Best of CES award

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Best of CES award
« on: 15 Jan 2005, 09:12 pm »
Hmmmm... wonder which manufacturer Danny is referring to  ...  :nono:

... He had heard about it because some other speaker manufacturer that he had heard about had based their whole marketing campaign around winning this award.

First of all the award is given by a television station (G4Tech TV) for new technology products. It has nothing to do with performance, sound quality, or how the product compares to other similar products.

Secondly, it is not something being competed for by every company at the CES. In order to be considered for their awards you must register with them to win.

The category of high end audio, this year called "Ultimate Audio", has the lowest participation of all categories.

From Caroline Diaz of G4Tech TV: "Yes, we do not have as many entrants into the high-end audio category as we do in the other categories."

So the winner of each category competed only against others registered in that category.

I asked Caroline how many companies had entered each category, each year, to get a feel for how much competition there really was. I had been told unofficially that in first year only three companies had entered. Her reply was that there were, ah, less than a handful.

And year two? Well ah, not very many more...

But last year she seamed to believe that there were nearly 25 that entered, if memory serves her correct.

How many were there this year? Dera Revel, CES coordinator, G4TechTV stated that this year there were about 10 entrants in the Ultimate Audio category.

Brian Cheney

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Best of CES
« Reply #1 on: 15 Jan 2005, 09:50 pm »
In 2002 there were 37 entrants in the High End Audio competition.  In 2003 there were 28.  VMPS won both years.
In 2004 the RM 30 finished eighth out of 30 competitors.

We did not enter the 2005 competition.

TechTV solicits all exhibitors to enter their products in the competition.  The decision is based on sound quality, value, and advancement of the art of audio.  Some of the larger manufacturers spend millions developing their entrants and are most displeased when they lose.


Re: Best of CES award
« Reply #2 on: 15 Jan 2005, 10:06 pm »
Quote from: ekovalsky
Hmmmm... wonder which manufacturer Danny is referring to  ...  :nono:

What's the point of this post?  Anytime someone starts a post with a wagging finger it should really be in Fight Club.  If you have a beef, have one.. but there's a place for it.

I don't know all the background of this particular situation but it seems some people are hell bent on stirring the pot....

Do I understand the original intent of this post?  Or is this a constructive post and I don't?


Re: Best of CES award
« Reply #3 on: 15 Jan 2005, 10:13 pm »

What's the point of this post?  Anytime someone starts a post with a wagging finger it should really be in Fight Club.  If you have a beef, have one.. but there's a place for it.

I don't know all the background of this particular situation but it seems some people are hell bent on stirring the pot....

Do I understand the original intent of this post?  Or is this a constructive post and I don't?

I only brought it up because one manufacturer shouldn't diss another for winning an award.  It can be inferred from the post I quoted that the award is meaningless and it is silly to use it for marketing purposes.  While VMPS certainly is not known for slick marketing, winning a "Best of CES" is something to be proud of.  Why not use it to your advantage?

Moderator -- feel free to delete or move as you wish.  I won't be posting any more on this thread.

Rob Babcock

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Best of CES award
« Reply #4 on: 15 Jan 2005, 11:22 pm »
I don't think he "dissed" anyone, and of course the winner this year has no presence at AC.  His arguments are valid, given the small field this year.  I especially wonder since the G4 "takeover" and ruin of TechTV whether the award is still meaningful from here on out.  Maybe it's still done by the same guys, who knows.

I say don't go stirring up trouble where there is none. :nono:

John Casler

Best of CES award
« Reply #5 on: 16 Jan 2005, 02:44 am »
Hope no one minds me locking this before it gets silly again.   :mrgreen: