Ack Dack v. ShengYa CDP

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Ack Dack v. ShengYa CDP
« on: 29 Oct 2004, 06:09 pm »
Previously, I compared the ShengYa CDP (see with using my Pioneer Elite DVD player as transport into my Proceed AVP and the comparison was extremely close, close enough to determine that there was no clear winner.  I received an Ack Dack and did a comparison between the ShengYa CDP with using my PE DVD player as transport to the Ack Dack.  I used Linn interconnects for the ShengYa but used some silver interconnects for the Ack Dack.  I'm using this digital IC:

Methods:  I burnt two CDs of the same songs, using the slowest burning speed and the highest quality possible.  I switched back and forth between the two sources, adjusting levels via my RS meter (the Ack Dack was about 4db softer than the ShengYa).

Results:  The Ack Dack produces crisper sounds (the cymbals are crisper) and the separation (in terms of determining one instrument from another, not necessarily space-type separation) of instruments is better.  The bass seems just as deep (and is tighter).  A detriment to the Ack Dack is that it can be a bit "bright," but this might mellow out -- I only have about 8 hours on it -- and I can take some of this out through adjustments on my VMPS speakers.  It can also seem a bit "analytical" (meaning that the cymbals are perhaps too crisp and unnatural).  This may also change.

Conclusion:  Overall, I prefer the Ack Dack to the ShengYa, but the Ack Dack is also more money for just the D/A while the ShengYa is a complete CDP.  Further, my girlfriend was with me for one test, and she preferred the ShengYa over the Ack Dack, saying that the ShengYa sounded more natural.  Additionally, had I not ordered a demo Ack Dack months ago, I think I'd put money into room treatments.  My dealer brought over some 8th Nerve stuff and it made more of an improvement in sound (seemingly, based on my memory) than did going from the ShengYa to the Ack Dack.


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have you tried tube rolling with the shengya.
« Reply #1 on: 29 Oct 2004, 08:38 pm »
I evaluated both these players (currently have the Shengya).  I replaced the stock tube with a cryoed EH tube and it made a big difference in sound - more airy, bigger stage, more natural, better imaging, and cleaner highs.  The stock tube is more forward, bass is slightly punchier, and can sound hard as far as tube goes.  I liked the Ack Dack! but didn't get to evaluate them directly.  Ack is smooth, but the imaging and staging is not as good as the Shengya if my memory serves me correctly.  But you should let the Ack break in at least 40 hours before really evaluating it.  One thing I liked about the Ack was it made piano sound like a real piano which I think tubed CDP have hard time reproducing.

Jon L

« Reply #2 on: 29 Oct 2004, 09:19 pm »
Did I see that CDP for sale price of $350?!  Wow...

Anyways, you said, "I used Linn interconnects for the ShengYa but used some silver interconnects for the Ack Dack"

For a valid A-B comparison, you can't do that IMHO.  IME, sonic differences between interconnects (especially Linn vs. "silver") can be greater than differences bet. CDP's.  Either use same interconnects on both setups, or you will have to plug-unplug.  Since ShengYa has coax digital out, I would compare ShengYa vs. ShengYa(transport)+Ack with same interconnect.

Looking at ShengYa's specs, there's some fantastic opportunity for simple op-amp and tube-rolling for Huge differences in sound.  ShengYa uses OPA2134 and OPA 2604, which are good.  But rolling in some LT1364 and/or AD827 may be worth a try.

Also, 6922 tubes HAVE to go with NOS.  Amperex 7308, Siemens CCA, Mullard, etc.  Big difference.

Last point.  ShengYa has remote volume control!  It May very well worth a try, bypassing your preamp.  You might prefer it this way...


