$$ savings running amp 24/7/365 of Bryston 4B-SST² vs 4B³

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From another thread elsewhere mentioning the cost of running an amp 24/7/365/
I checked the specs of the 4B-SST² and it idles using 170 watts. Vs the Bryston 4B³ using only about 70 watts at idle.
The savings of buying a cubed over the squared, just for the saving on electrical costs leaving it on 24/7/365

100 watts saved per hour, 2.400 watts per day the cubed is more efficient, so I would assign all 24 hours of saving of about 100 watts per hour, even if listening//)
876 kilowatts saved per year. at a cost of $0.12 kilowatt is saving about $105 year in electricity costs.
20 years is saving $2,100. (ignoring the cost of energy will rise)
That is money 'not spent' just idling.. The new Cubed saves around a THIRD of it's own cost in energy savings compared to the 4B-SST² over a 20 year lifespan if you leave it on 24/7/365.
(Naturally if you turn it off, the savings are way less)
Also the savings do not include the cost of air conditioning electrical use to cool the always runnning amp room in Summer. Which might double the electrical cost?)

One more reason (I tell myself) to buy a new Cubed and retire the Squared. (I do leave my electronics on 24/7/365)


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Re: $$ savings running amp 24/7/365 of Bryston 4B-SST² vs 4B³
« Reply #1 on: 14 Jun 2017, 06:59 pm »
That's great to hear that the cubed version consumes less at idle. I assume this is across the board for all models of squared vs. cubed?

How many of you leave your Bryston amps ON 24/7? Which models do you have? How hot do they get?

I prefer to leave my amp on 24/7 and can finally do so with Class D. Low power consumption and cool to touch, even when playing. How close are the newer Bryston models?


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Re: $$ savings running amp 24/7/365 of Bryston 4B-SST² vs 4B³
« Reply #2 on: 14 Jun 2017, 08:46 pm »
My Bryston 4B-SST² top is pretty warm to the touch. I can hold the top without feeling any pain..
The top sides are hotter than the fines on the sides.
The Bryston is slightly cooler than my previous amp. A Forte' 4a. But the Bryton is twice the size and mass of the Forte'

As mine says it idles at 170 watts.. That is like a couple of incandescent light bulbs heat wise.
So the newer Cubed (compared to the squared) would be like turning OFF a 100 watt incandescent bulb inside the chassis.


Re: $$ savings running amp 24/7/365 of Bryston 4B-SST² vs 4B³
« Reply #3 on: 14 Jun 2017, 09:52 pm »
I have a 2B-SST and it's on all the time (24/7/365). But it only consumes 30 watts at idle so no big deal.


Re: $$ savings running amp 24/7/365 of Bryston 4B-SST² vs 4B³
« Reply #4 on: 15 Jun 2017, 08:37 am »
But why would you do that? Leave them on 24/7/365.

I've considered that too with my 28b's. They idle (powered On, playing nothing) at 130 watts each, so 260 watts doing nothing. I've managed to take my electrical bill down a lot by switching them off after listening. And discovered no disadvantage whatsoever doing so. They're beasts, and play to the max after the initial load at startup.

Taking things even further, and learning they even consume powered Off (3 watts per amp according to my home control system), I've decided to kill all ghost usage and have everything hooked up to a smart switch, i can control and monitor remotely.

No more un-needed power consumption and related costs, with the added bonus of a one click power-on all devices. :thumb:



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Re: $$ savings running amp 24/7/365 of Bryston 4B-SST² vs 4B³
« Reply #5 on: 15 Jun 2017, 12:39 pm »
My experience with most electronics is they sound not nearly as good as they can, for the first hour of use after being turned on. And it generally takes several more hours for them to sound their best.
This is the case with my amp, my preamps, and my CD players.
I do agree some folks notice this effect, and others do not.
I do, and so I prefer to leave the equipment on. (rather than spend hours being disappointed.)

