WOW, Vandy 7 mk2/amps and Treo CT reviews

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WOW, Vandy 7 mk2/amps and Treo CT reviews
« on: 29 Apr 2016, 12:46 pm »
Did any of you read the recent reviews of the 7 mkII with their amps at as well as the Treo CT's in ?  What incredible reviews.  The common theme in each is that we are getting much more than we expect for the cost.  For the 7's to pull that off is amazing, but I can honestly say that I have recently (in the last two years), heard many of the $100k plus speakers and the 7's are better than any of them to my ear.  I don't say that lightly either.  They are the most cohesive, tonally correct speaker I've heard to date.  Most of the huge speakers I've auditioned (not at shows, but in showrooms set up properly or at other's homes) sound huge. All too often the bass is not tuned to the room and just sounds overpowering.  I don't get that type of sound at a concert unless it's a rock concert. 

The Treo CT review is also amazing and shows what the trickle down effect has on a line if they implement it correctly.  I have my regular Treo's up for sale as I want the Quatro's which I feel is the sweet spot in his line.

Anyone else read both reviews? I think both are free to read right now.


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Re: WOW, Vandy 7 mk2/amps and Treo CT reviews
« Reply #1 on: 29 Apr 2016, 01:08 pm »
I didn't think the Stereophile review was incredible or glowing in its comments.

In fact, I thought it was light and lacking in true commentary.

Compare the content to the review on the Wilson speakers in the same issue and you can see my point.



Re: WOW, Vandy 7 mk2/amps and Treo CT reviews
« Reply #2 on: 29 Apr 2016, 01:10 pm »
I never knew you could get so much value for your $62000 wow wow wow ..... value value value. they really try to bring the joy of music to regular everyday people. so everyone can enjoy. I never thought id see the day such quality would be less than 100,000 bucks. i cant point to any reason why. but i just never thought id see the day. congratulations to consumers who are the real winners here.


Re: WOW, Vandy 7 mk2/amps and Treo CT reviews
« Reply #3 on: 29 Apr 2016, 04:47 pm »
I didn't think the Stereophile review was incredible or glowing in its comments.

In fact, I thought it was light and lacking in true commentary.

Compare the content to the review on the Wilson speakers in the same issue and you can see my point.


I agree.  The Stereophile review was garbage.  When the equipment gets that expensive I don't see the point of talking about value.  People who can afford that aren't buying it for value.

Having said that, the Model 7s are wonderful sounding.


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Re: WOW, Vandy 7 mk2/amps and Treo CT reviews
« Reply #4 on: 29 Apr 2016, 11:16 pm »
Guys, I have to disagree.  Read my question to Gordon and his response.  Guys, I have a lot of friends who do own the 7's and mk 2's and each one purchased them for their value.  Just because you can't afford this gear, doesn't mean that the folks who can aren't looking for value.  If you have a speaker and amp that costs 125k and it blows away a speaker/amp that goes for 200k or more, then it is a great value.  It's what Richard built his company on.  Dadbeh, your sarcasm amazes me.  I can't afford the 7's either, but I'd never make fun of the cost or have a problem calling them a value.  Do you own a pair of Vandy's?  If so, then you personally get the trickle down that makes your speaker sound special and allows it to be a strong value.  Audio attracts folks from 10-100 and from every social economic background.  I'm thankful for my friends and others who can afford to spend the money they do as it subsidizes MY hobby and passion. 

I think when you read this review and then see his response to my question, that it becomes a good review.  It's about as positive a review, but it's not written well.  He's never been my favorite writer, but to me it's a strong review since he highly recommends the system and considers it a value even though he too can't afford it.


Re: WOW, Vandy 7 mk2/amps and Treo CT reviews
« Reply #5 on: 30 Apr 2016, 01:39 am »
The reviewer said "But with the combination of the Model Seven Mk.IIs and M7-HPAs—which, at $114,000/system, cost 95 times the late-'80s cost of a pair of 2Ci's—the concept of "value" is much harder to quantify. All I can say is that I greatly enjoyed my three months with Vandersteen's flagship system. The combination of true full-range sound, superb transparency and soundstaging, and a magically palpable way with recorded voices, is hard to beat unless you spend a lot more money. Which sort of puts the system in the same category as the Model 2. Sort of."

Sorry, but that is not a positive statement.  He is basically saying that you can't call a $114k system "value," and I agree with him.

Also, you have to read this review relative to others.  Most reviews are positive.  This one was not overly positive which says it all.  Saying that he "greatly enjoyed" his time with the 7s is his way of politely saying "it didn't blow me away."


Re: WOW, Vandy 7 mk2/amps and Treo CT reviews
« Reply #6 on: 30 Apr 2016, 04:09 am »
In 1987 $114k would be approximately $55k. 1966 it would have been $15.6k.

Too much money for me? Yes. Do think it's not a good value? No. For reference I can't make something at cost that's very cheap, so if it's commercial it's no surprise that it's very expensive. Depending on whom you ask, let's say there's $5k worth of parts, that could be $50k sale price (recall there's labor, employees, etc). Different places have different markup models for their businesses.

Don't look at those selling expensive stuff as villains. Look at the people magically selling awesome for nothing.


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Re: WOW, Vandy 7 mk2/amps and Treo CT reviews
« Reply #7 on: 2 May 2016, 01:06 pm »
There is a market for these items.  Honestly, it's probably why Richard decided to move in that direction years ago.  It's the only way for a company that is small to be able to grow.  As for his actual review compared to others, I'd tend to agree, however if you go and look at the questions and answers section he clarifies.  I wish he had just put his true thoughts and feelings into the write up itself.  That said, I only use reviews to check out components like most of you. 

Did anyone read the Treo review?  It even made the cover.