Integra 80.3.... Stable unit to purchase used???

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Integra 80.3.... Stable unit to purchase used???
« on: 12 Jul 2017, 03:15 pm »
I have an Integra 9.8 pre/pro, that I purchased used a couple years ago. Its HDMI board has died, so I am looking around to purchase another one and was seeing that I can get the better sounding 80.2 OR 80.3 for close to the same price I paid for the 9.8...

BUT there seems to be a lot of there popping up here and there, as well as HDMI boards for them being sold on eBay...

Is the 80.3 a stable unit to purchase used? Will I just run into the same issue? Are these known to crap out like this? Should I look elsewhere?

As cheap as I may seem, I love to stay under 500$ for good pre/pro with a good EQ to go with my 5ch Rotel amp and Mirage OM-6 and corresponding center and surrounds...

What ye think?

Maybe I should add that I can get an 80.3 with original receipt for warrantee, so maybe that good enough...