I also agree if a person does not hear this difference, then there is no point in leaving the equipment on 24/7/365/


Re: $$ savings running amp 24/7/365 of Bryston 4B-SST² vs 4B³
« Reply #6 on: 15 Jun 2017, 12:54 pm »
My experience with most electronics is they sound not nearly as good as they can, for the first hour of use after being turned on. And it generally takes several more hours for them to sound their best.
This is the case with my amp, my preamps, and my CD players.
I do agree some folks notice this effect, and others do not.
I do, and so I prefer to leave the equipment on. (rather than spend hours being disappointed.)

I also agree if a person does not hear this difference, then there is no point in leaving the equipment on 24/7/365/
Hey Elisabeth,

Thanks. If you're this convinced I will recheck. I admit it has been a while since i tested this aspect, but having been settled myself, I'll reevaluate. Do you have certain auditory aspects that are better, or is it just the overall presentation and sound.

Cheers, and always eager to find those last %% in Sound (and save the last %% in $$) ;)



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Re: $$ savings running amp 24/7/365 of Bryston 4B-SST² vs 4B³
« Reply #7 on: 15 Jun 2017, 01:25 pm »
I turn on my 14B2 only when I use it.
Sounded great right out of the box btw.
Classic Bryston.


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Re: $$ savings running amp 24/7/365 of Bryston 4B-SST² vs 4B³
« Reply #8 on: 15 Jun 2017, 01:44 pm »
Hey Elisabeth,

Thanks. If you're this convinced I will recheck. I admit it has been a while since i tested this aspect, but having been settled myself, I'll reevaluate. Do you have certain auditory aspects that are better, or is it just the overall presentation and sound.

Cheers, and always eager to find those last %% in Sound (and save the last %% in $$) ;)


I would say grainy sound is #1 issue, more congested at startup. Less clarity and definition.After full warmup the sound is more liquid, flowing, clear.

As for rechecking old notions.. yeah.
As I have acquired better equipment over the years, I have discovered I
1) Can hear differences between stock and aftermarket powercords.. (this was with my Forte' 4a amp. when I bought a early Pangea AC9 for less than I could make one myself, I was SURPRISED, suddenly I can hear a difference in a powercord. In the Forte' case it was better bass.)
2) interconnects.. Up until I bought $5,000 a pop electronics and included power conditioners, I could not really hear much differences in IC. But afterwards I discovered yes I can hear differences in interconnects. To the point I spent over $5,000 for three sets of IC, and still want one more $1,100 pair..

And times I have turned off stuff to swap stuff, or a power failure. etc. I find it still is true that equipment sound changes from a cold start..
(also I have a preamp (ARC SP-15) I own and use just for the tubed phono section, so THAT item I turn on only when I plan on using it, and yes it alway sounds less the first hour, and is listenable from that point, and still takes a few hours to really shine. Same thing with a Sony SCD777ES I am 'saving; forever. though the Sony is pretty set after the first hour.)

Anyway, it is worth checking stuff again. I find usually folks who do not hear stuff just think it does not exist (the corollary being others who claim they d hear it, are deluding themselves).. Untill they DO hear it LOL


Re: $$ savings running amp 24/7/365 of Bryston 4B-SST² vs 4B³
« Reply #9 on: 15 Jun 2017, 03:04 pm »
Wow that's a lot Elisabeth.

Thank goodness i'm not in a position to lust for those IC's... Let alone be able to justify them in this household ;-)
Otah, if i would be, i wouldn't bother turning my rig Off, unless for environmental reasons of course.
Trying to keep the Eco-footprint as small as possible here.

Still, will do thorough rechecking after my trip to the new centre of the new Europe, Paris!

À bientôt, et merci beaucoup pour cette inspiration audiophile.


I would say grainy sound is #1 issue, more congested at startup. Less clarity and definition.After full warmup the sound is more liquid, flowing, clear.

As for rechecking old notions.. yeah.
As I have acquired better equipment over the years, I have discovered I
1) Can hear differences between stock and aftermarket powercords.. (this was with my Forte' 4a amp. when I bought a early Pangea AC9 for less than I could make one myself, I was SURPRISED, suddenly I can hear a difference in a powercord. In the Forte' case it was better bass.)
2) interconnects.. Up until I bought $5,000 a pop electronics and included power conditioners, I could not really hear much differences in IC. But afterwards I discovered yes I can hear differences in interconnects. To the point I spent over $5,000 for three sets of IC, and still want one more $1,100 pair..

