Could it be my power?

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Could it be my power?
« on: 4 May 2015, 12:57 am »
   I'm trying to trouble shoot a new problem that has surfaced in my system.  About 3 months ago I took out a passive volume control and added a NuForce MCP-18 pre amp and last week I just added an Auralic Aries.  I didn't notice an improvement with the NuForce, but I thought I detected a slight hard edge that wasn't there with the passive volume control.  The Aries made a substantial improvement in detail, focus, timing and in many ways overall involvement.  Unfortunately I think with the addition of these components, I've uncovered some weaknesses in my system.  Perhaps it's digital glare, I'm not sure what to call it.  It does not show up as much in VERY well recorded material, but in your run of the mill recorded pop, etc, there is an edge and harshness that is becoming unbearable.  It's in the upper registers, I'm noticing it a lot in male voices, particularly voices that can get a little nasally, like Michael Ruff or David Crosby.  I'm noticing it in big symphonic string sections when it gets full and high, even in the well recorded material. 
   This is not an entirely new problem in my system, but as I've improved the components, the problem decreased dramatically.  Now it's back with a vengeance!  I have this image in my mind of the signal the Aries is delivering as a laser beam of sound.  On the finale of Stravinsky's Firebird Suite, that huge low end is tighter and more controlled than I've ever heard it, it's incredible. But that very quality may be adding to my problem with the these peaks in the high end. 
   Here's my system:

     Auralic Aries > Audio-gd Reference 7.1 DAC > Nuforce MCP-18 pre amp > Marchand XM9 active crossover > BEL 1001 MkII and MkIV amps > Avlar Prodigy speakers.

   My interconnects are Sonny's Sweet Spots and PCOCC speaker cable as per a recipe I got from Sonny.  I should mention my speakers are prototypes that never got produced, but they are pretty amazing, based on a Heil type AMT that crosses over at 500Hz (yes) to a SEAS 8" woofer in a smallish tower.  I have pix in my gallery if you're interested.   

   So this afternoon I started thinking that these last two components seem to be making things harsher.  So the first thing I tried was to take the NuForce out and put back the passive volume control.  I was surprised to discover that the harshness was still there and the only change was that there seemed to be a slight veil added, things were less precise, slightly muddy, and certain distortions in a particular recordings sound more distorted.  Needless to say I put back the Nuforce.
   I've got an old PS Audio UPC-200 power conditioner.  Before today I had the amps plugged into one side of the conditioner and the DAC and Aries on the other side.  Today I took the amps out, plugged them directly into the wall (which was recommended by the guy who services them anyway...) and I didn't notice much of a difference.  But then I added the crossover to the conditioner and the harshness/glare lessened slightly.
   So that brings me to several thoughts:
     1 - The NuForce and Aries are providing a better signal to the rest of my system, showing up a problem that wasn't noticeable before.
     2 - That problem could simply be I've hit a fault in the speaker design, I've heard that folded ribbon AMT's are very hard to keep linear and the crossover is just a simple 4th order curve, though the speaker designer insists that his AMT or the crossover point is not the problem.
     3 - The active crossover is the weak link, and I should upgrade to the tube version XM26 which is supposed to be much better.
     4 - The amps?  I don't think so, from what I've read and heard, these don't do this.
     5 - Room treatment.  Well, I can't afford a separate listening room, so it's my living room and I do have hardwood floors.  But the room is pretty populated with furniture and curtains, etc.  I guess an area rug could help.
     6 - Power conditioner.  Since I noticed a slight improvement when plugging the crossover into the power conditioner I'm thinking maybe power is my problem and a better conditioner would make a bigger improvement and hopefully solve this peaky glare issue.  I don't know why this one seems the likeliest to me, but that's why I'm posting this here.  I understand very little about this area of the hobby. 

   Anyway, I'm sorry that this is so long.  I'm posting this here because that's my best guess and maybe if anyone has had the patience to read through this and has an idea I can determine my next step.  THANKS!!!

Big Red Machine

Re: Could it be my power?
« Reply #1 on: 4 May 2015, 01:46 am »
It's not your power imo.

Can you take the crossover out of the loop to eliminate it as a cause?

What you are describing to me is one or more pieces of the chain are not up to par and exposing themselves due to a very revealing dac.  Trying to cover that up through power conditioning will probably be futile.

