Leonard’s Grammy

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Leonard’s Grammy
« on: 30 Jan 2018, 11:25 am »
Did anyone else have a big smile when they read about Leonard Cohen winning his first Grammy?
“You Want It Darker”.....Best Rock Performance!


Re: Leonard’s Grammy
« Reply #1 on: 30 Jan 2018, 12:51 pm »
I would, but the shame of an artist that I listen to getting a granny was too much. Grammy is not just irrelevant, it is actually a good way to weed out bad music but looking through the list of winners and avoiding them. So I felt that the legacy of Leonard Cohen was tainted. There was a time that Eric Clapton would win a Grammy now drake and Verdi b win Grammy, is my point.


Re: Leonard’s Grammy
« Reply #2 on: 30 Jan 2018, 03:39 pm »

I think I was smiling because of the category.
I agree with some of your rant, but a Grammy ain't going to taint Leonard Cohen (or Donald Nally or Jason Isbell).

It's too cold for a walk on the beach this morning, so I can waste some time telling a story.

A few years ago we were on the road in Columbia SC, dining at a bar where a local band was playing.  The band was pretty good with an eclectic mix of originals and covers.  Sitting next to us were two young women. 
The band did something I usually hate....they played "Hallelujah".  I think LC wanted a moratorium on that.
Lady at bar (L@B) started this exchange.

 L@B: That's my favorite song.
Me:  I'm a big fan of Leonard Cohen.  We saw him do an incredible show in New York this year.
L@B: Who is Leonard Cohen?
Me:  He wrote "Hallelujah".
L@B: No he didn't.  Jeff Buckley wrote it.
Me: OK.  What do you think about Tim Buckley?
L@B: Who?

Music adds so much to our lives.  I don't know who Verdi b is.  He (or she) might never write a (for me) breathtaking requiem, but if Verdi b creates music that can have a similar effect on others ...as Big Boy Crudop  said,  "That's all right, Mama."



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Re: Leonard’s Grammy
« Reply #3 on: 30 Jan 2018, 03:51 pm »
I would, but the shame of an artist that I listen to making money was too much. Money is not just irrelevant, it is actually a good way to weed out bad music but looking through the list of money makers and avoiding them. So I felt that the legacy of Leonard Cohen was tainted. There was a time that Eric Clapton would make a lot of money now drake and Verdi b make a lot of money, is my point.

Your original statement was absurd, so I changed it to something equally absurd.  In your opinion, winning a Grammy is pretty much equal to selling out!  Haha.   :lol:


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Re: Leonard’s Grammy
« Reply #4 on: 30 Jan 2018, 04:11 pm »
I would, but the shame of an artist that I listen to getting a granny was too much. Grammy is not just irrelevant, it is actually a good way to weed out bad music but looking through the list of winners and avoiding them. So I felt that the legacy of Leonard Cohen was tainted. There was a time that Eric Clapton would win a Grammy now drake and Verdi b win Grammy, is my point.
A doozy of a statement there, Dadbeh.
The Grammy was awarded posthumously but you think he sold out to get it. Additionally, you think Grammies are irrelevant, yet nearly everybody involved in the music industry wants one or more. What do you know that they do not? Would you be willing to share your enlightened rectitude with them?

My own feeling, having been well aware of LC and his work, is that you would be hard pressed to locate a less commercially inspired or materially driven success story in the music industry. He is known to have spent a year or more composing some of his song lyrics. His patient technique and conscientious expression always put me in mind of a Mark Twain quote I can paraphrase closely.
"The difference between the almost right word and the perfectly chosen word is the difference between the lightning bug and the lightning".


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Re: Leonard’s Grammy
« Reply #5 on: 30 Jan 2018, 05:19 pm »
Hi Tom,
Are you still trying to cold shame us with tales of SC glory??

Anyway, thanks for send the LC notice. I had no idea he won - nor did I know about anyone in any category for that matter since I don’t follow the Gs. But LC winning for You Want It Darker is well deserved, as is winning in the rock performance category. The man did make an impact and his influence continues. I actually prefer his later recordings; I feel the same about Mose Allison.

You gotta love Montreal - I do.



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Re: Leonard’s Grammy
« Reply #6 on: 16 Apr 2018, 04:46 am »
I'm sure ( replying to the pink voice of warning ). I'm just throwing in some Leonard Cohen  love......about 2 cents worth.
   Suzanne  a  long time favorite song.......top 10,maybe 5   personally speaking. And  the Webb sisters will be singing  If It Be
  Your Will    at my wake    in case people aren't sad enough.  and finally, for my third cent.....  Live In London always gets a lot
of time on my cdp,as does Songs of Leonard Cohen .   much love to Leonard and listeners