Ack Dack v. ShengYa CDP
« Reply #3 on: 29 Oct 2004, 09:23 pm »
tube and a better power cord do wonders for the shengya-
i found a telefunkin e88cc :mrgreen:
also tried a amperex tube :D

Mad DOg

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Re: Rolling
« Reply #4 on: 29 Oct 2004, 10:06 pm »
Quote from: Jon L
"Anyways, you said, "I used Linn interconnects for the ShengYa but used some silver interconnects for the Ack Dack"

For a valid A-B comparison, you can't do that IMHO.  IME, sonic differences between interconnects (especially Linn vs. "silver") can be greater than differences bet. CDP's.  Either use same interconnects on both setups, or you will have to plug-unplug...

yes, i have to agree with Jon L on this point...


Ack Dack v. ShengYa CDP
« Reply #5 on: 30 Oct 2004, 12:29 am »
I have a couple of questions.
1. Did you compare the pioneer to the Shengya in the same manner as this comparison?
2. Is the tube part of the Shengya player part of the Dac (as opposed to being part of the transport)?  I assume this is so as it wouldn't make much sense for it to be part of the transport?
3. Have you tried the Shengya as a transport? How did this sound?
4. I wonder how a cheap cd/dvd player used as a transport with the Ack Dac would compare.  I'd like to compare the Ack Dac with my Sony 400 disk player to my Xindac tubed player. The Xindac sounds better than any other CD player I've heard but its quite tempermental and buggy.
5.  Have you used the Dacs in your dvd player for comparison to the receiver/Shengya/Ack dac?

Joe M.


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Ack Dack v. ShengYa CDP
« Reply #6 on: 4 Nov 2004, 04:33 pm »
Thanks for all the comments.  I have two sets of Linn interconnects but only one set of silver interconnects.  As for wire differences, I've personally never heard a difference caused by interconnects, but I've also never been in a situation where I could test interconnects the "right way" (i.e., using two of the exact same source).  However, I can redo the test (since I bought the Ack Dack, or will very soon) with using Linn interconnects on both the Ack Dack and ShengYa.  I'll give some time for the Ack Dack to burn in first.  

I've also wondered about the tube but haven't had a chance to buy a new one (my money is tight, and I wouldn't buy the Ack Dack but for the fact that I put in my order for a test Ack Dack months ago and I know I can sell it for about what I bought it) or have any cryoed.  As for going from the ShengYa directly to my amp, that's a great idea, but it's very hard for me to do (see my gallery -- my main amp is the one on the bottom of that gear, and I have to physically remove all the gear above it to get to the amp to change interconnects).  

As for Joe's questions:

1.  I did the same exact test between the ShengYa and my Proceed AVP.  However, I burnt CDs a bit differently (I previously used the fastest setting instead of the slowest).  

2. I believe the tube is part of the output stage, so part of the DAC in the Shengya.  

3. I'd love to try the Shengya as a transport, but see the problems I have with this above. I may try this, but it takes me several hours (yes, several hours) to take apart my system and put it back together.  I have to take everything from the DVD player on down out of the rack and then put it back into the rack just to change interconnects to the amps.  

4.  I can bring the Ack Dack over sometime.  For the next few weeks, I'm helping my friend prepare for a move to Minnesota.  However, any time after that, I can come over (and leave the Ack Dack with you).

5.  I have previously done two tests between the Dac in my Pioneer Elite and the Dac in my Proceed AVP (using the Pioneer Elite as transport to the AVP).  I liked the AVP better.  Then, I tested the AVP versus the ShengYa, and found the differences between the two to be minor -- sometimes I thought one sounded better for a particular song and sometimes I thought the other one sounded better for a different song.  I listened for a few hours, going back and forth.

I can easily use Linn interconnects on both the ShengYa and the Ack Dack, so that'll be my next thing.  Also, perhaps I could use the ShengYa as a transport to the Ack Dack and compare this, too.


Ack Dack v. ShengYa CDP
« Reply #7 on: 5 Nov 2004, 04:30 am »

Thanks for the response.  I sent you an email.  I'm wondering if I can use my Sony 400 CD player as a transport with the Ack Dack rather than my tubed single CD player.  I love the convenience and functionality of the multiplayer.  It just doesn't compare to the Xindac for sound.

Joe M.