Anyone interested?

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Mr Peabody

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Anyone interested?
« on: 2 Sep 2015, 04:45 am »
I have on loan a set of Merrill Audio Veritas monoblocks if anyone would like to try them in their system.  I may have them another week or two.

I heard these at show and I put them in a friends system, both times they were very good, a quick detailed amp leaning truly neutral.  I'd offer a listen in my system but I am not getting the same synergy I know the amps can do.

It should be noted the amps are truly differential balanced and only accept XLR.

These are the flagship so don't let price scare you he also has monoblocks, Thor, at $4800.00 a pair and the stereo Taranis at $2500.00.  Merrill Audio has generous auditions if interested in his gear.

Don't think this is a sales pitch, I'm not associated, I was given the opportunity to play them and have permission to show them to others.  So feel free to contact me if wanting to listen.

Here's were to see the amps and get more info: 
I hope the link is alright.

Mr Peabody

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  • Posts: 618
Re: Anyone interested?
« Reply #1 on: 7 Sep 2015, 01:26 pm »
Just an update, the amps are sounding fantastic in my system.  They have to be plugged in and in ready mode for about 24 hours to begin to sound as they should.  So really an audition in my system would be best to do them justice.  The first Class D that I've heard don't sound Class D, actually outstanding sound regardless of the technology used.

Really they don't have a power switch, just a button they puts them in standby by muting the input stage.

My time with them will probably be up toward end of this week.