amplifier sound

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amplifier sound
« on: 15 Jan 2016, 05:24 pm »
anyone compare the sound of classe amps vs. ayre amps ? what are your thoughts?

Mr Peabody

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Re: amplifier sound
« Reply #1 on: 20 Jan 2016, 04:33 pm »
I've not heard Ayre but I find the more recent Classe amps have what I'd describe as a distinct dry sound.  It's like the sound is being played in a room with all padded surfaces.  I didn't care for the presentation.  This was in the Omega line.  I've heard older Classe integrated amps where I didn't notice this character. 


Re: amplifier sound
« Reply #2 on: 21 Jan 2016, 02:04 pm »
I've not heard Ayre but I find the more recent Classe amps have what I'd describe as a distinct dry sound.  It's like the sound is being played in a room with all padded surfaces.  I didn't care for the presentation.  This was in the Omega line.  I've heard older Classe integrated amps where I didn't notice this character.

It is because of all the nickel plated copper used internaly.  All the feeds off the power supply are nickel plated and probably all the internal wiring in the amp is nickel over copper. The IEC will be nickel, the fuse holder and fuse, all the pins on xlr will be and cable feeding the signal.  It is cheaper and they need to get make as much off a 10k amp as possible... lol.  The RCA jacks might be gold  but likely brass.  They do it because the transformer core will have nickel and they use the same through out. But it sounds like shit