What a great show! I’ve done many pro music trade shows and this was my first home audio show, what a pleasure, everyone was so relaxed and pleasant and helpful. I never got a sense of ‘competition’ the exhibitors all worked together to make this a fun show for everyone. I know that without the help and efforts of several people whom I’d never met before my room just wouldn’t have been successful. Big thanks to the folks from SP tech and Audio Points for their generous help, and Joe Jurzec of Jamin audio, what can I say, you da man! Great ears, hard work, and he even gave me his Pink Floyd cd (we scared the hotel with that one!).
Thanks to the people who kept coming back to the room time and again and really listened. It sure made me feel good when I heard people say they felt like they were hearing a live performance, yeah! Next year I hope to do more live music with other players, especially after hours.
best to all,