You Were Never Really Here

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You Were Never Really Here
« on: 15 Apr 2018, 09:23 pm »
Hard to pin this one down.

I am usually a sucker for a good revenge violence flick.  This one had some of that in it.

I usually like a movie that takes a few unexpected turns.  This one had a little of that.

I usually like a movie with some "odd reflections" in it.  This one had more than a few of those in it.

In the end I did not though.

I believe I was able to follow the "shattered reflections of his past" - which was an interesting cinematic approach vs the typical "here is all you need to know about our forlorn main character" reviews. 

Joaquin was believable.  The cameo's were good.  The violence was "appropriate" most of the time.  The subject matter is obviously offensive, but they dealt with that well too.

I just didn't care that it was over when it was.

Try it on a plane if you've see everything else - or perhaps I missed the artist point of it all.