And times I have turned off stuff to swap stuff, or a power failure. etc. I find it still is true that equipment sound changes from a cold start..
(also I have a preamp (ARC SP-15) I own and use just for the tubed phono section, so THAT item I turn on only when I plan on using it, and yes it alway sounds less the first hour, and is listenable from that point, and still takes a few hours to really shine. Same thing with a Sony SCD777ES I am 'saving; forever. though the Sony is pretty set after the first hour.)

Anyway, it is worth checking stuff again. I find usually folks who do not hear stuff just think it does not exist (the corollary being others who claim they d hear it, are deluding themselves).. Untill they DO hear it LOL


Re: $$ savings running amp 24/7/365 of Bryston 4B-SST² vs 4B³
« Reply #10 on: 15 Jun 2017, 03:11 pm »
I turn on my 14B2 only when I use it.
Sounded great right out of the box btw.
Classic Bryston.

Same here. Then again, we're blessed with fine regulated power grids over here. Though some on this board hold the regulators and governments for adversaries, firm regulation on this does help... Neednt overdo things of course, but infrastructure is a fine thing to have well organized.

Though as Elisabeth says, i have also experienced grainy sound before, and always blamed the recording. Will reevaluate things with these specific albums and see what it might bring.



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Re: $$ savings running amp 24/7/365 of Bryston 4B-SST² vs 4B³
« Reply #11 on: 15 Jun 2017, 06:14 pm »
My experience with most electronics is they sound not nearly as good as they can, for the first hour of use after being turned on. And it generally takes several more hours for them to sound their best.
This is the case with my amp, my preamps, and my CD players.
I do agree some folks notice this effect, and others do not.
I do, and so I prefer to leave the equipment on. (rather than spend hours being disappointed.)

I also agree if a person does not hear this difference, then there is no point in leaving the equipment on 24/7/365/

+1 on this.

My system doesn't sound bad on start but 90 or so minutes into the session, things go up a few notches.  When I go back to it the following night it sounds warmer and smoother. It's noticeable enough to skew my elpee choices. Raw R&R hits the table Friday. But in the end, it's all superb.

I turn on the gear Friday before dinner and turn off Sunday morning (between 1 and 3 depending how deep the grooves are). I usually unplug too. Then I don't worry about storms and fried amps.

Heat. Pair of 28's put it out. If I run the plasma monitor too it gets tropical in man cave.

Power: dedicated 20 amp line, pass and Seymour hospital grade receptacles in pretty orange.


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Re: $$ savings running amp 24/7/365 of Bryston 4B-SST² vs 4B³
« Reply #12 on: 15 Jun 2017, 06:34 pm »
+1 on IC differences. And power cord upgrades.

I was an unbeliever until last couple years. If your system has resolving power, you will hear it. And it isn't subtle.

My scotch and tunes buddy played a Redbook song. He put things on pause while he poured some 18 year old scotch. Not our usual but I lost a wager and paid off with a bottle.

He gave me the glass and then fooled around with his player. I was paying more attention to the scotch.

He returns to his chair and fired up the same song. But it's much more detailed and alive yet smoother. Is this a hi-res file I ask?  No. He swapped power cables on his Esoteric player. I was thunderstruck. Why would a power cable cause such a difference in the audio circuits?

But I heard it with my own ears.


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Re: $$ savings running amp 24/7/365 of Bryston 4B-SST² vs 4B³
« Reply #13 on: 15 Jun 2017, 10:13 pm »
Agree on all here.

Power upgrades = best tweaks for a system.


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Re: $$ savings running amp 24/7/365 of Bryston 4B-SST² vs 4B³
« Reply #14 on: 17 Jun 2017, 05:37 pm »
Agree on all here.

Power upgrades = best tweaks for a system.
Moving loudspeakers around: even better tweak, for free.