pro sector. But those are the only actual name brands I recognized. The other stuff was highly questionable stuff on Amazon from who knows where. Sound aside, I’m suspicious of the build quality of stuff like that. Sound being equal, I’d rather get the $60 cable that lasts forever than the $5 cable that falls apart in a few months or less.

I just ordered a pair of Focal Listen from Music Direct today for $130. I love my Etys but need a change, so I figured I’d take a chance. I really like Focal speakers. Hopefully they’ll have a similar sonic signature. The head-fi guy’s loved them for $250 or so when they came out.


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Re: Headphone extension cable?
« Reply #3 on: 27 Nov 2018, 12:25 pm »
I used a 10' Audioquest something or other for years with no problems.   In fact I sometimes felt it improved the SQ on some headphones.   My setup changed and I haven't used it lately so I don't know which model it is, I seem to remember under $100 on sale.


Re: Headphone extension cable?
« Reply #4 on: 1 Dec 2018, 02:16 pm »
I use the Pangea Audio 15ft extension cable with my Sennheiser HD6xx (Massdrop) headphones powered by an AVA Insight+ preamp.  I notice no difference in sound when I use the extension cable.  I probably have around 200hrs of use with the cable and it is like new.  It is built very sturdy with solid connectors. 

Read about it here:

Stu Pitt

Re: Headphone extension cable?
« Reply #5 on: 2 Dec 2018, 12:22 am »
Thanks for the suggestions, guys. I’m going to look into them all and order one of them. Unfortunately no one around me sells this stuff that I know of. Guitar Center is about it, and all they had was Live Wire 10 ft and 25 ft cable. 10 is too short and 25 is too long. I’ve got a Live Wire headphone/TRSto XLR cable for my computer to M-Audio monitors at work. Not bad, but not the most sturdy stuff I’ve ever seen. I think Grado and Pangea would be sturdier for not much more money.

No idea how I never saw the extension cables at Audio Advisor. Kimber PBJ cable has me interested. I love my Kimber Heroes and DV something coax. I think the PBJ would probably be a waste of money, being $182 of cable on a $130 set of cans :)  Grado or Pangea will be more than good enough.

Stu Pitt

Re: Headphone extension cable?
« Reply #6 on: 2 Dec 2018, 12:28 am »
Stupid question...

My Focals have a detachable cable. It looks like a standard headphone cable on both ends. Would a mini-mini interconnect cable work, or is this something different entirely? The stock cable has a play/pause button on it. I don’t think I’ll miss it if it’s not there.