B135SST high frequency performance with Triangle Celius

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  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 66
I'm in the midst of evaluating (long term) a Bryston B135 SST2 integrated in my system to replace tubed separates. One of my first truly hifi experiences was with a B60 many years ago, and that impression hasn't left me, so when I had the chance to pick up the B135, I jumped on it. I currently own Triangle Celius 202 floor standers.

I'm finding that the top end seems a little .. subdued, I suppose, with the B135. The best example is the cymbals on jazz recordings, where the shimmer and decay seems muted compared to the same speakers with the tube amplification. Levels were matched at the seating position using pink noise and a spl meter, so I think any differences due to volume have been minimized. Other components were unchanged (cd as source, cables, etc).

I am surprised since none of the reviews I've read have noted it, nor do the measurements I've seen from the Australian HiFi review show anything other than ruler flat performance for the Bryston (as opposed to the tube amps, which can show some +/- 1.5 dBs along the frequency response, though not at the top end). I'm wondering if it's specific to this speaker/Bryston combination, and I don't have another pair of speakers lying around. Again, no mention in any of the reviews of bad speaker/amplifier combinations.

Of course there are trade-offs with different amplification choices, I'm just wondering if this is one I need to live with if I stick with the Bryston and the current speakers. There's plenty to gain with the Bryston, of course, and this is just one factor. Thanks for any comments!


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 66
Re: B135SST high frequency performance with Triangle Celius
« Reply #1 on: 5 Feb 2015, 03:35 pm »
Thanks to all who viewed the post. With no replies, I'm figuring either I'm imagining it (imagine that in an audio component evaluation!) or it's some peculiar with my particular pair of speakers. I'll fiddle a little more and see if I can come up with anything. I wonder if it has to do with the impedance of the different drivers in the speaker?


Re: B135SST high frequency performance with Triangle Celius
« Reply #2 on: 5 Feb 2015, 05:20 pm »
Are the highs subdued with the B135 or are you getting more midrange? Consider this possibility, perhaps your tube amplification is lean on the frequencies leading up to the highs and it is this that makes the highs standout more.
I would think that the Bryston is very linear in it's frequency response, more so than a tube amp.


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 66
Re: B135SST high frequency performance with Triangle Celius
« Reply #3 on: 5 Feb 2015, 09:08 pm »
That's a good point. I'll pay some attention to that next time I have a chance. When you think tubes you think mid-range emphasis, but it's a reasonable thing for which to listen.


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 66
Re: B135SST high frequency performance with Triangle Celius
« Reply #4 on: 3 Mar 2015, 05:27 pm »
So I'll follow up with my question. The tube preamp is out to have a balance control replaced, and I've taken the opportunity to reorganize and rearrange the kit. I've moved the speakers to the long wall in the room, moved the audio rack, and slightly repositioned furniture. The high end appears to be more "there" now through the B135. Whether this will translate into a too-tipped-up high end when the tubes are back in place, I don't know.

I'm going to spring for one of the recommended frequency analyzer apps, all of $10 or $20, and see if anything shows up.