Also, can you borrow another amplifier? Those Bel's shouldn't do that but perhaps there are some components failing inside?


Re: Could it be my power?
« Reply #2 on: 4 May 2015, 06:16 pm »
Everything contributes. But you should be able to achieve at least pleasant sound without a conditioner. However nothing makes a system more listenable than a good conditioner if you ask me. (And many others)


Re: Could it be my power?
« Reply #3 on: 4 May 2015, 09:57 pm »
To take out the active crossovers I'd have to put back the passive crossovers... could be done... a bit of a drag.  It's good to hear that it's probably not the power.  I'm going to play a little with the low end/high end levels and there's a pot that affects the actual crossover curve.  I'll have to look for another, better active crossover to borrow and put in there.  Thanks for the advice guys.


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Re: Could it be my power?
« Reply #4 on: 4 May 2015, 10:16 pm »
What you have described does indeed sound like a power issue. Rather than an active power conditioner, I suggest you explore the passive devices (Triton & Typhon) from Shunyata. Besides what comes from your utility company, a lot of noise is generated within the house and within your own gear, which then goes back through the PCs into your other gear with a very detrimental effect. Shunyata's approach deals with this very effectively, and has made a dramatic difference in my system even though I am blessed with very clean incoming power..

 Read what others have said on this topic here:

Particularly this thread:


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Re: Could it be my power?
« Reply #5 on: 5 May 2015, 10:15 am »
As far as crossover options, with the multichannel pre you have, you could do the crossover digitally. You would have to use the 7.1 input of the NuForce. I would make sure the inputs other than the L/R are transparent enough for you first ( the front left and right channels are said to use better circuitry).  I use a MiniDSP NanoDIGI setup to DACs, to a MCP-18, speakers are KEF LS50s with four subs, so the sub channels aren't as critical.

Also reading the review on the 6 Moons site regarding your server, seems it doesn't play nice with all DACs, for whatever reason (clipping?). Maybe that's an issue.


Re: Could it be my power?
« Reply #6 on: 6 May 2015, 09:30 pm »
Yes, I use the the front L/R channels from the Nuforce.  I've thought about doing a digital crossover, but I'm really like my DAC and also - oh boy - I just found a used Marchand XM-26 tubed active crossover with an outboard power supply!  This thing is supposed to beat the pants off the XM-9 and may do what I need.  This is probably going off course for this particular circle, but I'll report back once I've got it settled into the system...


Re: Could it be my power?
« Reply #7 on: 6 May 2015, 09:54 pm »
One thing about power is the the quality can very throughout the day. Try a late night or very early morning listening session, with as many noise sources turned off as possible, Lights, computers, WiFi, cellphones, etc. Just to get another data point...John     


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Re: Could it be my power?
« Reply #8 on: 7 May 2015, 12:31 am »
It could be lots of things including power, I agree with 2wo and if it gets better late at night with most things turned off in the house than a good power conditioner can definitely eliminate your issue. Other things that cause glare are poor quality connectors like brass RCA plugs, RCA jacks, and binding posts as well as lower purity silver wire, although these are usually more subtle than what you are describing. If it was an issue with your room I don't think things would have changed as you described them, the issue would be there regardless of equipment changes. Some components and cables can smooth out the sound and make it warmer while eliminating fine detail... if this kind of component is replaced with a more neutral component than you may uncover some of the issues you are describing while noticing the kind of improvements you described. It is definitely possible to have a very detailed system that does not have glare and cause listening fatigue but it's not always easy... the results will be worth the effort though so keep at it and good luck!  :)


Re: Could it be my power?
« Reply #9 on: 8 May 2015, 01:48 pm »
Have you tried moving the speakers or listening chair, or changing the toe-in, to see if you can improve things. You may not need to move them much.


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Re: Could it be my power?
« Reply #10 on: 8 May 2015, 02:01 pm »
Sounds like you are getting a fair amount of compression, due to either too many gain stages, or a poor gain stage(s) in the mix. I would point my finger first at your active crossover. If there is a way you can eliminate this to see, I would try this first.

One and a half

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Re: Could it be my power?
« Reply #11 on: 16 Aug 2015, 08:03 am »
How is the signal transmitted from the Aries to the DAC? AES3 is about the best for noise reduction.