Power Amp Rating

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Power Amp Rating
« on: 2 May 2017, 06:16 pm »
This may already have been asked but it's hard to search on it. Anyhow, in reading numerous amp (or any component) reviews I'll often see the line "it performs far above its price point" or some such. Then on the flip side (although it doesn't usually show up in a review) there's the "this thing is way over-priced".

What I'd like to see is some kind of graph showing amps with the price on the 'X' axis and on the 'Y' axis something that equates to its quality or sound. This would also rank within a category of amp types. (Apples to apples). Ideally, all the points would fall on a line going up. But it's apparent that doesn't happen. Part of the reason for that can include variability in the taste of the one doing the listening. Nevertheless, one could assign a fair amount of confidence in assessing the gross outliers. Is it the case that doing this is possible, or am I dreaming?

Anyhow, does anyone care to chime in with some help in this regard?


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Re: Power Amp Rating
« Reply #1 on: 2 May 2017, 09:51 pm »
IMO 'too many variables'. to make a simple graph.
Though basic parts of info could be graphed.
The main #1 common idea is watts output per dollar.
But. One can buy big output watts/power really cheap. Though it may not sound great to most audiophiles...

Then tube amp vs solid state.. This is a HUGE variable.
Generally tube watts cost more than solid state watts..

So then quality of the sound enters. This is where it gets confusing.
One can worry about 'Class A", or also worry about 'total distortion'
One real worry is viable to 4 ohms. or 2ohms (or will it fail?) (depending on speakers)
Big and heavy.. (No one usually goes wrong with a big and heavy amplifier LOL) 40 lbs and up...
(however there are some folks who think digital power supply and a small amp is great. Not for me!)

An aside: best practice is to buy the right amp for the SPEAKERS. Or buy an amp good for a variety of speakers.. lots of power, good/easy at 8 or 4 ohms. One way is to look at a site about the sort of speakers you want, Then see what all THOSE folks own for an amp.
(What I did. Bryston was the #1 cat's meow for Magnepan. SO I auditioned Bryston!)

Never 'too much power'. This is true. Too much power does not hurt. Too little can hurt bad and damage the speakers and the amp.

So Speaker efficiency matters. The typical modern speaker of 86dB vs high efficiency speakers like 93dB. So one more reason why speaker comes first, THEN amplifier choice.

Enough off topic!

Other things that matter are the sort of power supply the amplifier has. Big/bigger/HUGE is usually better. That stuff costs money..
Then how hot does it get? Heat matters.
Some amps get so hot folks say they cannot use them in the Summer!
Also power consumption.. Some amps cost a LOT of money to run. Others can be left on 24.7 and hardly a dent in the electric bill
So electrical usage is another variable. Class A the most. Class D the least.

Price.. generally 'baby' audiophile amps come as cheap as $100 for a used Adcom GFA 535 II and the sky is the limit.
'real' audiophile amps are usually $2K  and up


Re: Power Amp Rating
« Reply #2 on: 3 May 2017, 12:02 am »
On further review, it seems there're too many categories and too few reviews to make this possible.

How about notoriously overpriced power amps at various price points?


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Re: Power Amp Rating
« Reply #3 on: 3 May 2017, 12:51 am »
How about notoriously overpriced power amps at various price points?

I know of one "notoriously overpriced power amps". just one. (Lamm ML3.. 32 watts output per side. At $139,490/pair, it is a bit stiff. LOL)
There are expensive power amps. And if you look at them, and what they do.. They are fairly priced.
If you find amps that costs $5000 for one 50 lb. box as 'overpriced' then I am the wrong person to listen to.

If I had the money I would buy a $20,000 pair of Bryston 28B-SST³