Anyone build the MAD Ear+ yet?

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Anyone build the MAD Ear+ yet?
« on: 10 Feb 2003, 02:41 am »
Howdy all!  I was wondering if I could get an idea from the folks here that might have built the Ear+ approximately how long it took to complete the project?  Have recently ordered a kit and am eagerly awaiting it's arrival.

Also, if anyone has suggestions for how to complete this project, would appreciate learning from your experience.



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Not Long
« Reply #1 on: 10 Feb 2003, 06:35 pm »
I am working with my daughter in building mine as well as waiting on some upgrade parts. It therefore is taking me a while to put it together.

Working solo with no delays, assuming you have soldering experience and are patient and careful, I would say somewhere around 10 to 12 hours of actual labor is involved.  The insructions are arranged to group the work in three sessions, but this is not a hard fast rule.  

Big picture is slow and steady wins the race. Don't be to concerned abourt the absolute time involved. Just work carefully.  That way, no matter how long it takes, when it is finally done, it is likely that no rework will be needed.

Good luck,


  • Newbie
  • Posts: 2
« Reply #2 on: 12 Mar 2003, 06:45 pm »
Finally finished the amp!  This was the first time I'd ever held a soldering iron, so I was not expecting things to go quickly or smoothly.  But, for the most part, they did.  Took a lot longer than 12 hours though (maybe 20-25 total??)... most of the time I had to work on this project was when I couldn't sleep in the middle of the night.... probably not the most efficient way of working...

Anyway, the instructions were very clear and straightforward.  The only problems that I ran into was when I didn't read carefully or made assumptions without fully reading.  All was clear once I actually read and understood things (only a few Homer Simpson moments).  Powered it on last weekend, and everything worked!  No noise at all until the volume was turned to ~ 7/8.

Even before the amp was burned in, brought it along to a local headphone meet.  Had a chance to listen to it with a variety of headphones (as well as others listening to it).  The sound is excellent, was able to drive low impedence cans without a problem (e.g., Sony CD3K, Grado RS325, Audio-Technica W1000, etc).

This is an excellent amp that sounds much better than the price might otherwise indicate.
