Martin Logan Speaker - CrossOver Capacitor Question

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Hello all, new to this forum and looking for some help on a new project. I’m looking to upgrade the crossover capacitors in my Martin Logan Re-Quest Speakers.  I figure the biggest bang for the buck would be to replace the 3 smaller capacitors that are directly in the signal path (5uF, 10uF and 15uF). The capacitors that I’m looking to use are Mundorf´s MCap SUPREME. Where I’m confused is that Mundorf doesn’t have matching capacitor for the 5uF cap. I can either go with a 4.7uF or a 5.6uF. The question is what one could/should I go with? Schematic below. Any help would be appreciated.


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Re: Martin Logan Speaker - CrossOver Capacitor Question
« Reply #1 on: 3 Jun 2016, 04:00 am »
4.7uF is ~6% from 5uF, so I would be OK with that.  You could even opt for L1 matching, and request a high value pair.  Which direction are you looking to take the sound?


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Re: Martin Logan Speaker - CrossOver Capacitor Question
« Reply #2 on: 3 Jun 2016, 04:03 am »
A 4.7uF cap is still within 6% of your required value of 5uF, so that should be OK.  But, if you're anal like me, and want the correct 5uF, Jeff sells an Audiocap, a Dynamicap and a Sonicap in the 5uF value too.  And since the 5uF is a parallel cap, you could use something other the Mundorf Supreme, and try one of these alternates. 

Good luck.


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Re: Martin Logan Speaker - CrossOver Capacitor Question
« Reply #3 on: 3 Jun 2016, 04:05 am »
I type too slow!  Jeff beat me to it..!    :lol: